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where have you taken the most scenic drives?
Kensington ave
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Nord... home
The back entrance on Tioga Road into Yosemite National Park is unreal. There's a pretty short windows every year when you can drive it from like mid June through September.

Route 1 in California between Moro Bay and Carmel would probably be my all time favorite, but the road is closed indefinitely because of a landslide. Most of it is just pristine undeveloped coastline with huge cliffs and mountains on both sides. There are waterfalls and hidden beach coves all along the way.

In Spain, the drive between Cadiz and Malaga through Ronda is epic. There are castles, huge valleys, beautiful villages, mountains. The roads are fun to drive on, but it's kind of slow with all the winding and hairpin turns with no turnouts or it would probably be my favorite.
going to the sun
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I'll tell you a few of the worst that I've ever done

Route 5 in California from Gorman to Stockton is really bad. It's flat, smells like cow shit, the drivers are insane and a lot of the small towns are unsafe because of the immigrant population. If you're ever traveling between LA and San Francisco, take the 101 instead.

Route 70 from St Louis to Denver. It's flat, boring and endless. People have this a a bucket list route when they drive across country. St Louis is so dangerous that didn't even stop.

Route 40 from Oklahoma City to Albuquerque is even worse. It's the most insanely boring, flat, endless stretch of road I've ever driven on. There is literally nothing worth stopping for. This is the view for 8 hours.
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The NCR500, I hired a van and just camped along the way at little towns and anywhere along the roads, I also included the Isle of Skye.
Did it over 21 days was fucken kino when it wasn't raining.

Also from Cairns to Palm Cove along the coast in North QLD, Australia. Short but kino.

The ring road in Iceland is stunning also, idk if thats an official drive though.
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Pacific Coast Highway between Big Sur and Monterey
You think the 5 is bad, you should've taken the 99 instead.
So many reckless negro drivers in St. Louis. I had a BMW lane-split between me and another car doing close to 150 mph in St. Louis. Passed a massive wreck shortly afterwards which was apparently so commonplace in STL that nobody even slowed down to rubberneck.
Some of my favorite scenic drives...
Route 20 from Santiago, Nuevo Leon to El Chorro, Coahuila in Mexico
Route 23 from San Francisco del Mezquital, Durango to Estacion Ruiz, Nayarit in Mexico
Route 175 from San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec, Oaxaca to Oaxaca de Juarez, Oaxaca in Mexico
Route 1 through Valle de los Cirios, Baja California in Mexico
Land's End Road in Grand Mesa, Colorado
US-395 through the Owens Valley in eastern California
Independence Pass in Colorado
The Lake Michigan coastal road running north from Petoskey, Michigan
Mt Washington Auto Road on a hot and clear summer day, New Hampshire
US-101 in Santa Barbara County, California
Back roads in the King Range N.C.A., California
Rustler Pass in the Chiricahua N.F., Arizona
US-82 through Cloudcroft, New Mexico
NC500 is definitely up there. borrowed someone's motorhome and drove round during one of the lockdowns, so it was essentially deserted, and it was wonderful. weather was glorious as well which basically never happens. even the midges were staying indoors that year.

if you do nc500 do not forget to take a side trip to some of the islands (Skye, Mull, western isles, ...). They tend to be a bit quieter (although skye can get busy). some of the world's most kino sights are just a boat ride away
A lot of people talking about driving the US here so I'll ask:

Mid January I'm flying in to SF. I've never been to the west coast and I have a week to do fuck all, want to drive all the way down to LA through the coast and stopping by wherever, then flying out of LA.
Is this a good idea?
Three reasons why I want to do this drive. I like driving, apparently the Pacific Coast drive is great, and I'm gonna meet with an old sneaky link who lives in Beverly Hills.
Or should I forget about LA and spend my time driving around Sierra Nevada instead? Bad idea during peak winter? The chick says she'll fly to SF if I don't go down to LA.
I guess the logical way to do it would be to drive to nearby places around SF, then take the plane to LA, then drive around LA.

My only concern is snow and getting stranded for several days. I remember last year a friend was stuck up in Tahoe for almost a week. Specially because the stuff I want to see are up in the Sierra.
The highway from Rio de Janeiro to Petrópolis going up the sierra. It's really beautiful albeit the constant unfinished construction work, bad lights and all the whirls and turns everywhere make it nightmarish. I had a little spot in the woods I would being my girlfriends to fuck during the night, there was a abandoned cabin there. You could see all the stars and spend the night over, so beautiful.
In my home country of Croatia
Most scenic places I’ve driven are the east coast of Taiwan, pretty much all of Morocco, the mountains and coast and desert. Also holy fuck northern Nevada is empty and beautiful.

That’s fuckin wild

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