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Is there anything good about america or should you just move to europe and asia as soon as you have money? is it time to see an immigration lawyer?
on second thought canada is basically america lite but the cities are much better
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>move to asia
no thanks lol
>Is there anything good about america
Yes. Convenience culture is one of the things I miss about America—lots of Asia is actually at least as good, but in far more of Europe than you likely expect, it’s almost impossible to run errands at night or on Sundays. And the range and prices of many consumer products are better. And, at least for now, space, opportunities, and salaries are often better in the US than in Europe. Some of the positives are offset by higher prices for some important things, of which healthcare and education are among the most glaring, but some stuff is undeniably at least somewhat better than Asian or European equivalents. Oh, also, Mexican food. Mexican food literally everywhere in both Europe and Asia is comically, sometimes inedibly bad.
>or should you just move to europe and asia as soon as you have money?
I’ve lived for close to half my adult life in both Europe and Asia (started in Asia, returned to the US, moved to Europe), and I recommend living abroad to anyone who can. It’s healthy and interesting. But expecting not to miss anything about the States is naïve bordering on delusional. There are positive and negative aspects to life anywhere you go, and whether the benefits outweigh the hassles varies over time, and by country and circumstances. In my case, it had little to do with money and everything to do with opportunities; while it’s undeniably easier to live anywhere when you’re not poor, it’s not realistic to just buy your way in to a new country.

>is it time to see an immigration lawyer?
I don’t know why anyone would bother with that, certainly not as a starting point—lawyers who specialize in helping Yanks export themselves or buy passports are all expensive con men, and local immigration lawyers abroad are seldom necessary for anyone another country might actually want.
as someone who moved to thailand asia is for faggots and most people are faggots its flooded and will keep getting flooded with more faggotry. just move to latam like i should of did. just stay out of the bad areas is not hard idiot. just make sure you have enough for $5000 a month off interest or smth.
>$5000 a month in Latam
The nice parts of Latin America that attract foreigners are just as gay, and over there you pay more for less. (One exception: Fruit juice in Colombia mogs the ice & syrup blends that pass for juice in Thailand.)
well how do you get out even if you wanted to? you just simply go? i thought immigration lawyers were the method
plus the european city design i assumed was more convenient
Find someone who looks like you and assume their identity obviously
Fuck off John
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Here the only relevant countries one should move to.

High salary, low taxes, kind and open people, legal weed, cheap gasoline, good economy, endless opportunities, great fast food, best nature, high crime.

Ok salary, high taxes, free health insurance, 30+ paid day offs, job security, nice people, legal weed, very safe, best beer, meh infrastructure, Nürburgring, castles and ruins, great healthy food, can drink tap water, free education, economy going downhill.

>Meh salary, ok taxes, free health insurance, very few day offs, lots of working hours, polite people but not so friendly, go to prison for weed, great beer, best food on earth, perfect infrastructure, incredible safe and clean, earthquakes and tsunamis, close to north korea and china, great service culture.
with $5000 a month you live like a king anywhere on the map if you're in the global south. yeah you can do less than thst but then youd be a stinky backpacker.
I'm making 3.5k online and living in South America. no wife or kids. maybe if I were living in Rio, but anywhere else, I'm pretty set. In Colombia, I can save half of that a month without even trying. what more do you need?
well you said it no wife and kids. youd want to send your kids yo orivaye school, have private health insurance a nanny etc...
Tight American Pussy
indeed i quite like germany but all of east europe looks pretty comfy, even greece or armenia
>well how do you get out even if you wanted to? you just simply go?
I went with job offers. “Just simply go” is occasionally possible, but not very practical—to move to anywhere in Western Europe, you can’t stay more than ~90 days, and you can’t officially come in for the purpose of seeking work, unless you’re an EU passport holder. Parts of Eastern Europe let you stay longer and are less anal about jobseekers, but if you plan to stay long-term you pretty much have to come with a good reason already lined up.

>i thought immigration lawyers were the method
Immigration lawyers are good for helping sort certain categories of visa problems, but these are managed with/by employers in normal long-term expatriate situations. People who are good candidates to stay forever don’t need them. Lawyers can also help sort out things like “golden visa” or investment by residence program paperwork if you’ve got a LOT of money and working isn’t in the plan, but they’re not required. Oh, and I know one American who used a lawyer to get him through acquiring Italian citizenship by descent, but his case was unusually complicated. Most people with time and tolerance for bureaucracy can do even that on their own.

>plus the european city design i assumed was more convenient
Urban planning, transit, and cheap and easy regional/intra-European travel are aspects of life in Europe that are unquestionably superior to life in the States—I haven’t needed or wanted to own a car in more than five years and I do not fucking miss it for a second (although I do rent cars short-term occasionally for errands involving cargo or the rare trips I can’t take by train or cheap airline). Also way better in Europe are some quality of life and work-life balance things, like respect for taking time off—everyone I know is away for a month or more every year, and nobody eats lunch at his desk.
yea might have to just go illegally. i heard a nice loophole for poor people is buying real estate but that seems very hard to do for some reason. not sure where to even go for that. oh well

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