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the water makes you sick.
the air makes you sick. (polluted roads, traffic, mold in the AC units)
the food makes you sick.
hygiene is india tier.
i guess i'll just walk around then. (enjoy dengue fever and typhus from the mosquitoes.)

well at least i can go to gorgeous beaches...
yeah you can't play in the sand or stay barefoot or you will get hookworm.
if you go in the water (still with shoes on) you get sea lice and rashes.
scams everywhere. desperate trannies harassing you into buying them or trying to rape you. obnoxious and loud roasties and jocks. the ugliest 70 year old motherfuckers you've ever seen walking around with prostitutes and trannies.

basically people just go here to get wasted and fuck whores in the clubs. might as well do that in your country.
all this while breaking out, feeling like shit from the garbage food, and looking like shit as well, the tap water that makes your skin dull and makes all your hair fall off.
parasites are common. your gut bacteria will never be the same. people develop allergies or infections that last years after going here.

remind me again what's the point of this shithole? the literal tranny country.
an entire country turned into a theme park for foreigners. the women prostitute themselves and the men turn into women to do the same.
i've never seen a people more buckbroken than this. just sad.

i'll just travel in first world countries that have basic necessities such as clean water. thank you.
Nobody asked.
>I don’t drink tap water
>I don’t go outside within reason
>I don’t go in the water unless it’s a remote island where the water is clear
>i did my research on scams
>I speak Thai

I go to get my pecker played with because in America all I do is “wait to go back to Thailand.” I go to work, come home, eat frozen safeway pizzas as a treat, and drink beer until I’m muttering to myself and fall asleep.

If there wasn’t some kind of avenue for me to go get my pecker played with, I would probably go get some fentanyl and check out. This is barely tolerable
Thailand is still 1000X better than the Philippines, which are more interesting than Japan and Korea. Japan has just become so boring to me.
What about the pecker play?
Disgusting farang ghettos are not representative of Thailand any more than Bourbon Street or Times Square is representative of the average American public space. There's a reason those of us who actually travel around Thailand love it so much. What the fuck impels stupid foreigners to crowd into the same shitty overpriced tourist traps every time they go to a country? That's where most of the garbage food is sold as well, to drunk clueless foreigners. All that degeneracy makes you feel like shit, big surprise there.
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>garbage food
>the tap water that makes your skin dull and makes all your hair fall off
Can someone fact check this? The water in Bangkok seems less chlorinated than my water in America. I'm just showering in it anyway
chlorine isn't the only thing in water anon. also i dont think any country outside america even has chlorine in their water. anyway, he means they have hard water which yes, it gives you acne and hair loss. korea also has hard water, probably even worse, and people complain about shedding hair when going there too.
south italy has the best tap water that i know of. probably why people are so good looking.
I got conjunctivitis from using the tap water to wash my hands and then put in my contacts….

Or it could’ve been from eating from the tutors restaurant “from the back” on the street of 6

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