I’m thinking of moving to Belarus.How long does it take to get an expedited visa in either Lithuania or Poland at the embassy? And is it possible to get work there as a foreigner, or work and get paid under the table? I’m a westerner.
>>2748255Belarus is an ethnostate for Belarusians. They are also known to be autocratic. Undoubtedly they strictly enforce immigration laws. This means prison for illegal aliens breaking the law, not deportation.
>>2748347>UndoubtedlyI.e. you know fuck all.
>>2748255>I’m thinking of moving to BelarusSick mental help first. If you just looking for an easy pussy as a foreigner, better move to Ukraine
I remember wanting to move there in my /pol/ days because it was the whitest country in the world.
>>2748698Have you been there? It's a very nice country (no "easy pussy" though, it's not SEA)
>>2748255Belarus sucks ass bro, it's not what you think it out to be