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What's up /trv/, been working up a plan to drive from Belgium to Vladivostok, Russia in my 1994 Mercedes. Still in the early planning phase, I'd only be leaving in early 2026. The route I'd be taking would take me through the balkans, Turkey, the stans, Russia, Mongolia, back into Russia and through Siberia. From there I'd probably sell the car or scrap it and move on by ferry to South Korea. Is this at all feasible? I realize I'd have to modify the car to give it more clearance for the Mongolian roads, any other things to keep in mind?
Cyka do not go in winter or early in year like now.
Ice make road dangerous and rasputitsa make road miserable blyat.
Do you want to get prisoner exchanged?
The Siberia part of the trip would be in September most likely, before the weather gets too bad

Is it really that bad? It would only be to drive through and stop in cities along the way, would keep the time in Russia to a minimum
Why does it look like those men have no penis.
They're asian
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>Is this at all feasible?
Look up the Mongol Rally. People manage to get to Ulaan-Baatar (or, recently, to Ulan-Ude) with very modest cars.

I have no personal experience, but I've researched it a bit. Advice that I've heard is that it's better to drive around the Caspian sea rather than take a ferry. Also, apparently Turkmenistan is pretty strict about internal travel. Friends who have overlanded through Iran had only good things to say about the place.

I can recommend Chris Scott's "Overlanders' Handbook" as a decent introduction if you haven't tried this kind of travel before. It's a little bit geared towards people with bougie camper rigs, but there's still plenty of good information in there.

Is your Merc petrol or diesel? I've heard that diesel can be more difficult to come across in Russia and Central Asia. Maybe some who have traveled there can confirm.
This sounds badass. How much money do you reckon you need to do it?
Oh, hadn't heard of that before, thanks! Seems like they're avoiding Russia altogether and finishing in Kazakhstan instead. Not too sure what the situation will be like 1 year from now, so the Russian part is my main concern. My car is a petrol btw

Haven't gotten down to calculating the specifics, but I'm guessing around 10k per person. I'll be travelling with a buddy and we'll be taking a few months to get there, so will need a bit more for that reason
>so the Russian part is my main concern
Russia is fine you just have to have a visa of course, as an EU citizen you can apply online for an e-visa. Your route doesn't go anywhere near the war zone and even the longest-distance ukrainian drones don't go further east than Kazan
credit cards don't work in russia because of sanctions and their currency exchanges are trash (e.g. only available through banks, which have strict opening hours like 9:30 to 4pm), so see if you can pick up some rubles before you enter the country. You could probably get some in Turkey or Kazachstan

the people saying russia is nigeria with snow, well it's really not that different from its neighbours, so if you're willing to travel to tajikistan or turkmenistan then russia is no big deal
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>the people
it's a singular schizo with an iq below room temperature

You will be moooobilized pidor
>the people saying russia is nigeria with snow
Those are seething butthurt belters

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