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Going to DC with 3 friends for president's day
>Feb 15 Boston - DC
>Feb 16 DC
>Feb 17 DC
>Feb 18 DC - Boston
Any advice is welcome. This is what I found so far:
>The Mansion on O Street.
>Holocaust & WW2 Museum
>Capitol, White House, etc. government stuff
>Eastern Market
>Spy Museum
>Catacombs at Franciscan monastery
>Karaoke where Lincoln assesination was plotted

Any more kino stuff? Not a huge fan of what I found so far. Find something engaging where we could have fun.
Chinatown has some pretty great bars. Rocket Bar if you're going with friends, Jackpot if you're going solo. You're not going to be able to get into the White House tour if you don't have a recommendation from a congressperson or gov official, but getting a tour of the Capitol is pretty easy with reservations. The Smithsonian museums are cool, but child-oriented. Portrait Gallery, Hirschhorn, National Gallery of Art and National Archives are also free and better. The ice rink at the NGA sculpture garden will also be open. If there's something good, go see some band perform at 9:30 or Union Stage. Also, taxis are generally cheaper than ubers, and the Metro is good but closes way too early.
+1 for all of these. I'd also add old town Alexandria.

If you have a car, get out of the city and go see downtown Annapolis and Great Falls of the Potomac,
Check out the tomb of the unknown soldier. Its guarded 24/7 in respect.
Check out the tomb of the unknown soldier.
The Smithsonian air and space museum (both locations) are worth a visit.
As is the Smithsonian museum of natural history.

The national art gallery is also decent if you like art.

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