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Let me clarify I KNOW that all of SEA is not like this, but every tourist spot every nature spot that is within the radius of any town of decent size is completely riddled with garbage deforested, I've motorcycled all the way from Hanoi to Saigon, some parts further away from major centers were absolutely gorgeous, but any waterfall or nature spot near a city is a complete tourist trap at this point, the sad thing is I know these spots probably used to be gorgeous a decade or two ago.

I love a lot of things about SEA, I've been to Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, I plan on going to Thailand, but this is making me so depressed, I often skip these spots, but every so often I go to give them a shot, without any expectations and I am usually disappointed anyway.

I am currently in Cambodia, I know if I had my own motorbike here I would probably be able to find a few of these, but I am also concerned to vear off of the tourist trail unlike vietnam theres a much higher chance of getting kindnapped here, and police are much more likely to stop you, never had issues in Vietnam over 2 months and 4500km driven.

So here are my questions:

1. Are there any SEA countries that buck the trend in this regard and actually preserve their nature?

2. What part of the world would be cheap and affordable with beautiful unpolluted nature (I'm European so outside of Europe).

3. When did this change, I know it didnt use to be like this maybe 20-30 yrs ago, when did this change?

4. What is your personal experience in regards to this.

I'm sorry I'm just a bit black pilled despite the garbage, I have mostly been enjoying my trip for the last month, despite this being a giant detriment. I've been sick in bed for 5 days and Im looking what to do in Kampot once I get better and every waterfall and nature spot seems polluted just looking at photos online.

TLDR: I wish I could have travelled in SEA in like late 90s, after the wars and the conflicts, but before all the pollution
>I wish I could have travelled in SEA in like late 90s, after the wars and the conflicts, but before all the pollution
lmao SEA has always been a third world dump, it was even worse in the 1990s retard.
>but every tourist spot every nature spot
I can't speak for SEA, but I lived in India for a fair number of years.

I'd guess the dynamic is similar. In India, any easily accessible waterfall, hiking route, or viewpoint is ruined within several years of its discovery. The key words here are, obviously, "easily" and "accessible." Most people, no matter which country they're from, aren't going to spend hours riding a motorbike down pothole-ridden dirt roads to take a three-hour hike into the jungle.

I can give you a veritable guarantee that there are plenty of beautiful and relatively unspoiled tracts of nature in Southeast Asia, but you're not going to find most by looking at Reddit or flipping through an old copy of The Lonely Planet. You have to work to get out to those sorts of places. This requires doing advance planning, having or hiring your own transportation, and being able to work your legs for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Less people = less rubbish. Any less infrastructure & services mean less tourists. So look at a population density map and choose a place based on that.

Borneo would be a good place to start.
Bhutan but it's not exactly SEA asia
>2. What part of the world would be cheap and affordable with beautiful unpolluted nature (I'm European so outside of Europe).
Costa Rica. It's relatively affordable and the only latam country that seems to actually take pride in it's natural areas. I've heard the southern cone is pretty good too. In Peru and Mexico anywhere people go gets strewn with garbage.
Japan is pretty affordable these days.
SEA is the worst offender, most of the garbage in the ocean originates in like 5 countries and they're all bordering the south china sea except for I think Egypt.
>3. When did this change, I know it didnt use to be like this maybe 20-30 yrs ago, when did this change?
Increase in disposable income and change in consumption patterns from eating rice out of banana leaves to processed food and bottled drinks.
>4. What is your personal experience in regards to this.
It made me dislike thirdies generally and think they aren't actually "people."
I was happy with how Taiwan cares for their natural areas. They are very meticulous with collecting trash.
Night markets are great, but it's ridiculous how much plastic waste results from the typical seven or eight purchases. A sitdown meal is much more eco friendly, although dishwashing and waste broth pollutes the waterways as well. So much of SEA does not have organized rubbish disposal, so it's a given that trash is going to get dumped somewhere random.
Untrue...you're just as likely to encounter rampant dumping in rural areas as in the urban slums. Where roads go, people build houses, and where people live, trash accumulates.
Thailand has many beautiful wild areas, but there are no trails because human presence would inevitably result in degradation. The would-be nature explorer finds himself facing an impenetrable thicket of brush that even if hacked back would regrow every rainy season. Asians still see the jungle as hostile, not as a retreat or a solace for man.
>I can't speak for SEA
The thread is about SEA
Ah, what an idyllic hillside village!
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Their backyard
Taiwan is clean, maybe not Japan-tier clean but certainly meets western standards. Forest parks inside cities aren’t the trash heaps you’d expect, and I don’t remember seeing any piles of wind-blown rubbish behind any rural villages. It’s also very affordable to travel. It was one of the last regions in Asia to be settled by modern people, so there’s so much unspoiled wilderness, and it’s well looked after with numbers of hikers limited daily.
They're third worlders. They don't know what a trash can is.
55 gallon blue plastic trash barrels are becoming universal in much of Thailand. People still throw trash into vacant space all the time.
yeah get a load of this retard. OP why not go to fucking yellowstone or something you weenie
Because jungles are hostile. Nature near the equator is not comparable to nature in northern climates. Like I would love for it to be a retreat from society, but it just isn't. Buddha going into the forest was possible in a relatively cool climate, not in SEA.
Japan, South Korea, and Mongolia are the only countries in Asia that aren't fucking disgusting.
oh yeah and Taiwan.
Honestly OP you're on some pussy shit, the real redpill is just embracing that you live in this world the way it is, and viewing the trash as part of the scenery

I know you want to go into nature and get away and all that, but it's literally childish behavior like throwing a blanket over your head, to try and ignore the fact that you share this planet with billions of mindless rats

if this continues to be a problem for you, you obviously aren't doing your part to get away from it.

Like the other anon said, get off the fucking tripadvisor and go scout some remote shit out on Google Earth or something

I guarantee you, if you just charge into the jungle and try to climb that bigass rock, you will get the natural experience you seek. None of those bugs have done it in hundreds of years because they're pussies, like you

Yes, you will still see planes, and receive text messages, I'm sorry to say
sea is not livable. it's too hot, humidity is too high, streets are too noisy and polluted. coming to turkey from thailand was a weird experience. i felt like i can breath again. still, some people live high-so lives in bangkok and in some touristy areas but in general, it's not livable.
>assmatic pussy can't handle the barbecue smoke
Yeah look how unbearable it currently is in Thailand
Damn that's freezing. Teens at night is colder than most of mountain West right now
Khao Suan Kwang is pretty clean.
Yeah SEA is 80% shit, but it’s pretty easy to fuck and cum inside the women. Seems like a good trade off.

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