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Am I going to get put on a watch list if I take a vacation to Russia?
You can get flagged for secondary inspection at any US port of entry, where you will be expected to divulge all of your life details to a DEI hire customs agent as demanded or face further enhancement of scrutiny.
If you're American there's a good chance you can be arrested for anything they make up. You'll be a useful bargaining chip though
Shut up you dumb nigger, nobody is getting on any kind of watch list unless you're a fucking fool that wears rags on it's head like a twat. Here's a good one for you, "To Live and Die in LA" right at the beginning.
What shithole place are you from where you have nothing to do but complain about the USA you fucking cunt
Most likely.
I know for a fact one airport has put me on a watch list because I frequently fly out of there and always opt out of the body scan. Even with my TSA precheck now I get flagged for a random screening literally every time I go through and have to take my shoes off and have some nigger to rub his greasy palms over my balls.
There's a good chance that you're a homosexual bitch that has nothing better to do than wear rags on it's head and threaten people like a total scumbucket.
you're not that special. Trust me. Apparently some dissident journos and e-celeb types have caught shit when coming back from Russia but the average vacationer won't hear a thing. Plus you can't come back directly from Russia, so there's a chance TSA doesn't even know. Even when flying Turkish Airlines between Russia and USA (connect in Istanbul), you have to book those flights on separate reservations due to ZOG restrictions. You'll be fine. Enjoy yourself. And ignore the butthurt belt schizos trying to dissuade you here. Unironically you're better off on the r/askarussian subreddit (yeah, I know) than you are here
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Just wait, OP. The russian economy is melting down as we speak. This time next year, you will get a harem of moskalina and a penthouse in Mosquew/St. Pidorsburg for 500 rupees a night.
No. Russia is an amazing nation and ignore the butthurt belt schizos.
I've been to Russia three times on a US passport since the war started. On the Russian side at the airport or land border they'll ask you more questions but the guy usually barely speaks English so they don't really care about your answers as long as you seem cooperative. Otherwise the only problem you run into is having to carry cash. Coming back to the US I had no issues at all.
Probably. Wait 5 years, things will calm down eventually.
Honest question, why would you want to? What does Russia have that isn't 10 times nicer in the rest of Europe?
>Honest question
>It's a totally disingenuous question

Every time
>Unironically you're better off on the r/askarussian subreddit
Their FAQ is great while this board is complete trash.
not OP but how feasible is it to actually take advantage of this
like going to russia whenever shit is over and just living lavish with ameribucks?
I feel like the anti-american sentiment would make it difficult

No. You're not that important.
The only people I've ever heard say anything good about traveling to Russia on this board have IP addresses in central Moscow.
I've watched Bald & Bankrupt. Non of western Europe captures that vibe besides some of the other ex-soviet countries which i've been to a few now.
Yes and everyone who enjoys travel in China is an wumao. You zogbot NIGGERS are a scourge on this board. The largest (or one of?) country in the world with a unique culture and history to my own obviously has immense potential for worthwhile travel. Whether Paris is "nicer" or whether I "like" Russia in political terms is ENTIRELY beside the point
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>unique culture
stolen from russia's neighbors to form a nightmarish, unnatural hotchpotch identity. All of these cultures could be found in a more organic and pure form in the neighboring nations. not even russians know who or what they are. It's the most schizophrenic country on the planet, which is why it is doomed to fail over and over again throughout history.
Butthurt belt knowledge of culture: the post.
Even if I agreed unconditionally with everything you said, it still wouldn't diminish the potential for interesting travel there.
vatnik non-argument: the post
Stopped reading here
You didn't really answer the question though. Besides one cool church in the center of Moscow, why go there? I've never seen anyone post a single photo or make a single post about Russia that made it look appealing. Why go there?
I accept your concession
>Honest question, why would you want to? What does Russia have that isn't 10 times nicer in the rest of Europe?

How about I want to visit one of the best art museums in the world?
That tells you everything you need to know.
So that's it? One art museum and a church?
Like near 0

You need to convert to crypto then know people to exchange it since crypto is le bad in russia bank world.

You'll need to exchange to Yaun or Iraqi cash to change then exchange it. By that point just go to fucking Estonia Albania or some shithole like that get the russian experience you won't know the difference.

You shouldn't be worried about coming back from russia you should be questioning if you can get in. Russia will basically tell you to fuck off unless you got important business there and no "I NEED TO COOM AND SPEND MONEY" won't get you in
People still believe this is what they are saying. The meme is eternal.
Its an amazing country.
I am a Greek-Russian dual , making money in Greece and spending them in Russia with the weaker rubble on Russian women. Like the dude above me said, best vibe in the fucking world.
You can visit some park in bumfuck nowhere and find monasteries and world war 2 weapons.
>rubble on russian women
I get them for free in Istanbul
>t. Turk
I don't think it ever will go back to what it was, honestly. The sanctions are never coming off. Putin is gonna crack down harder on dissent. Once you go through the rabbithole of censoring the internet there is no reason to allow it back.

The smart Russians already left. In a few years the place is gonna be a White North Korea.
Anyone not praising the Dear Leader will just vanish.
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I've been told by 3 different Russian immigrants that I look Russian, would that curry me favor?
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Don't listen to that normie reddit shit, it's safer than western countries:

Remember the mark of the beast
too bad he was released. i hope they do that to every westoid tourist.
Where's part 2?
cheapest way to travel from europe to Russia? Flying through Turkey or going to Finland/Estonia and crossing by bus?
Part 2 just dropped

I was expecting him to be at least raped in prison, considering how much drama he made around this.
He pretends like he didn't break the law, but he did by ignoring the travel permit requirement for the border region. $500 fine and two weeks in jail is a relatively light penalty.
Sure, let's side with oppressive, totalitarian regime that imposes retarded laws.
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>oi m8 u got a loicense for that border region
Anglo-Saxons should stop their genocidal war against slavic peoples. CIA and MI6 coup on Ukraine with the help of that pig Victoria Nuland created the Kiev junta to do war on Russia. Set up biolabs, pushed NATO borders, bombed the people of the Donbass

Now psychological operations of the Anglo-Saxon continue with this fake chatGPT story about being arrested (yet released by art of magic in just 15 days!).

But measures will be taken to stop your internet psychological operations soon.

you must think we
you must think we are stupid but russian people are aware there is an information war going on
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>t. the least schizophrenic puccian
cope and seethe, ivan
The Eternal Anglo marches on
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>Anglo-Saxons blah blah
Funniest part is that even though this whole rant is retarded as fuck (the more you know about political situation in region, the more retarded it is), Russia is actually ruled by people who reason like that.
If someone really wants to see that one church in Moscow or that one museum in St Petersburg, best solution is to wait few years for political collapse and then use window of opportunity when Russia is broken, cheap and welcoming again.
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>Video of a Jew crying about being Shoah'd from Russia for 42 minutes.
>split his "i got captured" story into two videos
yeah hes a retard but id probably avoid russia

why not just go to Serbia or Georgia? less risk of FSB court for relatively similar vibes
You're already being watched. Whether you get a visit depends on if you get flagged by the algorithm. If you're just some nobody, you have nothing to worry about. If you're a high profile person (think wanted criminal, not celebrity), or associate with suspicious people, or you're a highly educated specialist in your field, you will get screened.
Life looks so peaceful there. Boring, but peaceful.
You just summed up every countryside in every counry that isn't literal warzone.
> have IP addresses in central Moscow.
How do you know the IP addresses?
>Besides one cool church in the center of Moscow, why go there?
Hope you*re paid for. Why telling an idiot something he can search in a minute?
>oh no I got arrested in Russia just for being American just flew over my house
No offence Ivan, but it's literally center of Moscow with that church, Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and rest is bunch of boring things, that look like discount version of something from Europe:


>much Baikal
Sure, I believe it's very deep, but it doesn't change the fact it's just a huge lake and unlike with lakes in Northern Europe or Alps, you will freeze your ass/get bitten by bugs, whenever to take a shit.
don't forget about the easy russian women who will do anything as long as you have a foreign passport
Is that what incels really believe?
Just watch the Tommy videos bro. The Russian women were all getting wet at the sight of an American, singing songs for him and shiet.
>Tommy videos
Who's that? Another PUA "guru"?
The guy that was arrested, try to keep up anon. >>2741635

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