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Solo travels: how did you get started? What willed you to travel to other countries for weeks/months at a time? Where did you do your first big trip? How much money did you save? What did you do for work and howd your bass take it when you left/got back?

I want to start solo traveling by next summer. I want to do a couple months in Europe but have somewhat limited money at moment and my job isn't the best. What would you reccomend?
Save up money so you can enjoy yourself when traveling.

Your bank account will go down faster in northwestern Europe than in Balkans/Eastern Europe. I'd suggest having 7k USD in the bank that way you can enjoy yourself, do everything you want to do, maybe go longer if you like, and have money left when you get back home. More would be preferable.
Hearing 7k is refreshing. Was planning on using hostels, traveling on trains or rides haring the best I could and make my living expenses really cheap. For roughly 2-3 months would say 3k a month is the right frame of mind?
My mom is cool and let me go to Europe during summer vacation when I was 17. I earned $5.25/hour back then so I had to save up for a while for plane tickets. I bummed through the Alps and Hungary for a month, camping and hitchhiking. Had the time of my life, almost 20 years of serious travel later, I still consider that my best trip.
Friend was studying in Korea, I mulled visiting, then a girl broke my heart so I decided a holiday was very much needed. A friend was also studying in China at the time and I'd always been interested in Japan... So I went to all three countries and got the travel bug from there.
Just stay in hostels and keep an eye out for cheap air fare, there's plenty of guides online for money saving. After that just weigh up the time to cost ratio, if you don't want to spend more than X amount a day you may need to shorten the trip.
3k for 3 months would be considered frugal in Europe, but it can be done.

Especially if most of the time is spent in the east. Hostels in northwestern European cities aren't cheap.
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never travelled much when i was a kid. family are poor. uk working class.
had some problems when i became an adult. drugs, alcohol blah blah. didn't travel much then either.
eventually got a job that involved a lot of travel. went everywhere the company had a customer. asia, europe, americas, middle east
did the same again. added africa and australia to the list.
became contractor/freelancer. still travelled a lot. mainly asia and europe
present day : still travelling between asia and europe several times a year. got married to an asian woman at some point.
i will probably keep doing this until they carry me off the plane in a box

random pic related, a statue in a park in s'hertegenbosch, netherlands, home town of hieronymus bosch
My goal is around 10k for roughly 60-70 days in Europe. Whereas I would be living as cheap as possible but I would like to some extra to go to some bars and do tourist things like hikes/tours. Figuring a place to sleep every night would cost me around 1500 a month alone.

Been thinking of switching careers to something remote too so I can work while I'm there. Even if it's a $17-$22 an hour job and I could have something when I get I back or extend my stay indefinitely.

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