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What are the best countries for backdoor studies?
Phillipines, Eritrea, Laos
You just be saying whatever
not for backdoor
lol, not a chance and if so, there is good probability you will end up with a fine

honestly OP just get a gf in your own country. Almost every girl let my go backdoor after few dates.

But if you are incel and you are white, try Thailand
What about countries where the girls are only doing main studies after marriage, but frequently engaging in backdoor studies before?

or is this just a meme
ISG (International Study Guide) says Argentina
Indonesia, Brunei, Mindanao
literally every country
Do you have personal experience?
What do you guys even mean by back door studies?
Smh lurk moar
Is it a gay euphemism?
It shares a commonality with gay practices but isn’t gay
>sticking your dick into a shithole
>when a perfectly fine pussy is available
>not gay
Enjoy your ban.
Oh no, not the ban
Enjoy wasting 15 minutes of your life so you can troll/shitpost.
not really
Brazil - it's not hard to find shameless butt sluts here, the 2 I've been with seemed to have the attitude that they were the ones paying and wanted to get their moneys worth

Also very common

>What about countries where the girls are only doing main studies after marriage, but frequently engaging in backdoor studies before?
You need to find countries where there's still an expectation of girls being virgins when they get married, so middle east, maybe India, good luck

Any you find are likely to be total chonkers that can't get laid otherwise

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