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Where can I get a decent price on a tiny apartment in Hong Kong? Everything on airbnb or even shitty hotels is like $200/night. Where can I find localish rates on a shitty apartment for 3 months?
you need a chinese speaker to book it for you its cheaper
>where do I find a cheap short-term rental as a non-Cantonese speaking tourist in the city with the most expensive real estate in the world

you don't. you pay out the ass for a shitty ass cage home like the natives
they pay like $200/mo. Nobody is paying over $1k for a shitty apartment there.
I just checked and you can book many hostels for like $27 a night or so. IMHO it’d be better than a tiny closet sized apartment in many ways since you have access to common areas and fellow tourists to socialize with.
>book cheap hostel
>closet sized apartment but with six people instead of one
It's not like a closet sized apartment because you have ample shared spaces. And you can socialize with other travelers in those shared spaces.

But if it a locale frequented by drunkie nations the shared spaces could often be full of loud drunks. I just went to Thessaloniki recently at a huge seven floor hostel, with 5 floors of rooms. They could accommodate 110 or 120 guests, but even in late November there were was some drunkard Fin and few drunk Germans that were so obnoxious and loud that after 6 pm you wouldn't have wanted to be in the common area. It got so bad I had to go back to my room, open my under bunk compartment, get my noise cancelling headphones and come back up so I could listen to a podcast and ignore the loudly drunk Kraut fuckers.

So going to a hostel is sometimes a gamble. But I think traveling alone in those shoebox sized apartments for over a week would get very, very depresssing. That said, that was the only hostel I stayed at recently at this time of year(when I prefer to travel) that I had such an issue with loudmouth drunks. Most hostels aren't big enough to host 100+ people like that one where you are almost guaranteed to have plenty of bad drunks always staying.
I just checked on Agoda, the cheapest hotels in Chungking mansions are still $20-30 per night,the price didn't even change since 2019 when I was in HK for the last time.
I stayed in Langham court Mongkok like 400 a night it was but it was so fucking nice
Hong Kong is expensive and now china has taken it over and destroyed the two systems I wouldn't ever go back
Make sure you don't have chin q memes on your phone
The fuck you people talking about, even the most cursory search turns up hotel rooms under $70 a night. Stay at the Ramada in north point for $56, walk downstairs to check out the hookers who come out once they close the fish market. Look for the neon sign with a flashing foot, open late for a good time.
Chungking mansions
>fish market hookers
>bedbug antennae typed this
Where to coom in HK?
>you have ample shared spaces
>socialize with other travelers
we're talking about cheap hostels, not expensive hostels
in Asia cheap hostels are basically places for migrant laborers to crash out for the night
they are dirty and poorly furnished
usually no toilet paper, let alone comfy lounge chairs

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