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Hi anons, I want to leave Russia but I don’t have international passport and visa , what are my options? please tell me
Just get one you stupid fuck, it's like 5000 rubles or something
why should I spend money on this if it's just a one-time trip?
Hop the border and defect
Travel costs money, dumdum. If you don't want to spend money just stay home.
join the army anon
they seem to be short of people at the moment
it's a guarantee that you'll have an exciting but possibly quite short travelling life
damn I came here to make that same joke

I would have told it better though
Unfortunately it's not a guarantee - he could get sent to liberate Kursk and never visit the foreign lands of Ukraine at all.

My suggestion would be to get moooobilized and hopefully become a POW in Ukraine
You should spend money because it's a one-time trip. Were you expecting to ride the plane for free, as well?
>he could get sent to liberate Kursk
If he loses few dozens of kilograms Ukrainians might take him for a Nork. They are actively searching to capture living Norks, so chance of survival will be bigger this way.
>why should I spend money on this if it's just a one-time trip?
Wtf is this logic? This:
Money is an instrument to achieve a goal and your current goal is to escape from Russia and never look back. It's that easy.
Because it's the requirement.

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