Kind of dejected with the West and have lived a pretty crazy life and my dopamine receptors are fried looking for an adventure/Sabbatical/run away whatever you want to call it.Looking for new frontiers the wild west and new experiences could be spiritual, charity work, job, or just exploring. Not looking for any digital nomad shit. I'm fairly well travelled and often in non-tourist area's so safety/comfort isn't the biggest deal for me. I also have a decent amount of money saved up.>In be for running away wont solve your problemsyeah I know I don't care I just want some adventure. If you where to go on a Sabbatical/adventure/running away where would you go open to all suggestions
>>2746216Sub-saharian Africa
>>2746230Yeah definitely could do something there but probably should have also stated cooming is not an imporant factor
>>2746249Negro Africa is the rawest and most primitive part of Earth remaining. Self doubt, depression, existential dread - all of that swept away by the exuberance of living life for whatever you can get out of it. Of course, you need a willingness to deal with people pragmatically and shamelessly manipulate their desires to your benefit. If your nature is one that chooses withdrawal or aversion when faced with difficult human problems, Negro Africa is not for you.
>>2746262Great summary I'll definitely behind the depths of it
>>2746262Add in most of Brazil, and various SE Asian islands. Basically, jungles are fucking ogre for civilization to thrive.
Personally I prefer wild primitive living with shy quiet humans, so I'm taking a bus to a remote province of Laos today with a big wad of cash and nothing at all planned.
I basically only find Europe + Russia and Latin America interesting these days. I think the Southern Europe + North Africa or Eastern Europe might be pretty fun while also being comfortable enough to stay a while. How do you intend to fun this little sabbatical? That’s an important detail.
>>2746485Been to Brazil and Thailand couple times for work. Was interested at looking into Laos, myanmar
>>2746564Not worried about funding I have access 200k liquid
>>2746564But wouldn't be apposed to making a bit of money while I'm away, that or some volunteer work
>>2746216afganistan-book a tour
>>2746630>I have access 200k liquidCrypto? I'm in the same situation only a bit more. Same open to anything attitude.
>>2746631Then like I said, I would go to Eastern Europe but I will say one more thing: I personally have the most fun traveling when I’m discovering history. My attitude is basically that when you’re bored with the here and now, you can either go somewhere else or back in time. Back in time is usually more fun than somewhere else when I’m solo. So consider going somewhere you really want to learn the history and culture.
>>2746216I would get a small sailboat and explore the south pacific.
sailing would be an interesting idea
>>2746216you could try to get past the ice wall
>>2746262Why do you LARP? Africa is just a big slum now. There’s no adventure. It’s just like traveling in the hood. The middle and upper classes places were prime for travel but now they’re all the same. Africa is no exception.
>>2747909Traveling in the hood is an adventure, kekIf you can't stand being around so many naggers, in particular throngs of idle young bucks with nothing better to do than harass whitey, then you should try to find some volunteer arrangement out in the more sparsely populated regions of the continent.