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What countries is it feasible to show up at pic related with cash and rent for a few months close to the yearly lease rate? My current definitive list is very small and I need whatever help I can get
>Any shithole country???
The countries I'm most interested in are Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. Anything help bros.
great thread. I'm gonna give this one a bump
this thread's ok but I'd like to see another sex tourism thread
Literally any of them, the ones you listed are often more willing to work with cash anyway because they hate the 2% fee Visa takes. Do you not know how to use google or hotels.com?Fucking hell dude did this need a thread?
>Literally any of them,
Nope, Germany definitely wants your German credit report or a guarantor. They absolutely won't assist someone on visa free tourism. 99% sure Japan the same way but I'd like more evidence.
you dumbass. I'm not paying a 300% premium over rental prices. Read the OP
>you dumbass. I'm not paying a 300% premium over rental prices. Read the OP
Then get a prepaid credit card and use Airbnb. Also I never said BOOK through Hotels.com but you can find out if the place accepts cash on site. Otherwise you're going to need to just google around for good month rates on random hotel sites.
>99% sure Japan the same way but I'd like more evidence.
Some want a card on file for damages but every hotel I've stayed in, Hotel Toyo in Osaka I do 1 month stays in is cash and has a monthly rate just don't expect luxury.

Taiwan, Korea, and Japan all have cash payment options I know I cycle through them throughout the year on visa runs. Your problem will be what place will allow it, most apartments are going to want SOME kind of card for damages if present. Hostelworld would be a good way to see who takes cash or has deals.
>>you dumbass. I'm not paying a 300% premium over rental prices. Read the OP
>Then get a prepaid credit card and use Airbnb. Also I never said BOOK through Hotels.com but you can find out if the place accepts cash on site. Otherwise you're going to need to just google around for good month rates on random hotel sites. >>>>>2747915
Your question is stupidly anon

A prepaid CC and booking through Airbnb is going to get you the best deal, that's a fact unless you want to go searching which again use your brain and go google. This is pretty much your best and most solid option as a foreigner on a tourist visa.
Most hotels and hostels will take cash, again hotel toyo I mentioned in Osaka will do month rates with cash payments, I had similar luck with some places in Korea. This is your second best option along with maybe craigslist or facebook marketplace.
There are tons of countries that will do Cash only North America is full of such places though again you're going to just get a flat fee, if it's a rip off then it's a rip off.

No one here can spoon feed you, be a big boy and get a CC so you can use Airbnb for long term lease rates. Otherwise you're going to just be dealing with random luck. Do places exist in those countries? Sure, is anyone here going to spoonfeed you on where? hell no.

You're really not going to get an apartment as a foreigner at market rate without paying a hike by being a month to month client or a high risk occupant who could trash the place leaving the management without any way to collect damages.
Okay All countries you can find someone willing to do under the table and off the book cash rates for what you are looking for.

I have no idea what you're even talking about at this point. I'm looking for an APARTMENT by walking into the RENTAL OFFICE. I'm a TOURIST without an INCOME so they'd probably want me to pay the rental term up front in CASH. APARTMENTS typically don't want you paying with CREDIT CARDS.
Okay every country has that in some place. Just gotta look around anon. Someone at a rental office in some country will always look the other way for a cash payout, barring maybe Vatican city.
>wants to pay cash only
>wants close to the yearly rate
Choose one
Cash damage deposits equal to 2 or 3 months' rent are common in Thailand for monthly rentals. Ignore the airbnb shills; airbnb is for neurotic anxious cucks who need everything arranged in advance of their arrival for peace of mind. Also an important point: if you want to pay local tier prices, you're gonna get local tier amenities. Stop thinking you can get some luxury ass picture window bullshit for $200/month.
Phillipines is the only really doable for long term
>visa up to 3 years
>cheap condos
>good pussy
<shitty food

Thailand was atleast for me tricky with a visas. I think I could get max 120 days with a visa run. Idk maybe something changed
Getting an apartment cash month-by-month as a foreign tourist without any kind of surcharge for potential damages or such is laughable anon. A hotel is far more likely and practical compared to what an apartment complex would try to gouge you out of for utilities+rent+insurance. Not sure you're understanding the total cost and risk it is to a landlord.

While I am not a huge fan of airbnb for all things, if OP is trying to get everything in a tidy little bundle it's worth evaluating for the simple fact you can insure no retarded gotcha's by an insane landlord. It would be the easiest way to price breaks on month-to-month style renting while covering your ass a bit while also opening up more favorable locations.

One question is why cash for everything though. Not that there is much wrong with it but just seems odd and is going to limit your options
>Getting an apartment cash month-by-month as a foreign tourist without any kind of surcharge for potential damages or such is laughable anon

Commonplace all over SEA, especially thailand and philippines. That's how I live most of the year. Monthly rental at various furnished apartments. I dont consider a security deposit to be a big deal, and have never had it stolen from me (I think they know based on my appearance I would cause a problem for them if they did).

I have gotten monthly apartments in malaysia, indonesia, thailand, philippines, cambodia, and vietnam

it is as simple as walking into a building and asking the property manager if they have furnished rentals available on a monthly basis

sometimes they do sometimes they don't, but it never takes more than a day or two of looking around to get settled somewhere acceptable for my needs

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