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My teeth are fucked. They need serious work, or I'm fairly certain they're going to keep crumbling away as the years pass, as
they have been progressively, despite my oral hygiene. I don't know how dentists sleep at night with what they charge, and
how teeth aren't covered by Canada's wonderful socialized medical system is retarded given the ridiculous tax we pay into it.

Anyway, I'm flirting with the idea of heading to India to get total work done. Good idea/bad idea? Am I going to save a fortune with quality and lasting work done, or get really screwed?
Holy shit OP. I'm gonna sound like a scammer pajeet but I unironically have contacts with one of the best dentist in the South American continent, it's a friend's family dentist too.
I'm from Lima, Peru, the flight ticket shouldn't be too expensive here. I have lot of free time this couple of months so I wouldn't mind helping you out, also food here is pretty good
I've never done more than routine care in China but my friends who've done serious work are satisfied with it. Its cheap and I'd imagine better quality than India by some margin. Maybe consider Taiwan as well
NDP want to extend healthcare to cover dental but they never get enough votes to go through with it.

The cost of dental care is actually par for course for medical care. It only seems costly because it's NOT covered by Canadian dental care. Same reason why veternarian visits seem so costly.
i've had some good dental treatment in malaysia
there are plenty of bad dentists around too though
There's tons of dentists in Mexican border cities. Why go all the way to India?
The typical dental tourism destinations are India, Thailand, and Mexico. I make no guarantee about quality.

I notice you've said you're Canadian. I don't know what you do for a living or even what benefits package you have, but if you happen to have coverage by Manulife through your employer, apparently they will cover dental work in Mexico.
Teeth are so important, I don't know if I could trust some third world dentist. I get the costs are fucked in the west but when you're trying to eat for years and your teeth fall out because of shoody workmanship you'll regret it
It's a good idea, just do your research and find a good place, from personal experience Thailand is a good choice, also did some root canals in Georgia, dentist was crazy good at his job, but that's a bit too far if you're in Canada
Greece has very cheap labor costs for Anglosphere residents, Western Europeans. Also you can easily find a dental professional that likely knows English and was actually educated in the England or the USA. It's probably not going to be as cheap as India, China or South America, but it won't be as sketchy.

I remember telling my relatives in Greece that I paid over $3000+ for two root canals and crowns in the USA and they told me that I could have gotten that work done for a fraction of the price in Greece. But one of the teeth was very close to being lost and I went to a very expensive endodonist in Morristown, NJ that uses advanced techniques like Gentlewave and other cutting edge tools that weren't covered by insurance:

But I just paid because I'm not poor and I didn't want to loose it 100% and have a permanent gap or even more expensive screw and fake tooth surgically installed in my jawbone.

My advice to young people is to floss daily. You can't just brush your teeth and pretend that they are clean and that you're not going to have massive problems in a few decades from never flossing.
>Teeth are so important, I don't know if I could trust some third world dentist. I get the costs are fucked in the west but when you're trying to eat for years and your teeth fall out because of shoody workmanship you'll regret it

People imagine that the second you step out of Europe and North America its' just endless slums. You're not going to Dr. Pajeet Singh's shack to get your teeth fixed, you're going to the same people that the middle and upper class people of that country go to. Just because of economics and such that it costs less to fly there and do it than to do it at home.

And BECAUSE teeth are important, you can not neglect them for fear of price, but instead get all the neccesary work done for cheap.
This, they use the exact same materials and the exact same equipment nowadays, their training is probably also pretty similar
You don't know the regulations and education these people have received. They can buy all the gear but a dentistry degree at Mumbai dentist school is not the same as somewhere else.
korean>thailand>other asians
thailand is cheaper than korea and cheaper to be there and more pleasant. korea is a better bet quality wise with their medical tourism industry
i have visited several dentists while living in asia and they were all schooled and accredited in the USA. you just need to research and verify
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I had EXTENSIVE work done, mostly right before covid. Five implants, one implant bridge, two root canals and fillings...I let my dental hygiene go to shit during my drug abuse phase and when I sobered up, I had a hard time affording even piece meal work here in the Philly area (due to costs). I saved up and my aunt chipped in and I got all of it done in Los Algodones Mexico (across from Yuma) for about 40% the total cost here at home. I saw three different dentists here to get estimates and they all came in high, and because I had many good teeth left, they didnt want to pull them and get all on 4.
The offices are super easy to get to, very safe and clean and most of the dentists were educated or trained in the US.
Would recommend but I'm sure even their prices have gone up since then.
What's your background?
Good idea. If I didn't leave the united states for dental work I'd be toothless. Also every foreign dentist, even the worst ones, has done a better job than any work I've had done in the states.
Also got my septoplasty done in a foreign land
Oh yeah I just read the rest of your post, do NOT go to India. Go to Europe somewhere like Eastern Europe.
Are you retarded? Indians are fucking so incompetent it's pathethic
>Oh yeah I just read the rest of your post, do NOT go to India. Go to Europe somewhere like Eastern Europe.
>Are you retarded? Indians are fucking so incompetent it's pathethic

LOL this didn't even need to be stated. I think wealthy indians do dental tourism as well.

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