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To people that have been to both: Is it true that people in the South are nicer than people in the North?
The South has changed a lot with this massive wave of migration to the Sun Belt. Southerners have become suspicious of those poorer than they are, particularly in high-crime areas, and resentful of those damyankee newcomers who are bringing their wealth and driving up prices of everything. Southern good manners are increasingly confined to church circles. In some parts of the South, it is now common for armed men (i.e. off-duty security or police officers) to stand guard at churches, and for church doors to be locked during the service. Northern states with minimal newcomers have become the most high-trust parts of America, the places where a random bearded vagabond male who emerges from the forest is most likely to be regarded kindly rather than seen as a threat.
White southerners are the worst. Black southerners are almost always friendly. White southerners have a holier-than-thou condescending energy and it's horrible to be around more than a couple days. Everything is fake and for appearances with southern whites. They'll smile at you and say shit like "bless your heart" which means "fuck you"
>White southerners are the worst.
That's because they are the most downtrodden people in North America with the entire country against them in every way. All aspects of their lives are constantly attacked. That makes them super on guard and very protective.
>Black southerners are almost always friendly.
KEK. You'll never meet more openly racist human beings on earth. Their friendliness is a facade because they are scared of you. They know that stepping out of line will get themselves fucked by the cops and or dead by rival gangs. Don't forget the cultural memory of being nice to stay on the White Man's good side.
>that map
>new mexico

"the south"

LMAO, sure way back that was the case but holy shit those barely classify as "south" anymore, NM is literally it's own beast.
Yeah New Mexico made me laugh. They are lone wolfing it. The salmon-colored states are barely southern anymore. The western half of Texas should be salmon as well. The southern half of Florida should not even be considered American anymore.
The pan handle of FL I'd still call "the south", but it's more of the souths retirement home now. For anyone wanting "the south" look for the Bible belt and follow that's influence, outside that it's mega cities and now suburbia sprawl as everyone leaves cali.
The white people in the suburbs are nicer. Everyone else is a nightmare.
LOL look everyone. An ass blasted yankee pissing his diaper.
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Don't confuse politeness with kindness. Southerners are "nice" the same way British people are "nice."
They're polite, not genuinely nice, especially if you're noticeably not local. But it also goes by location too, tourist towns are more friendly to travelers, of course, but it's a tourist town, so it has to be. But regular places are usually wary of out of towners, but will be polite if you dress decently and act respectful. It depends on your own behavior if you're treated well or not.

People wanna be nice to others, but when you got rando druggies/vagabonds bothering people and harassing others for cash and following people, your patience is worn thin.
Bless your heart, son.
Not really, but the southern PMC has good manners.
They're "nice". Don't take that to mean that they're kind or good people, just that they value manners.
no. blacks are rude
If you tell any southerner you moved from California you're getting sideeyed.

I've never been to Montana, Illinois, Michigan, or upstate NY but I know southerners are certainly nicer than the east coast is.

Whenever I fly to New York a few New Yorkers now and then look at me like I must be from out of town. I guess because the clothing you find in your typical southern town is a little different than what someone doing their shopping in NYC would have
No trashy people always do evil no matter what part of earth you're in
You're setting yourself up to be disappointed to assume one region of the world is nicer than another. Manners are fake, but we invented them because the reality of human socializing is so self-centered and cruel it's almost painful to witness it. Places like Russia are not meaner than us, they're just more honest.

I live in rural mississippi btw
It really depends. I found people in Lexington, KY, Knoxville, and the Florida Panhandle to be very friendly, while people in the Hampton Roads area to be some of the meanest in the country.
>>2747859 (cont)
>self-centered and cruel
Actually I take this back. It's not cruelty, more like "indifference to the welfare of others".

For example, years ago I believed Japanese people had a higher level of empathy than most nations due to their manners. But then I learned Japanese, and discovered that was totally not true. Realistically, 90% of humans only have concern for close friends, family, and lovers, and feel nothing for anyone else. It's good to keep that in mind, so you don't get tricked.
I hate it when people say Northeasterners aren’t nice. They are. They’re just going to do the fake nice polite thing and they’re not afraid of telling you you’re in the way if you’re in the fucking way.
Yankee scum detected
>while people in the Hampton Roads area
Those people aren't native Southerners, rather trash yankee transplants

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