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Why do you guys travel to shithole countries? I understand that its cheaper but I find these countries gross and depressing
its a pmc flex
Because like everyone here it's our time to be giga chads and live life off our wise financial investments and skill of crypto.

We didn't date the prom queen
We didn't have a highschool first kiss
We didn't have friends in college
And we aren't going to live forever

Like most anons I'm nearing 30 and let's face it, the slop in america ages you 2x speed most everyone is bald or balding (and I live in one of the healthier states), women are fugly fat sluts with stds, and stuff is too expensive. I can fly to SEA and live like a KING getting plugged, teeth fixed from the xbl days of soda fused nights, eating healthy, and best of all getting the tight young thai's right up on my lappy lap to comfort me without trying. I laugh, really I do, looking back at a fagbook from time to time looking at 'friends' I knew having to live in burger sheds, change diapers, watch their wives probably cheat on them with BBC and get fat, and probably all heading for divorce. Not me. I can help save the white race by implanting my seed around the world from people who beg for it knowing their spawn will be giga chad mode in their country thanks to genetics. All while living large on crypto earnings.

Oh and did I mention this costs me only 1/10th of what I would have to spend to live back in cuckland Boston? Yeah it's the winning move, unlike the retards stuck in the USA. I see now why others laugh at us, looking back it's pathetic to think buying a house and starting a family with the 9-5 grind each day is 'the american dream' lmao lemme know how that never happens.
What counts as a shithole country though? You don't see that many africa threads anymore, and most of SEA and central asia(examples of "classic" shitholes) aren't really so anymore. They're middle income countries with medium to high hdi. Everyone aside the most rural backwaters have phones, internet, and so on. The people aren't depressingly poor anymore and many are content and even happy with a modest life. If anything thay makes me slightly jealous lmao.
Yes I'm talking about SEA.

I can understand Japan and Korea because its developed and civilized. But places that don't have books. Or toilets. Or don't know how to throw away trash. Or have ugly pagan idols everywhere. Or Commies like China.
I mean everyone feels that way after high school. You're free from jail. But I don't get why you have to go to a shithole.
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Because they're invariably prettier than the high income shithole I live in. Having visited 50-ish countries, I haven't come across one that was uglier than where I live.
>Why do you guys travel to shithole countries?
Because United States is cool to visit to see how third world countries live without having to live there.
story behind this photo? (& location?)
It's not very fun to travel when your spending power is lower than the median salary. I get depressed more in places where everyone is affluent and self-satisfied and completely indifferent to doing business with a new customer. Simple living alone doesn't bother me. There are many poors who make daily efforts to improve or at least maintain their surroundings.
They might be pretty but the locals are mean and ugly and nothing works and crime is everywhere.
Do you live in reality ?
Why? Rich people make everything nicer and they're not that blatantly snobby because they have to be tactful in the upper classes.
>deranged loser sociopath thinks his offspring will be "giga chads"
lol you seed carries your loser genes. your mutant brats are going to be as fucked up as you are
Because the vast majority of /trv/ are low value males, not as cucked as leddit (incels in denial), but incels and worthless genetically as they come

Personally I only visit nice places that are in-demand, but I’m a normie who doesn’t take anything here seriously (and neither should you).
Low value as in unconventional, a traveler whose path rarely overlaps with other travelers.

In-demand places merely cycle an endless procession of generically self-important normies through, emptying their wallets and shooing them back to the airport when it's time to go back to work. Mass tourism is the epitome of soulless consoomerist frivolity. In particular, the beach vacation. How many beach communities have been destroyed just so you fat fucks can stay in a resort and flop out in the sand like dead fish for the two weeks a year you are free from wagecuckery.
Slumming is fun
I know this makes you really mad, but in reality
>United States
>if you don't count 1% of the top people, average income in the United States is approximately $14,000 that is lower than in Seychelles, Africa
>shit drinking water quality (even bottled water quality is one of the worst even compared to poor countries)
>gun violence
>no social safety nets
>no trust in governance
>no free education access
>trash overall societal equality
>shit healthcare
>shit income equality
>shit educational outcomes
>shit social welfare support
>shit environmental sustainability
>shit work-life balance

I would kill myself if I have been born in United States. Actually that would be easy because no money to get help but guns everywhere.
UNited states IS a turd world country
lmao loser
Why is every /trv/ poster obsessed with raceplay? You fantasize over American women cheating on their husbands with "BBC" while also saying how you're going to save the white race by breeding with Asians.

If it wasn't just a kink and you were actually trying to "save the white race" why wouldn't you go for a white woman?
How much crypto gains do you need, anon?
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rent free!
Wakhi shepherds moving to their summer pastures in Afghanistan. Approximate location 37.0022429, 73.6543749

Plenty of friendly and normal looking people all over the world. Crime rates vary wildly even within countries but every time my stuff got stolen was in first world countries, despite having visited tons of developing countries.
oh noes the guy who had no friends in college and never had a girlfriend is calling me a loser
i guess that's what makes you such a "giga chad"
>because blah blah blah I’m a fucking dork faggot
Yea so basically arbitraging western money in an eastern country.
We didn’t need a “fucking loser faggot” essay to figure it out
>"rent free!"
>says the monkey having a rent free meme image collection because his feelings are that hurt
Get a job third worlder.
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rent free!
Ppl in the 90s were so spoiled. 70% of the world didn't know what a supermarket is. A tall pale guy like that is culturally above a crass, rich Greek girl and thats the unspoken rules that everyone knows.
You could kill yourself anyway lmao

Gaslight cope
post hand color
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your turn
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cute man, I wonder why you're scared to actually do it
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All these media buzzwords are utterly meaningless. "Trust in governance", LMFAO who gives a fuck about whether people love Congress or not. The truth is that you can be "homeless" and living your dream of van travel around America's wild spaces, which are far more beloved and accessible than wild spaces of most other countries. America is a country where oddballs find success in unconventional ways, while NPCs languish in unhappy wagecuckery.
Because every western metropolis is exactly the same at this point, give some new shit to see
This is the most incel thing I've read on here as of late.
Most of Central Asia (maybe except for Kazakhstan) is a "classic" shithole though.
Matthew 15:24
>yes I'll take an image from my "America_Cope" folder that will really show them.
I guess we have different definitons of shitholes. Granted I grew up in a rural area near the arctic circle in a highly developed country. But let's just say our life was simpler than those of my city-living friends and family. So I'm used to "simple but functional" and in fact really enjoy it with how tech-reliant and overly complicated shit is nowadays where I live.
pretty much all "developed and civilized" countries are full of the worst kind of people that shouldn't even be allowed to live. the disgusting and dirty parts of the world are nice because these horrible people can't stand to get sick all the time and the food is always of questionable quality and it's worth it to eat that questionable food and risk injury or sickness because it's better than dealing with the people in developed places. it really is.

and when you interact with people in these places they're sometimes nicer, but they usually don't have the dumb mentality of developed countries.

on top of that, i've been to japan and korea, and they're as boring and gay as i expected they would be. and since then i've been put to sleep by many people's boring stories about their visit to japan or korea. holy shit, and on top of the mind numbing boringness of it all IT'S EXPENSIVE... i mean that's exactly how not to spend your money, and at some point when people do enough of these stupid pointless behaviors it's pretty clear that their lives are pointless. wouldn't shed a tear if these people got nuked. i've even managed to make it about 45 seconds into other people's videos about their visit to japan and what they saw before closing the video and i didn't see anything that so much as approached interesting.
Central Asia has been developing by leaps and bounds recently.
One could say the same about commercial streets in the Third World, they all look the same with the same hideously utilitarian rows of concrete-block buildings facing a dirty, crowded and chaotic roadway.
You're awfully naive if you think that all of the world's poorer peoples are kind and gentle with good characters. A lot of the developing world has a dog-eat-dog mentality, particularly the urban slums where everyone is a migrant from somewhere else, nobody owns the property they live on, and there are no traditional social structures in place to keep bad behavior in check.
they aren't all bad
I've discovered that poverty doesn't bother me at all when the population density is low and people have some level of propriety. Hypercrowding, disrespectful behavior or the constant threat of crime is a totally different story.
if you don't count 1% of the top people, average income in the United States is approximately $14,000 that is lower than in Seychelles, Africa
But Seychelles counts their 1% you fucking retard
You will love Africa then.
They might be poor as dirt but they have a certain dignity about them (the ones that live in traditional villages).
Niggers in America have no dignity, they act like malicious clowns.
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People who go everywhere have boring stories because most people are fking boring. If you cant find anything interesting to do in japan or korea youre a retard
no, low value as in genetically inferior and shunned by his own culture as a result
This is just embarrassing
Don’t lump me together with yourself faggot, not everyone on /trv/ is some asocial passport bro running away from his shitty home life
>Because they're invariably prettier than the high income shithole I live in.
There is no high income country with bad nature. You're a fag.
>if you don't count 1% of the top people, average income in the United States is approximately $14,000 that is lower than in Seychelles, Africa
Not remotely true. Post source bud.
>shit drinking water quality (even bottled water quality is one of the worst even compared to poor countries)
Water can be bad in some mineral-heavy areas like Vegas but 99.9% is good and safe to drink
>gun violence
Entirely localized to bad areas which you simply avoid
See above
>no social safety nets
We have massive social safety nets
>no trust in governance
The reason we, the greatest country on earth, exist is because our ancestors had no trust in governance.
>no free education access
Sure there is
>trash overall societal equality
Lmao you little communist, you
>shit healthcare
Excellent, world class healthcare. It’s just expensive
>shit income equality
Not everyone deserves to be rich bud
>shit educational outcomes
Not true
>shit social welfare support
Not true
>shit environmental sustainability
Not true
>shit work-life balance
Not true for anyone with a real job

Overall 6/10 bait, be a little more subtle next time
>Why do you guys travel to shithole countries?
last chance for white males. grim. same reason why their fore fathers (white boomers) move to SEA countries
>If it wasn't just a kink and you were actually trying to "save the white race" why wouldn't you go for a white woman?

white incels have been going on forever with "save white race, get asian wife". even old KKK grand wizards have asian wives lmao
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hi white dorkus
I am feeling that image
Nope, I'm the one doing the shunning in my home country. Since early childhood I have rebuffed most friendly overtures. Being a solitary alien in a faraway country comes natural to me. People's reactions to my presence provide intriguing insights into their nature, even when we don't verbally engage.
Coomers and their obsession with sex. In the real world, having sex is like 0.1% of what occupies people's attention. Tell that to a coomer, and they are incredulous. Everything for them has to revolve around sex. It gets so tiresome.

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