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Why does no one ever recommend vitamins for travel holy shit these things are game changers.
>be me
>been in Japan for 3 weeks
>been seeing nature and stuff
>after first week start feeling like ass and ability to stay asleep sucking
>can't figure out what's wrong Japan is suppose to be healthy and stuff
>yesterday feel like ass didn't even drink much this weekend
>fuck it taking some random internet advice
>go find picrel
>take 2 in the afternoon
>feel sleepy af 3 hours later
>just woke up from a 12 hour sleep
>feel like a billion bucks
why the hell don't you faggots ever recommend shit that people need? Do you all just travel somewhere and sit inside the hotel all day? Mother fucker I've been on nearly 2 weeks feeling off and could have had my whole december ruined.
because im not a pussy and have a normal functioning body unlike the rest of you weebs, cope harder with your supplements
>wake up
>eat giant breakfast
>coffee and vit c
LMAO dude sure.

I'm hitting 18-22km per day walking and out seeing nature and seeing sights. I'm sure if you're stuck in your hotel playing with your switch it's a non-issue but for us active folks this is seriously great. Proves my thought from asking the japan general thread last month 90% of people go to tokyo to jerk off from akihabara merch

>be in Japan
>go to hotels breakfast
>rice and 1 egg with more things all carbs
>even when looking up 'traditional japanese breakfasts' it's the same
whoa...carbs so healthy!
Also why is deodorant so fucking bad in Japan barely works
>inb4 lol fatty
Not fat but man going from 15c to 35c in those subways crammed of people I'd be surprised how you don't sweat.
Japs sweat less
Yes they do, they just don't produce as much ammonia as westerners do
>Also why is deodorant so fucking bad in Japan barely works
Make sure to get the stuff with aluminum so it actually works, like >>2739822 said, Asians don't usually make BO smell so don't need to fight it
Yeah, previous overseas trips without vitamins always led to chronic fatigue. This trip I brought some vitamins along and now I can be out on excursions for hours without feeling tired.
just eat healthy food retard
I am also walking the same distances and doing the same things, I work an /out/ job so maybe maybe that's the difference, all of my fatigue is solved with a big sleep and a few hours of laying down through 1 day. The only supplement I use are these. I am sure most people on this board work IT.

Usually works a treat (also works with hangovers)
BTW gooning depletes your zinc levels
Aren't those basically a multivitamin like OP image just making it a fizzy drink
Big problem is regardless of the 'just eat healthy bro' isn't a lot given the fact your normal diet is going to change if you are going pretty far. Like Asian food going to be different from the food in Canada
If you drink and feel like shit drink some ukon no chikara it's a little gold bottle sometimes they come with a little packet of powder to eat too I think it's cinnamon or some shit
>can't figure out what's wrong Japan is suppose to be healthy and stuff
This is such a common misconception. Just because food tastes good and looks healthy doesn't mean it's healthy. Especially with how the convenience stores and fast food chains are racing to the bottom with their prices. Like they use fake eggs to cut costs. Also, I think alot of lower class Japanese people are suffering from malnutrition.
You could just eat like a human being instead of a garbage disposal unit and get the necessary nutrients you need from food.
>whoa...carbs so healthy!
Carbohydrates are a macro nutrient necessary for energy. The alternative is fat or protein. All three are important.
Centrum provides micronutrients. If you eat vegetables you will get the micronutrients you need in addition to carbohydrates.
Please stop talking about nutrition, you sound like an idiot.
Gotta keep in mind most /trv/ basically stays in a place for 2-4 weeks in a single place looking to goon. A sleep schedule means nothing, if they are going to sleep 12 hours that day and only go out to goon+food+booze that's considered a good day. Most aren't staying out all day or going on long walks/hike, and excess physical actions over a walk around the block. The average /trv/er isn't doing much more other than seeing 1 landmark a day at most.

Carbs only do so much and white rice only has so much in it, protip: not a lot.
>Centrum provides micronutrients. If you eat vegetables you will get the micronutrients you need in addition to carbohydrates.
Ah yes Dr. YT PHD coming in because he saw a video of doctors stating most people don't need vitamins. Protip: usually these videos are talking about the office worker class of citizens. Not people who are doing unique scenarios like this.

Japanese themselves shove tons of supplements into their daily lives just to make it through, you can only imagine what an average western body is going to need while fighting a new sleep schedule and often drastically changed diet.
I'm packing 360 big pills of multivitamin, 360 pills tongkat ali extreme strength, and some others. Thats 6 months of pills
You were just tired retard. The vitamins were a straight up placebo. You are them, felt peace of mind, fell asleep and got rest.
>Ah yes Dr. YT PHD coming in because he saw a video of doctors stating most people don't need vitamins
Where did I say you don't need vitamins? Please stop embarrassing yourself.
There's a difference between fatigue caused by simple exhaustion and chronic fatigue caused by metabolic or digestive issues. With one you wake up feeling burned-out already.
They add fentanyl to it so you feel better, get addicted and buy more. Typical vitamin mafia victims are young males in their 20s, because they then do free marketing by posting their new discovery everywhere. Thus adding "MEN" on the package.
this anon is being paid to post by multivitamin companies.
not buying your scam pills, retard.
You already had a vitamine deficiency before you departed. You can't build a deficiency in one week.
What you've experienced is placebo. If it's not placebo, then the problem is with you
All these posters are liars. Beer drinking heavily every day easily results in malnourishment without supplementation
>I'm hitting 18-22km per day walking and out seeing nature and seeing sights

I did the exact same thing during my 2 weeks in Japan and I didn't need any faghot-ass vitamins. You're not special. You're a bitch.
vitamins are snakeoil
>4chan anons
>fully well balanced healthy people
LMAO this goes before saying things like diet, drinking, and going from fairly sedentary to very active won't exacerbate issues of being deficient in something

I'm 'one of those' of the mindset people on this board who travel stick to a ~2-3 mile radius of their hotel and go out to only 1 thing or such per day. Return to their hotel to dick around before going out to find a goon spa or something. I'm an individual who will go to the gym in the AM for 90 minutes then go out and about, vitamins are a life saver for me at least to not fucking hate myself with rapid diet and sleep changes while abroad.

They aren't snake oil but they aren't a cure all pill, if you're low on zinc you'll have a shit sleep schedule

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