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Where to go to virtually guarantee never seeing another white person for a whole year? China's smaller cities? North Koreas small cities obviously off limits
Northern Nigeria, just watch out for Boko Haram
will they be mad if I breed their women?
I get angry when I see another pecker player out on the game board. It’s like holding a mirror up to myself. I see an absolute fucking loser rummaging through the dumpsters of the world for pussy, and have to contend with the reality that I’m just like him. The same station in life, and the same ends.
yep basically this. hurts so much
Your local unis safe space, faggot.
Whole year? Not one? Unlikely. Whiteys are found everywhere. Faustian spirit or some such.
The parts of Africa with no NGOs
Rural Mongolia.
bangladesh. i wouldnt recommend going there though itll be a pretty miserable vacation
how do they compare to sirs?
Honestly? Vietnam. I was in Hanoi for two months and didn't see a single white person except for one super cute Ukrainian girl (apparently she married a local to avoid the war). 99% of foreigners just stay in the downtown touristy areas. I was very surprised by this.
Had the opposite experience in Hanoi last May. Backpacker dirty ass European thots everywhere.

Probably you would need to go to an island and get lucky
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I spent 2 months in an out of Jinan & Qingdao China during the summer. Definitely big cities (Jinan is the capital of Shandong province), and the only white people I saw were some Russian tourists in Qingdao. Saw a few black people in Jinan. Never any Americans other than me.
It's pretty rare to see white people third tier Chinese cities
I'm barely an hour and a half away from Shibuya and there's not a single white person around here (including me), however there a few brownies working the rice fields, but they're cool because they stay in their own lane and you only ever see them when they need something from the grocery.
Where do I go for the street walkers anon? Im talking the girls standing on the actual street. Thanks
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Okubo park in shinjuku
My man.
Its actually annoying being the only other white person around. Every time there is a faggot missionary or a lost tourist they end up at your door. And because the local spent like an hour driving to your place just to dump this retard with you its just so difficult to tell them to fuck off. Mr Ngubu doesn't quite understand the difference between Russians and Englishmen or even Chinese, they see the pale skin and just assume this foreigner comes from your hometown and has come to see you.
surrey canada
Lol not me I just want to scare them away from my hunting grounds
You are the gayzelle, I am the lion

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