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Anyone been to mongolia, what's it like, what are hidden gems etc. Looking at traveling there next year, I feel the call of the steppe.
Yes, I've been. You can't really do much at all without a local guide. Arrange for a driver/guide to take you on a trip around the steppes for a few days.
I have tried to make this thread so many times but it never gets bumped, I wanna try and go around August next year.
Now I know why there are so many Mongolia threads on here.
>mfw just one more week before the plane takes off and no dice
anyone else here going to mongolia + harbin also why do these threads rarely get any attention mine had zero replies from the start IDK why this place must be a hidden gem nobody talks about its full of russians
i also made mine here >>2740097 too
The women are lovely but uh how do I put it, the men are alright if you're a dude but most of em are unironically rapists and shit. Dated lot of mongolian women in my time and most of them mentioned a family relative, someone close in the family, or even a boss from a past job had SA them. The culture seems a few years behind in terms of style and clothes, you are still able to find plenty of rocker/metal/punk/goth women
>you are still able to find plenty of rocker/metal/punk/goth women
Aren't them very rare outside of Western countries?

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