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They blame the birds this time, maybe russian birds, but it's a Boeing 737.
Unless you have death wishes, don't take Boeing.
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If it's a Boeing, I ain't going!
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>don't take Boeing
A Boeing 737 crashed in Oslo too. KLM plane. Hydraulics completely failed
>going on vacation soon
holy fuck PLEASE don't be a boeing
hopefully a few of the weab posters that plague this board were on it.
You're going to die
Aviation types at the moment seem to think pilot error, both attempting to land and do a go-around at the same time. Hydraulics could fail and affect the flaps and gear but the gear has a failsafe drop method. The plane came in way too fast, even allowing for the potentially no flaps which suggests they were going to do a go around but failed to do so.

Gear down or a slower approach and this doesn't happen.
>Aviation types at the moment seem to think pilot error
Aviation type here
This anon is going to bubble and burn in his seat
Nigga will roast like a Kentuky Fried Chicken
I've unironically got a really bad feeling about your flight anon
You know you can check what plane it is before you buy the ticket, right?
This is 10000% going to turn out to be another case of incompetent korean pilots like the SFO Asiana crash. My guess: bird strike in one engine (a totally manageable situation), then the shitty pilots panic, shut down the wrong engine, lose all power, panic some more, forget the gear can be dropped manually, screw up the belly landing by trying to grease it and land halfway down the runway and predictably shoot off the end at high speed. Yikes.
You don't forget to drop the landing gear even if you're incompetent. And that plane looked like it was landing at very fast speed, way more than normal landing speed.
Is it true that deaths in aviation are more common than people say they are?
I remember reading an anon saying most pilots know at least one other pilot who died in a plane crash
Anyone who dies in a plane crash is very well documented and easily searchable. Unless you live in russia or china.
It used to be the case (10-15 years or so ago) that Jets were only the safest form of transport using the metric "deaths per passenger mile" which is a dubious method of measuring safety given planes travel 1000s of miles at a time. If you used the metric "deaths per passenger journey" then only motorbikes and helicopters were more dangerous than planes. But that's not exactly a fair metric either. Not sure what the ranking is "per passenger minute" but that seems a fairer measure.

This was a while back though and the figures are constantly improving so DPPM's rankings may be better now.

As I said in >>2745453 my money is on pilots getting overwhelmed, being indecisive and changing their mind from a go-around to a belly landing at the last second, despite the airspeed being catastrophic.
*first impact sounds*
*end of recording*
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I'd say the vast majority of death in planes occur during landing or take off, which makes the distance traveled irrelevant
I'd say you're a retard
Not an argument
If you fly 500 times, which isn’t an unreasonable number, you have 1.15% chance of being in a crash.
The chance of dying in a crash is about 4-5%, and 50-60% if it happens during takeoff or landing.
It’s not that small of a chance, still very rare but not non-existent
I think control is a big part of what creeps people out. A ton of people speed as a matter of course, you can narrow the gap even more by driving defensively.
You can't do shit if your plane crashes. I guess refusing Boeing and getting seats in the fuselage would help a bit.
I can attest this is accurate. I've driven 1000 hours and have already died 3 times.
The plane is fine, the problem is asian and thirdie pilots. If you've taken an uber lately and wound up with one as a driver you should know, why would you get on a plane flown by one them?
Seriously rather be flown around by these two than ching chong pilots. East asian countries have awful aviation records compared to the rest of the world despite otherwise being orderly, wealthy societies. There's a reason for it.
Who the fuck is flying 1000 hours? that's basically 50 trips around the planet.
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Exactly. Pilot error, again. It's always the Asian pilots. If you see an Asian in the cockpit, that's a reason to worry. There are something like 16 million flights a year in the US and there hasn't been a fatal crash of a large commercial airliner since 2001. And it was an Airbus, not a Boeing. The copilot was apparently some insane rapist who had like a dozen complaints against him that had been covered up.

This is a good read about Asian pilots.
That's a worldwide statistic. In the US, it's like .01 percent in 10,000 flights. You're about 300 million times more likely to die by slipping in the shower.
Just a fact
Asian pilots have a good track record in the last decade+.

Just don't fly with low-cost airlines, I thought it was obvious.
Lmao this is such bullshit. Western commercial airlines are like 0.00001% chance of a crash, and if there is a crash it’s some dumb shit like running off the runway and everyone survives. There are around 20 million commercial flights in the western hemisphere every year and maybe one major fatality crash
A lot of people fly thousands of hours in their lives, I have definitely done over 150 in the last 4 years and I barely travel compared to some
I fly 25-30 times per year, usually 2-4 hours per flight. You can get to 1000 hours faster than you’d think
I ain't going
Too late ytboi, get your racis ass in your seat
Asians have high social discipline, but their self-control disappears when they take control of any motor vehicle. It's a mystery.
Thats maybe 3 years of travel for even a domestic-only road warrior
So why was there a titanium wall just at the end of the runway?
I stopped caring about Boeings and whatever because where I live, I have no choice. Airbuses hardly fly around here.

I have three possible outcomes:
>Fly with Boeing and arrive safely
>Fly with Boeing and end up dying somehow
>Stay at home in fear
The first one is the most ideal outcome, but even the second outcome is better than the third.
I hope more people start fearing Asian pilots, it would indirectly remedy the issue of overtourism in Asia.
It's easy to say that, but I'd actually like to see someone actually walk the walk.

>be wagie chud
>scrape together enough cash for a dream vacation to Thailand or the Philippines
>somehow find out pilot isn't white and/or male
>"Excuse me, stewardess. I would like to leave the plane, please. No, I don't care that I spent a lot of money, the pilot has too much melanin and no Y chromosomes."
One airline crash out of 30 million flights wont stop white male tourists. The white males are essentially gods there with their enormous schlongs and huge bank accounts
there wasn't. the wall is at the beginning of the runway. the plane was attempting to land the opposite way round from normal.
Ultimately, aren't all crashes during landing?
lol at the fucking boeing shills in this thread (and every thread when one of their shitty pajeet planes falls apart)
>There are something like 16 million flights a year in the US and there hasn't been a fatal crash of a large commercial airliner since 2001
at this point it is mainly a matter of luck rather than skill. american airlines are full of stressed out pilots who are always high or drunk. hopefully when the inevitable happens they just crash into a desert or something, a few years ago a couple of planes crashed into some towers and people haven't stopped talking about it since
shit sometimes happens
although you could say there was a landing of a sort shortly afterwards
Unless it's crashing against a wall, a mountain, or another plane... yeah, crashes are some kind of landing.
>As I said in >>2745453 my money is on pilots getting overwhelmed, being indecisive and changing their mind from a go-around to a belly landing at the last second, despite the airspeed being catastrophic.

This is probably it, but only, why panic? You can keep circling for a long time until you've come up with a specific plan. They seem to have done everything wrong at once in a hurry.
My guess is on a timeline like so

>final approach
>alarms sound
>hydraulics issue
>787-800 will automatically retract flaps if it senses inconsistency
>Gear won't deploy
>alarms everywhere
>Runway approaching
>pilot has so many things screaming at them they don't know how fucked the plane is or isn't
>"fuck it, we'll land on the belly"
>underestimated airspeed and how short the runway was (a big concrete box at the end of a runway is fucking stupid regardless)

As with most accidents, seems like a lot went wrong, a lot of which should have been avoidable or recoverable.
>we gaan
People are speculating they may have turned the wrong engine off after the bird strike, then they're a glider so they need to come down fast at the nearest airport rather than do a holding pattern while they figure out what to do.
I've got around 1500 on a C-130J
dude they would totally just call ahead and ask
>Air Sewol

It was absolutely pilot error, there was no reason for them to go around after the bird strike in the first place.
>"Hello, airline customer support. Can you tell me the race and gender of the pilot for my flight?"
>he doesn't request full information on flight crew and plane's technical condition before taking a flight
Enjoy dying a fiery death
Do you have some different stats about flights in the US that I'm not finding? I see 16 million flights per year, and one fatal commercial crash in 2001.
I think I would rather die if I found out I had autism.
then why was there a titanium wall at the beginning of the runway
>two korean planes crash within a week
>it's the plane fault
There was nothing in either their first or second attempt to land that looked like hydraulic failure.

They panicked after the bird strike and didn’t even look at the checklists. They became so focused on getting down they forgot to extend the gear
>They panicked after the bird strike and didn’t even look at the checklists. They became so focused on getting down they forgot to extend the gear

That's so idiotic, it may have been true.
who was on these planes then?
China. They're mad the guy they planted is getting arrested.
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Watch any Asian driving a car. Then imagine those same people flying a plane. Of course they're going to crash.
If the chief pilot panicked, his copilot may not have had the balls to stand up to him and demand he do things the right way. Koreans worship status like no other country.
Asian pilots, the worse of any ethnicity (unironically look it up)
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Its finally time to boycott planes and move onto the next mode of transport.

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