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Hi, so I've always wanted to travel around Europe. I thought about using an Interrail pass but I'm too broke for that and have missed my DiscoverEU program. So what should I do? Is there any other way to get an Interrail pass?
You can rent a car for like $100/week in Spain. Get a stick shift and you'll pay a lot less for gas.
I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, but I always found it cheaper/more economic to buy individual train tickets as I travel.
Do you prebook your whole train itinerary in advance or buy train tickets as you go along?
rent a car and sleep in it or buy a tent to stealth camp.
I feel like this would definitely work. You put up those window blockers things and no one would mess with you.
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eastern/central/balkan/baltic europe train are cheap AF no need for interrail or anything. You can just buy the ticket few days before you leave from official websites for the specific country. For western europe buses like flixbus are probably the cheapes option followed by airplanes and trains (yes flying is something cheaper than taking train)

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