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I went abroad for the first time in my life to Japan this year for a month and absolutely loved it. Then I took a trip to Europe to visit Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin and Prague and had bad experiences. Where would you recommend me to travel for my next solo trip? Would I be best off going back to Asia or should I go to another different part of the world I haven't visited yet, like Latin America? Pic related is a photo I took from the Setouchi Shimanami Kaido bike tour I took while in Onomichi. 10/10 would recommend.
I'd recommend going to Taiwan if you liked Japan. Taiwan has the trains, the coastline, the small cities with natural beauty close by. Hotels are somewhat cheaper and you can fill your belly on an SEA tier budget in Taiwan (though food quality is lacking).

Yes taiwan. And shimanami kaido must have been exciting and i am envious of you experiencing that

If you liked the less heavily populated parts of Japan so much, why didn't you do the same in Europe and visit the small cities of the French and German countryside?
>though food quality is lacking
wtf are you talking about
I think I didnt plan the trip well enough and kinda rushed it. I didn't allow enough time for travel outside of the cities. Prague was probably the best though.XAYNVM
Maybe you like that yucky brown teriyaki style sauce they pour on everything, but I don't. It always tastes the same, because it is mass produced and comes from a package. Here in Southeast Asia I can find budget meals prepared with freshly diced veggies and delicious herbs; both are generally absent in Taiwan.
>had bad experiences
in what way? rushed? how many days in each city? considering the geopolitical landscape you might look into visiting either russia or china while you can. maybe take the the transsiberian from moscow to vladivostok and return to japan from there?
i would whole-heartedly recommend visiting se asia, with an emphasis on thailand, before setting foot in latin america.
Does latin America suck? I feel like I mostly pick up on bad perceptions about it. Is SEA that much different than Japan that it would be worth getting on a 30 hour flight after I already recently visited Japan? I'm an American so Mexico seems a lot more accessible to me, plus I've never been which seems strange considering that it's so close.
>Does latin America suck?
It's so big a continent this is like asking if visiting Asia sucks, it depends which country and for what. Some are safe, others are dangerous, some are cheap, others are expensive, some are boring, others are exciting, some have great culture, others are lame, some have great tropical beaches, others have deserts, jungles, glaciers and steppes, etc.

Not too expensive, not too cheap (mid range)
Dangerous but not the worst. Mexico DF and the tourist areas are OK.
Def not boring
Great culture and food
Great beaches and tropical jungles (Riviera Maya)
Great archeology and history stuff
Japanese people know that foreigners are mostly retards who only care about Mario anime bullshit and cater to them resulting in Japan basically becoming a theme park board game where you start in Tokyo do your fucking team labs and shibuya crossing then Osaka then kyoto ect and have your pre planned bullshit to do at each stop. When you go to a normal country you have to actually think and plan for yourself and that’s likely the part OP is having a hard time with. You can’t order your Mario pancakes from an iPad and have it delivered by a robot so your vacation was not fun.
I went to all 4 of those cities in only like 15 days and I didn't really plan my trip at all. I got off my flight in Paris from NYC and immediately found out my the new phone I had gotten before the trip with a new provider was service locked so no esim. Then because I was rushing and because I was jet lagged to all hell and wasn't quite sure where I was going I got on a trolley and immediately got charged a 50 euro ticket for not paying. Got to the hostel and found out the bottom of it was dedicated to a rowdy sports bar and was immediately confronted by the rude disposition of Parisians which was quite the contrast to the polite respectfulness of the Japanese. Like I said I didn't have an esim so getting around the city was more difficult and I didn't plan much so I did some tourist stuff like seeing the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame but I wasn't that impressed. The best part of Paris was going into a hole in the wall Nepalese restaurant where the owner who only spoke a little bit of English welcomed me in while I was having a drunk walk home after he recognized me from eating there earlier in the day. He gave me free exotic liquor and we spoke about Buddhism because I noticed the Buddhas he had around his restaurant. But I had to leave after not too long because we couldn't speak too deeply because of the language barrier. I was kinda struck by how dirty and chaotic Paris was but it didn't surprise me since I had already been warned by French people that Paris kinda sucks. I definitely got Paris Syndrome while I was there.

Then I went to Amsterdam which was a lot more relaxing and pleasant but I really didn't enjoy the over bearing drug culture that city has and I felt like downtown Amsterdam was just a giant mall with nice Architecture. I pretty much walked around town and listened to music and smoked cigs but I didn't take shrooms because I felt so stressed out I thought it would be a bad idea.
op said he did a bike tour in a place I don't even recognize...
So then I went to Berlin which I immediately liked the vibe a lot more of upon returning. But I got to my hostel late at night after taking the train all the way from Amsterdam. Upon arriving I got into a conversation with some of the other travelers who were staying at the hostel who seemed on average to be slightly younger. And oooh boy was I not prepared for the crowd that Berlin attracts. Now I don't have anything against techno personally but this girl techno rave club whatever girl came up to this group I was in and started talking about the clubbing culture in Berlin and explain how it's all gatekepped and everything and I started asking her what's so great about it and I wasn't being careful to watch the tone of my voice or the connotaiton of the way I was asking I guess because I failed the vibe check, she immediately took massive offense and started yelling at me in front of everyone and I barked back screw you and she jumped up and walked out of the room. I was sitting with a bunch of meek young college students and I could tell I fucked up telling a women to screw off. Well she went and told on me to the hostel owners explaining hyperbolically and with massive exaggeration how I aggressively told her to go fuck herself. Jesus it was a whole ordeal. I had to apologize but then she wouldnt even accept my apology. It was fucked up. And I knew I had just made the worse impression on everybody in the hostel. She psychologically attacked me telling me how I'm an asshole and I need to go think about myself. I knew the whole thing was dumb as fuck and the bitch was a lunatic but I can be a little sensitive and I couldn't help but feel bad and wonder if I was an asshole or not.
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I went to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Onomichi Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. I was there for a whole month and had great experience everywhere I went. Worse thing that happened to me was facing prejudice in a resturant for being American from a bald white guy which I thought was weird and I also got a very bad flu. But I though everything about Japan was fantastic. Pic is from Fukuoka. I have more if you would like to see.
But yeah so after the ordeal with the Berlin rave girl at the hostel I decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood to kill the time and because it was being quite awkward after that at the hostel. But this was at like 1 or 2am in the morning. I went and got some donner kebab which I thought was delicious and had two beers. I started walking back to the hostel. And out of nowhere this gay Turkish man runs up to me. I mean jesus christ this shit about Berlin you really cant make up. Now I had already suffered the consequences of my poor planning and bad decision making up to this point in the trip but everything I did in this situation was fucking retarded and I admit it. I had just got into that whole interaction with that girl at the hostel who psychologically attacked me so I wanted to be nice and I was trying to kill time so I just decided to entertain this gay turkish man for some reason. Long story short he "BIG SURPRISE" tried to molest me. He followed me back to my hostel and jumped the gate after I went in and locked him out. He woke up the hostel owners by making a bunch of noise while he was perching on the roof. I had to get with the hostel owner and coax him out of the grounds(they thought he was with me FML) and then walk him away from the hostel by myself and finally got him to leave me alone by repeating shouting at him to get the fuck away from me. I made sure to leave that hostel and not come back first thing the next morning.

After that the rest of Berlin was pretty nice. I ate Donner Kebab, Went to a Punk show at the a notorious anarchist squat, and saw the Berlin wall. I wanted to clubbing just to see what all the hype was about but ran out of time.
After that I went to Prague which was the nicest part of the trip but admittingly it still wasnt anything awe inspiring. It was just nice. I drank a bunch of cheap beer. People were nicer than anywhere else I had to been so far in Europe and the sites were beautiful. But it wasn't anything as good as Japan
Why is SEA is so much better to you than Latin America?
That story about the insecure berlin club girl is hilarious but yeah im sure it made a weird vibe. What was some of your more favorite Japanese towns and please tell some details or stories that made Japan so enjoyable.
You mentioned a bicycle tour , you might enjoy a tour in Europe. Other than that, im still not sure what to reccomend for you
oh wow another heckin Japan thread!
It's Third World for sure and can feel much less socially refined than Asia, but some parts are very proper and kino. Exploring Mexico is absolutely worth it, buses are safest but you can see much more nature with your own car.
Are you American? You aren't the only poster here with a story of experiencing rudeness from European "friends". I got into an argument about slavery with a black F2M tranny at a hostel in Miami once, was pretty drunk on Four Loko and some other guy white knighted and told me to shut up. Thankfully I was heading out the next morning, didn't apologize beyond "seems I've had too much to drink".
im not that anon but other ameribro here...what was the argument ? did you tell the tranny that it was africans enslaving other aficans ? love sayin this to people.
But I have learned to read the room better and basically not bring up anything about race,sex, or medical industry around normie fags. I swear 15 years ago the chicks i hung out with tolerated any lockerroom talk alot better, nowadays they freakout if you say retard or cunt
Girls used to know it made them attractive to be non-opinionated and aloof. Now they’re all militant feminists and progressives who cannot help but demand you agree with their take on whatever.
Nah i'm not on some autistic pol shit. Basically she came up to us and started talking about some gatekeeped Berlin club culture. I think she was from out of town. She explained that certain clubs in Berlin won't let you in unless your waring certain clothes and shit. And me being the Ignorant American I was who used to going to Hardcore shows backed West was kinda scepticle. I didnt say anything explicitly rude but I think from my tone of voice or the type of questions I asked she took offense. It happened really fast. For example she brought up how people and herself included got drugs into the clubs with one of the other people I was sitting with and I was asking her follow up questions like 'what's so great about it?" "is it the drugs?" And she took offense because she thought I was throwing shade at the Berlin techno scene. I wasn't I just thought the way she was explaining everything it sounded really pretentious. I really wasnt thinking about what I was saying and then she just bursted out about how I needed to calm down and I was being an asshole or something. I told her to screw off and she jumped up and left the room. Berlin just really gives a shit about Techno. I mean I knew there was a scene there but I just wasn't fully prepared once I got off the train late at night and acclimated to the culture yet for something like that.
Yeah ya must of had a tone or somethin. But even with no tone them bitches are insecure and take offense
I have to remind myself to sound like a fag and include some sort if compliment or positive "wow you go girl" shit to the question or whatever communication is made. Or when i call a business and a lady answers the phone sometimes i purposely talk with a really gay nice guy voice and open with a compliment or some bullshit to actually get them to do their job and tell me if they have an item stocked.
So did u like Fukuoka? Any good stories of hanging with locals?
there are serious advantages to an inability to communicate with a native population.
>finally got him to leave me alone by repeating shouting at him to get the fuck away from me
the hostel owner as witness was the only reason you weren't stabbed and raped. yelling and getting into heated arguments is a bad idea in strange lands. obviously doing so depends on your not packing a stress inducing tight schedule.

>I drank a bunch of cheap beer
what else could you do with only three days? i'd wager your enjoyment of japan was in no small part due to slow travel.

>Why is SEA is so much better to you than Latin America?
travelling is an optimization of ROI as a residual of tradeoffs; safety, cost, value, strangeness, hospitality, convenience, distance, etc. in relative terms, thailand is only country which does not necessitate meaningful tradeoffs. no matter the metric desired in whatever quantity or quality demanded, thailand has it. its not one-size-fits-all, its same same better-best-bestest.
What do you think is the perfect amount of time to travel for given you want to visit x amount of destinations? Like if I were to go travel for a month how many cities or other locations should I try to visit in that amount of time?
i guess its a matter of taste and would need to service your reasons for travel. imho i would personally need a minimum of at least four days per city; leaving enough room for relaxed ambling, establishing a rhythm, and with enough wiggle room to offset bad weather or illness. by the end, i would still feel a bit rushed but on average it would suffice for most places as not all are created equal. for instance, were you to go to thailand and only had 30 days might prioritize 2 of 3 regions; north, bangkok&pattaya, or south. choosing only 2 of 3 over a 30 day stay would enrich your stay and allow for happy accidents. so stay a few days and take it in...

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