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It's dogshit in economy, their business class is very good. Premium economy has comfy seats but they nerfed it and now they serve economy food in premium.
>dogshit in economy
how so? never flown finnair
>their business class is very good.
I've never heard of a business class that isn't good, except for budget airlines and short-haul flights. I expect the worst of business class to still be passable, at least a 5/10.
OP more than likely had a bad experience with them, because people only openly talk shit about businesses that have wronged them. Nobody (genuinely) posts about companies they like.

That said, I see OP's Finnair and raise him an Air Canada.
there are bad business class experiences and european airlines are very good at those. finnair however has a genuinely good and modern business class in my experience.

I think recently they've been having issues with pilot strikes and whatnot, but that's just a standard euro thing.
Air Canada is absolutely dogshit

>Dirty planes
>Fat staff
>Chaotic boarding process
>terrible food

They also randomly blast the cabin with freezing air before takeoff and they took the YYZ VIE route off Austrian which is depressing
>They also randomly blast the cabin with freezing air before takeoff
I would genuinely love that. Most Asian airlines keep the cabin at a steady 200 fucking degrees
Explain? They have not recovered fully from chinkflu and maybe never will because of Putin but their long haul business is still quite reasonable.
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Used Finnair 4 times to travel between Europe and Japan in economy. No large delays, smooth Airbus A350 for comfy sleep. Plane full of autistic Fins and Japs. No loud people.
Fijians rape Virgin stewardesses, kek
Fiji seems like a nigger tier shithole. Some other anon was posting about how bad it is.

Any europoors flew in economy on their A320s? I'm flying London to Luthuania with them soon
Your absolute standard euro legacy airlines experience.
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Yeah they suck. They delayed a flight I had with them for 12 hours and I had to buy a new one to catch my connection. Then the delayed flight was just fully cancelled but they wouldn´t pay me back because I hadn't checked in for it.... Feels like I got scammed....
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oh yeah? travel on this shit and come back here
I flew Finnair in September from LAX to Madrid. We got an insane deal for $460 roundtrip. They were on time, didn't lose our luggage and fed us 3 times. Every seat had a movie screen on the headrest and they handed out free headphones. I bought internet access for like $10 for the flight. The legroom in economy was identical to most economy flights going out of LAX. I'd absolutely fly Finnair again.
You're not telling us the full story here. Did you buy separate tickets from third party websites?
What country are you in? In the US and Europe, you can submit one of those online forms and they have to reimburse you. I actually like when my flights get delayed internationally because I've had several roundtrip flights completely reimbursed for delays.
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I flew with these guys and is was pretty shit

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