Lads I'm going to China and I don't really understand their payment systems. Is it fine if I just download Alipay, connect it with a debit card and register my passport there? Can I then just pay for everything?
>>2751602>Is it fine if I just download Alipay, connect it with a debit card and register my passport there? Can I then just pay for everything?Yes, it works fine, no bullshit. It's the maps apps that you're actually fucked with
>>2751665>It's the maps apps that you're actually fucked withwhy?
>>2751602there is new system for foreigners. it is easier than it was last year. if you arrive at major airport there are kiosks with english speakers who can set it all up for you. there is a huge increase in non-chinese tourists due to visa free travel and they have made it easy
>>2751676The foreign ones haven't been updated in 10 years and local ones are only available in Chinese
>>2751745just ask the nearest girl for direction, then ask her out for dinner too. sorted