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Which one of these cities is the best for living?
Requirements: Least niggers, large-assed white women, cheap housing, things to do
Milwaukee WI
Pittsburgh PA
Grand Rapids MI
Minneapolis MN
Cincinnati OH
Indianapolis IN
can't decide which one to buy a cheap home and impregnate a white woman in. I am on an adventure to find the best place to live in america.
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well anonies which one would you choose? worst case scenario, move to panama, west virginia, or mississippi
Minneapolis has the best women, just stay in the suburbs to avoid the crime etc. All the other cities are notorious for fatties.
why would you live in one of these dumps? pick a small city of 30,000 or so with a thriving walkable downtown and very few browns in evidence. They exist.
I am curious to know too. I actually want to visit an American city with white Europeans and enjoy actual Americana.
Cincinnati and Indianapolis are crime-ridden shitholes that are filled with dusky undesirables.

Personally, I'd want to be near the beach. I'd look for something near Charleston SC. Bluffton SC has apartments for $1100/month near Hilton Head Island in a safe, mostly white area. They have decent weather and tons of shit to do. Those are some of the best beaches in the US. You'd be close to 2 large cities, but far enough away to avoid city problems. One thing that keeps the young people away is the low minimum wage of $7.25 an hour. All the 20 year old's go to Florida so they can make $13. It keeps SC nicer and more upscale near the beaches. There are endless girls in the spring and summer that visit.

I'd maybe look at Destin Florida if you're looking for a service industry job. There are a ton of restaurants and bars where you can make decent money. Rents a little higher, starting around $1300/month. The weather is really good if you're a beach person. The crime looks high, but they base the crime rate on the permanent population. It's actually insanely low if you base it on the number of people who are actually visiting. The girls are 10/10. It's also 80 percent white. The beaches are insanely nice, arguably some of the best in the US.
>pick a small city of 30,000
how far away from a medium sized city are you for when you need to see a white collar professional about something
>pick a small city of 30,000 or so with a thriving walkable downtown and very few browns in evidence. They exist.
lol. lmao even
>face of a 50 year old mom
>body of an 18 year old whore
well not living actually inside, the surrounding suburbs are where i would live. it's a good deal because you are close to a large important city while also having rural living with no niggers
yes but the beach is too expensive i need cheap living. plus lots of niggers there even more than cincinnati
You have no idea what you're talking about. Cincinnati is 40 percent black. Destin is 3 percent black.

Find a girlfriend and split the rent.
yea i do know what i'm talking about since i am originally fucking from there
charleston is far blacker than anywhere in the north so is florida. all of the south is obviously far blacker percentage wise. plus i have done countless hours of research which is why i say those 6 cities, housing is cheapest in those cities while still being close to population centers and historic cities even if there are some niggers in there. you can buy for 250,000 or less sometimes, and still live in a white area in the rural suburbs while being close to large cities at the same time instead of moving to bumfuck west virginia or south dakota, it is a good deal but all of those cities are so similar i cannot choose which is best so i come to 4chungus
charleston is also one of the most dangerous cities in the country btw nigger. just cause downtown is black, the surrounding area of ohio and kentucky is not black at all and is well off and safe. cincinnati is a beautiful historic city keep its name out yo mouf
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If you have a source that shows the population of Destin is more than 3 percent black, I'd love to see it. I've been there a dozen times. It's rare to see any black people.


You know how people end up in situations like OP? They play too many video games, smoke too much weed, drink too much and they didn't study in school. Don't be like OP.
ohhh i get it they included spics in the white population oh okay
florida is still only 50% white as a whole and you didn't mention charleston which was mainly what i was talking about because it's niggerville usa. destin fl is one quarter spics which is basically niggers to me. fugouttahe
i will make it more clear i am moving to the north/west because there's no niggers OR spics

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