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Of the arab countries that are currently possible to visit as a tourist, which one of them isn’t severely inhospitable, dangerous and a complete dump.

Say, if you’re a single white male. Because if you’re a female the obvious answer would be: none of them.
All the rich ones, Morocco
Oman is very friendly, basically the apex of arab states however there is basically 0 backpacker or travelling infrastructure. This is made up for the fact you can camp everywhere just about.
Amazing country
I had a great time in Morocco and Mauritania earlier this year. I took a ferry from Spain and drove. I've heard that the touristy areas can have a lot of annoying touts, but I didn't run into that problem on my route (picrel-- I stopped in more places, just dropped enough pins to give a general idea). Morocco has some stunning and varied scenery, and, once you get into the "Southern Province", you really feel you're in the desert. I found people to be really friendly (for the most part) and things to be reasonably priced. It's the first African country I've been in that I would bring my young kids to or recommend to people who travel for fun. Mauritania feels more sketchy with a bit of a Mad Max kind of vibe, but it can be a fun and relatively safe adventure.
Short answer, no.
But you can find nice pockets like Petra in Jordan, or cute places in Morocco where kids will try to pickpocket you.
>Iraq is crossed out
>Somalia is not
And to be clear by "doesn't suck" you mean which ones have decent infrastructure for pecker play, of course
Sudan, Somalia, and maybe Mauritania are the only bad ones.
Just go to Ibiza, faggot
I've been to a handful.
the best Arab country, maybe the best country in general. Incredibly friendly people if you get out of the major cities. If you go camping don't bother bringing a tent because you're gonna get couch invites in every village. There are even some cities like Rabat or Tiznit where there's no hassle and few tourists. Has the best public transport in Africa. Pre-covid it was probably among the top 10 cheapest countries to travel, it's a little more expensive now.

The hassle in tourist areas is about on par with Morocco, but still worth it. I found the colonial remnants just as cool as the ancient stuff. Best experience was exploring the suburbs and villages in the delta, there's some really pretty areas. Cheap-ish.

As safe as safe gets, I've wandered down so many dark alleys there and all I got was invitations to tea and snacks. The mentality of the people is so similar to Americans, very relatable, except they're chill as fuck. Imagine driving through a pristine desert where the ground is littered with prehistoric arrowheads, leaving your cinderblock hotel to find out where the music is coming from, and finding an obese hijabi sitting in the street playing an electric guitar and singing. That's a pretty typical experience there. I went back twice, once for a wedding and once just for the pleasure of it.

>Gulf states
are all superficial and shitty, except for Oman where the people are superficial but the country is not shitty. Like the other anon said you can camp anywhere, it's all beautiful and no one will bother you. I'll always remember diving in the Wadi Shab cave back in 2015; it's probably blown up with gopro fags now.

Haven't been myself, but I have never heard anything negative about Jordan. I would love to go hike the long-distance trail they're building.
What did you find between points C and E? Anything cool?
Can you share a name or two of the smaller Egyptian towns?
UAE is interesting because it has women from all over the world. You can fuck an African one night a girl from Pakistan another, an uzbek girl at 3am, and a girl from Thailand the next day. Then a ukranian, a viet, and then a colombian. It's just never ending smorgasbord, as long as you have the cash.
Somalia is pretty lit desu. When I was there a group of niggers gave me some weird fruit drug and I was feeling good having a blast just chilling in their metal shack listening to the somali hip hop. After that they brought in a hooker and made me pay and fuck her.
Since this is kinda Maghreb thread, what would be the better option for the first travel to the region, Morocco or Tunis? The former looks a bit more appealing to me because of the mountains and hiking potential, but Tunis should be nice for Kairouan and Carthage if nothing else. Also how necessary is it to speak some Arabic or Darija?
French will get you further than Arabic; everyone speaks it in both countries and it’s easier to learn. Unless you’re in Morocco north of Fez in which case it’s Spanish.
Go to Tunisia and report back, I’ve never seen a thread about it.
Point D is Foum Zguid, a cool little town on the edge of Iriqui National Park, which is a dry lakebed that has a bunch of dunes. I visited a set of dunes called Erg Chegaga and camped the night in, basically, a bowl of sand surrounded by dunes for ~330 degrees with just a small pass to get in.

Between D and E there are some cool rock formations and oasis towns like picrel. If you take a detour a bit to the north from what I show on the map, there are some painted rocks that are supposed to be cool.
Heard Tunisia is like a 1980s Morocco. Not overdeveloped, no touts, no backpackers, just a raw North African country under the radar.
Iraq shouldn't be crossed out, it's nothing like what it was years ago, I saw groups of Chinese tourists while was there and I never once felt in danger. It's obviously not Japan levels of safe (nowhere in the ME is) but it's fine now. Oman is probably the best choice, very safe without the superficial feeling of the rest of the Gulf states. Socotra (although technically part of Yemen) is also great, would definitely recommend that if you're into more of an outdoor type trip.
I'm surprised that's the case, I know it used to be a typical package holiday destination for Brits, the mass tourism there must have never recovered after the attack in Sousse.
bro that looks comfy as fuck.
That's actually pretty cool to hear. I think Iraq would be cool as shit to visit. I want to VGH out in Mesopotamia.

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