I'd like some of these in a normal luggage color without the anime branding does anyone recognize them or know something similar?Surely these aren't an anime exclusive product.
If you can't find any without the branding, then just go ahead and buy them anyway, then remove/cover it.A) Use a solvent like isopropyl alcohol, lacquer thinner, or acetone to remove it. With the latter two chemicals, I would wipe as fast as possible, as leaving it on too long can fuck up the plastic.B) Cover it up with stickers of something you actually do like.C) Paint over it.
>>2746632It's not just the appearance, they're super expensive probably due to the branding.
>>2746629wat is the point of a flat folding luggage?
>>2746854Storage when not traveling, or when traveling and staying someplace cramped for long enough to be worth unpacking.
>>2746805>they're super expensive probably due to the branding.Sadly, I think they are just expensive:https://andprfct.com/products/foldable-carry-on-suitcaseHave you looked at:https://www.amazon.com/ELDA-Collapsible-Hardshell-Suitcases-Combination/dp/B0CNP5XF2P
>>2747216Nice work sherlock, thanks. >>2746854>wat is the point of a flat folding luggage?You don't get it anon.>buy a bunch of these>fill them with stuff>fold flat>put all the flat suitcases into bigger suitcase>???>profit
>>2746629>look up OP pic>$500fuck