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File: ESL.jpg (391 KB, 3295x1337)
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Is teaching english in Asia as a means to travel worth it?
Is it true that the market is very saturated?
Covid dented a lot of the demand along with China slowing down a lot in its hiring practices.
“Worth it” is relative. I did it for a couple of years when I was young and had low expectations, and I loved it. But it’s arguable that it’s not as good as ‘a means to travel’ as it is as a convenient way to stay semi-long-term in a place, with some local/regional travel. To oversimplify, it either pays extremely poorly or offers comparatively limited time off/schedule flexibility. So the “best” jobs offer the least freedom, and the “worst” jobs REALLY don’t pay (in quotes because it’s all relative). Bouncing around picking up jobs in new places while you travel isn’t realistic. It’s not completely impossible, but anywhere that will hire a short-term drifter isn’t going to sponsor a visa/work permit or pay more than a poverty wage, so it can be sketchy and/or precarious.

So it’s worth doing for someone who’s willing and able to be mostly based in one place for perhaps a year at a time, and content to explore on weekends and holidays. It’s not worth trying as a revenue stream for backpacking.
ESL is the most based job out there, desu. Probably the most accessible way to escape goy slavery and to become your own man not restricted by borders.
You'll live like a king in some literal where shithole, with barely legal keen and easy students dripping all over your classrooms like snails. You'll typically work 20 hours a week, and have shitloads of time to explore the country and live like a local.
Yes and no. The esl monkey jobs most of you will do means you barely make enough to save and enjoy life and nobody respects you. The next level up in private tutoring but you must work freelance to get full earnings which also means possibly not having yhe right visa and being sneaky and having to find and set up your classes, although after the first one they come to you like bees to honey, word of mouth is powerful. However the real career is tutoring full time for one family, an affluent family that pays you to have good credentials and experience, and with this they cover housing and transport and you are paid well so for someone qualified it is a great way to travel and save a lot but most useless plebians will end up as dancing monkeys and rejection at the local bars every weekend.

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