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In your experience, how do motorbikes and tuktuks treat pedestrians in SEA? I've never normally noticed any major issues except here in Siem Reap. They act like monkeys and try to hit you. They'll zigzag around in the road if you're crossing to scare you. They'll yell out if you impede them at all. I've never noticed this in Thailand, Vietnam or Malaysia. I would not recommend Cambodia on this basic. Anti social people
South East Asia: The board
>motorbikes and tuktuks
signs of a typical shithole
there's tons of 2000s Toyotas and Lexus' here as well. I'm kind of jealous as those cars would go for $15k in the US
>be local
>see faggot farang fucking up my homeland with his faggot shit
>try to run him over
based desu
Realtraveler, here
There was once a good blog by Mark, about Cambodian social.. quirks, and how one time on his bicycle a random man came out of the jungle and took a swing at him with a machete.
Have you seen the Maybachs yet? Yawn..
Look. I took a break from my serious travel activities, and found it for you.. back when the internet was informative..
thanks mr pedo
I've always wondered how much the tuktuk drivers hate pedestrians who refuse to use their ripoff services. Most places in SEA they don't seem to care that I always walk past them. However if you're making tuktuks swerve and yell at you, then maybe your dumb ass shouldn't be wandering around in traffic like a sick dog. SEA isn't America, you need to pay the fuck attention at all times when in public. Eyes and ears, 360 degrees. When a gap in the traffic arises, dart across the road. People will never touch the brakes for a pedestrian here, and some guys drive with reckless disregard for anyone else. Nothing you can do, the roads are anarchic. Find a smaller city to stay in if the traffic is too overwhelming for you.
That's why these guys are so good at Tetris, they're hyper vigilant and used to quickly putting together the patterns of traffic and threat around them
Yes always pay attention or you might walk into the fumes of boiling gutter oil, like me. Not very pleasant, to say the least! Caught a big throat-full!

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