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Does /trv/ think that tourism as an industry is going to increase or decrease, and why? Will some sources of travellers become more dominant and some cities more popular while others fail? Or a global general increase or decrease?

I personally think international tourism is going to explode. People will get fed up with no change early on in the year and spend more on grass is always greener type escapism trips than ever before, from all Western nations and a few affluent Asian ones like South Korea.
You do that. I'm gonna go work in my garden and make better meals than I ever found while traveling for a year and half nonstop.
That dude is so handsome. My god. His fall from grace must be of biblical proportions. I might get another hair transplant.
>tourism will explode
Nope. Only tech workers with esoteric or high-level skill sets have enough leverage for employers to permit location independent remote work without issue. Those are few and far between. Same with the small population of lucky crypto faggots or autists who worked and saved from 18+ and can retire early

I’m not getting on a plane to fly somewhere to pressure myself to get the most out of the trip for only 14 days before I’m forced back into my open air prison country (USA).

The world is a horrible place
In Australia, we're in a cost of living crisis. The cost of everything has exploded since the pandemic ended. Its a daily source of bitching and moaning from pretty much everyone.
In spite of this, tourism has exploded. People are saving every cent they can to go abroad. Travel isn't going anywhere.
Then I guess your government shouldn't make a big deal about how they're going to raise the money for the nuclear submarines that they're wanting to aquire from the US.
Preaching to the choir. I won't go into it because mods seem particularly autistic about my posts lately.
Unrelated to travel, but I am interested: what's your plan for life then? Just buckle down and wait? Escape with media instead of travel?
Decrease. When everywhere is getting more expensive it becomes harder to justify splurging on travel.
If you're going to be paying a premium for shit like food you might as well do it at home.
worldwide tourism will keep increasing as long as the population of the world keeps increasing and countries like china and india become more developed and their middle classes keep growing
for the rest of us the future of travel is fighting our way past chinese tour groups as they follow some guy with a little flag around an art gallery, or staring aghast as they fight their way to the hotel buffet, forever
if you think it is bad now wait until brics expands and introduces free movement between its countries
I used to think I can just quit my job every two years with enough savings to go fuck off for awhile and then reenter but I’m 34 and I’ve had 20+ jobs. It’s worked out so far with minimum pain and stress but I might not be so lucky the next time I roll the dice. I might just have to accept my lot in life.

There’s no low-skilled remote jobs that aren’t already outsourced to jeets idgaf what anyone says they just aren’t there
Yeah tourism numbers are once again exceeding pre-COVID levels and continuing to rise. Yet there is no cause for despair. These modern tourists are more timid and mentally incapable than any other period in the history of world travel. Disgusting sheep who endlessly mill around a tourist trap district, hoping their phone screen gives them some new recommendation to follow. It boggles my mind how few wandering adventurers I've crossed paths with in Southeast Asia. They can't find any online info or social media posts about travel to X province, so for them, X province doesn't even exist.
>It boggles my mind how few wandering adventurers I've crossed paths with in Southeast Asia.
that's because we saw you coming and hid from you
nobody wants to spend time with a "real traveller"
I think you just live a boring life. I get nothing out searching for a bus station to some random town, asking locals where it is, them giving me wrong directions, because they don't want to admit they don't know, can't look like an idiot in front of a stranger, I have honor, then finally getting on the bus, arriving to the destination, and it's just another shithole. I'll stick around the Ruby Tuesday and enjoy doing nothing for once in my life.
what I find interesting is that the number of tourists continues to increase but what normies in particular want out of travel has changed. they visit X place and want to tick off a checklist of social media posts, much like an autist plays vidya with a primary aim to collect all the steam achievements. they are both fundamentally missing the point.

like the guy at work was amazed I don't look at youtubes of airports I'm using for the first time to get a feel for how they're laid out. why even bother going to a new place if you're just going to do that
Will you still want to get away sometimes? Domestic holidays?
cope desu
Point taken, my life is boring solely because I fail to exploit the numerous social opportunities which are presented to me by virtue of being the only foreigner these people have seen all year. The innkeeper's teenage daughter keeps loitering around in the yard tonight and giving me sultry looks. I was fumbling for the light switch in my room after returning and she suddenly materialized at my door to, uhh, help me find it. The older market ladies were making candid remarks about me to each other and reacting with those mischievous noises that they make when they hear something a little ribald; the 30 year old woman who sold me a huge grilled fish deliberately stroked my hand while staring at me as she took my money. Little girls laugh or scream with excitement when they see me.
Why don't you make a habit of returning to the one job you liked the most and were the best at? Were you that bad of a worker that none of your previous employers will hire you back?
>want to tick off a checklist of social media posts, much like an autist plays vidya with a primary aim to collect all the steam achievements. they are both fundamentally missing the point.
latest iteration of this is outsourcing your entire itinerary to a conversational AI
>There’s no low-skilled remote jobs that aren’t already outsourced to jeets idgaf what anyone says they just aren’t there
have you considered going for a highly skilled one?
I'm seeing many therapists listing "online *only*" now, although my current guy is both in person and online.
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Absolute Twink death....
I’m not gonna go learn skills I have no aptitude for go fuck yourself
you may as well just put the GPT bullet points into image search at that point, you'll enjoy it just as much and it'll save you a fortune
>Does /trv/ think that tourism as an industry is going to increase or decrease, and why?
why? bitcoin. more?
>Same with the small population of lucky crypto faggots
total crypto marketcap is 3.3 trillion (with a capital T) which consists of more than a few lucky people. i would encourage you to buy now while possible but hesitate to cast pearls before swine.
Pleb doesn't understand what marketcap means. There's no where near that much liquidity.
>There's no where near that much liquidity.
there will be...there will be...
Business decreases as its more and more useless but tourism increases, specially the luxury niche. But just a hunch. And untill next big crisis. Much money still to be made in Africa/Asia so there will be a whole new demography travelling in the next decades.

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