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I just got back from an Alps ski trip. Finally checked Switzerland off my list. Zermatt is mediocre for skiing. Not as expensive as I imagined, but also not cheap. Glad I went, though I don't plan to visit again. Austria had the best skiing, infrastructure, and apres ski scene (German house.) Italian Dolomites had the prettiest views, open and kind people, and food ofc. I found Milan to be a bit of a dump.

Baikal next week.
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I'm surprised we didn't get an update this year. Where is the Norwegian autist?
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Staying in the orient for at least the next year so I will nicely green it up a lot more
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>>2756258 (OP)
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Need another recommendation for a country to visit other than Colombia. Been doing a lot of Central America travel recently.
I wonder if he gave up. His last thread (>>2718581) vanished under mysterious circumstances.
>no rule-breaking posts
>very little bickering
>never reached bump limit
>didn't even get moved off the catalog (I remember it being about halfway through, but it wasn't like Page 10 or anything)
>didn't get archived (on 4chan; it did get archived externally)
It was a perfectly healthy thread that had no reason to be deleted, but it did. It only lasted three days.
I would lose heart too if my passion project no longer became welcome.
absolute bs
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Been making very slow progress on my travel map lately, with only one new province filled so far in 2025. I use light green for regions transited and dark green for regions visited. Regions neither transited nor visited remain unfilled.
It feels more fulfilling to travel in the traditional manner, traversing the land and sojourning in each town along the way instead of flitting from one far-flung airport to another in an effort to rack up as many countries as possible. A wasteful extravagance which is bound to leave you feeling out of touch with your surroundings.
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Huh, weird. No wonder I haven't seen this thread for a while. Shame... and I don't even know if my map is the most updated one or fuck all.
Anywho, 2025 will be a different year for me since I'm only planning to visit one new country & probably will focus on revisiting a few countries instead. I did some ecotourism shit last month and I thoroughly enjoyed it, so I'd love to do more of that this year.
You're one version behind. You have 4.0.3, while the latest known version is 4.0.4. I hope I'm wrong about Norwegianon giving up, I look forward to seeing 4.0.5. from him someday.
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Silly me, here's the actual template.
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Still trying to complete all of Europe by bicycle. Might go to Norway this year but not looking forward to the unstable weather on the coast.
>all of Europe by bicycle
Long-distance cycling has always been intriguing to me. Let me ask you a few things:
What kind of bicycle do you have?
What type of bicycle would you recommend for this type of trip (if for some reason your bike is less than ideal and you think there are better options)?
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>What kind of bicycle do you have?
A custom-made touring bicycle.
>What type of bicycle would you recommend for this type of trip
A custom-made touring bicycle.

Before I got my current bike I toured on a fucking singlespeed though. Almost any bicycle can be used for touring really. I highly recommend gears however.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Italian from /flag/ might have something to do with it. He trolled /trv/ pretty bad for a while and then he got upset when some people left his general because of that, including our Norwegian friend. He's chronically unemployed and very autistic, he even kept one of our posts open for a month just to insult someone he would recognise. And now he even spends money to advertise his general on 4chan after constantly bullying people away, but I don't know if he still does that.
>He's chronically unemployed

Nah he does have job and is enrolled in university as far as I know. The autism part is true for sure though.
I wish he could be more like a real Italian and only be autistic about food.
>mamma mia, you cannot put-a the pineapple on-a da pizza!
What do you not believe?
there is no way you have been to almost every russian, brazilian, indian and chinese province
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Finally a map thread! :3 I love these.

I don't count the subdivisions I have passed through. I only include the ones where I spend at least one hour outside the airport, terminal, station, etc.
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Just got back from Japan and got SK lined up for next month. Might go to the YPT Ranson tour in NK will see
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Went to South Africa at the end of last year. First new country in years.
What's the lore behind it?
Why not? I lived in Russia most of my life, and spent ~3 months in India, China and Brazil each. In many provinces I didn't spend that much time, 1-3 days.
I also spend 3 months in india and seen only half of your places. how do you even have time to take everything in?
>>2756258 (OP)
Should home country be the place that you were born, the place that you spent the majority of your formative years, or the place you live currently?
t. citizen of the world
home country should what you feel in your heart. I was "born" in America but my spiritual home is egypt, because in my past life I was a pharao
That's kind of weird anon
I think I'm going to mark all three in red and see it as my personal empire
How many citizenships do you have?
Well, my route with the number of days in each place:
Delhi - 8
Amritsar - 4
Dharamsala - 3
Shimla - 2
Chandigarh - 4
Agra - 4
Khajuraho - 2
Varanasi - 4
Gaya - 3
Puri - 3
Kolkata - 4
(2 weeks in Nepal, 2 weeks in Bangladesh, 2 weeks in Malaysia, 1 week in Bangkok)
Kochi - 3
Goa - 8
Mumbai - 3
Thiruvanantapuram - 1
Kanyakumari - 1
Madurai - 1
Tiruchchirappalli - 1
Puduchery - 1
Chennai - 3
Bengaluru - 2
Hyderabad - 3
Aurangabad - 1
Vapi/Daman - 2
Ahmadabad - 2
Jodhpur - 2
Pushkar - 2
Jaipur - 3
Delhi - 2

Can't say it was too rushed. By the end I was a bit tired of India so skipped Rishikesh which could have been +1 more region.
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God willing all Europe will turn green
Hopefully this year I'll slot in 1-2 more euro countries + turn dark green some light green areas
i remember your maps, but i forgot do you travel because of work or are you very rich? or both
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I love the flag details!
Neither, I'm just a digital nomad.
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You inspired me to do the same, merci/gracias :3
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>>2756258 (OP)
jealous you visited russia

would love to drive through Alaska in the summer time

where is your home country anon?
>where is your home country anon?
Seems like Hong Kong
Okay cool, but please don't speak fr*nch to me ever again.
>but please don't speak fr*nch to me ever again.
The moment I noticed you were from Vlaanderen, I knew what I had to do...
How much do you have to earn to travel so much?
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Finally went to Morocco, Marrakech is real cool even with all the money hungry people. Very pretty women too. Planning on visiting China some more this year, since who knows how long its really gonna be open.
Last years I've earned around $6000 per month on average. 5+ years ago it was closer to $3-4 thousand. In 2015-2017 I traveled China, India and SEA on a budget between $1000 and $2000 per month.
$6000 is definitely way more than average for Russia, Turkey or Argentina where I lived, but I don't think anyone would call that 'rich' in the United States or Europe.
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I'm broke so I'm not going anywhere soon
About why so much of China:
I'm Chinese, and when I was young I constantly moved to and from China during the summer to spend time with my grandparents. I also went to school in China for 2 years.
>Last years I've earned around $6000 per month on average.
Holy shit what do you do?
>I'm broke so I'm not going anywhere soon
Relatable and sad.
What about the bordering states you haven't visited yet? Or Central America/Caribbean countries?
Not Central America, but Oh yes, I've been to Little Rock, Arkansas twice. I've also had layovers in Texas, got to try the Whataburger. It was cool.
>Holy shit what do you do?
Software development
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Think I've just added the Guyanas since the last thread.
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Planning to tick off a few more regions of Syria in April
Tell me about Algeria, please.

What's with everyone going to Syria? I visited Mardin and that was close enough for me because of the scary news on the teevee. Where did you go & what was your experience?
Seconding wanting to hear more about the Guianas. I don't think I'd bother with French Guiana but Guyana is very high on my list and Paramaribo seems like such a wonderfully bizarre little city.
I was there at the end of 2022. Wanted to go somewhere less travelled, it wasn't so expensive to go and I could visit Lebanon at the same time. I went to Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra. Also went to Bosra and Hama and some other smaller places, so all over the area that was Assad controlled at the time. I had a really great time actually, the food was amazing, and everyone was really friendly. It was strange seeing Assad's face on everything, like even the rear car windows had them. Also going through military checkpoints was strange at first but it's weird how quickly it just became normal. Not many people spoke about the government at the time. Met a couple of generals which was cool.
It's a very interesting part of the world. I would recommend going to all 3. Guyana definitely the sketchiest of the 3, but I never had any issues. Hung out with some locals I met randomly and they showed me some areas around which was fun. The waterfalls were amazing.
Paramaribo was probably my favorite of the 3 actually. That's a good way to describe it, I think it fits. I had a lot of fun just wandering around.
Getting around isn't so easy and it's much more expensive than the rest of South America here - especially French Guiana. Space Center in French Guiana was cool, and visiting the french penal colony stuff there was interesting.
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Some day I will conquer Europe
what are those colors lol
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Heres mine, just starting at this game
Nice! How easy would it be for you to go to Guatemala?
Pretty easy. I actually have a friend in there so I might as well just go on a weekend or something.
Meant to reply to
I do not and will not recognize the existance of r*ssia, France, b*lgium or Euro-ir*land
Pink just was the first my mouse landed on
Thanks anon. Was this self-planned or did you go with a group? Where in the interior of Guyana did you visit? I've been to the Amazon a few times, the llanos, and pantanal so as much as I do still want to add Guyana I'm not sure what I'd get that I haven't already seen. A few years ago I inquired with someone down there about hiking Roraima from the Guyana side but that was sadly a no-go.
Algeria is probably the most underrated country I've been to, nobody goes because unlike it's neighbours you need a visa but it's so much more interesting than Tunisia and Morocco in my opinion
Huge, super diverse (cultures, ethnic groups, landscapes), people are extremely friendly, cheap and chips and you barely bump into any other tourists
I was there for 3 weeks but I easy could have spent a month
It was a group trip, did have a bit of time in both Suriname and Guyana at the end and before it started to wander around Paramaribo and Georgetown though. I took a plane to Kaieteur Falls one day, most of the trip was along the coast. I haven't seen anywhere else similar so I can't really compare. May not be as interesting if you've seen a bunch of similar stuff. Georgetown itself is pretty interesting though and worth a visit.
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>Kharkiv to Russia
>Sevastopol to Ukraine
Weirdest peace deal
About to flesh out China some more.
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Damn, nice map!

How long do you think someone needs to stay in a place before listing it as "have lived before"?
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I need to travel more.
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My friend and I are planning a two to three week trip over Turkey, the Caucasus and Central Asia, which is why the yellow coloring is weird in some places
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6 months left in China, still want to go to
Not your country.
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Also planning on doing SEA, maybe Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and some west and south Africa, just got bored of colouring in whole countries.
Iraq* Don't think I can visit Iran
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You can't invent a colour for "planning" just to fill up the map more. What the fuck is the point of that?
I'm booked to go to Ireland and the UK in March, coming home for a wedding then leaving again, I never plan out my route and don't have a flight back to Europe so can't say "going soon". That's a rough idea for what I'm doing this year with nothing set in stone, going soon implies It's planned or booked.
>You can't invent a colour
Yes you can. It was even encouraged by le based Norwegian man. And I'd rather listen to him than some smelly Italian.
>You can't invent a colour for "planning" just to fill up the map more.
Of course you can
They can categorize the map with as many colours as they want
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glad to see these threads are still around
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Going soon to Poland Tatras mountains
then maybe China
100% autism
Curious, why Baku specifically out of the entirety of the Caucasus?
I'm not this guy but there is a Formula 1 race happening there. Could be a reason.
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Planning a CZ-SK-PL road trip, but aside from the Timisoara visit, nothing is certain
Any tips for Serbia? Probably going back to the balkans this year. Last time I did Nish, Belgrade, and Novi Sad. Nish was boring, Belgrade was okay, Novi Sad was just Russian refugees at the hostel and I couldn't find anything to do other than spending every day just walking around the city aimlessly.
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100% autism
Probably breaking down the level to every county instead of the state level and every highway they've ever driven on.
Pfft, what an amateur. A REAL traveler would count every blade of grass he has ever set foot on.
They should break it down into
>Lived(30 days+)
>Stayed overnight
>Visited(day trips)
>Passed through
Depends what you want to do. I mean, every single one of my trips to Western Europe is exactly that, walking around and seeing the sights.

The nightlife is still good, used to be better before 2020, but its still really good. If you saw everything you needed to see already and are not interested in museums and historical buildings, I would just suggest treating the trip as a food holiday. We have a lot of good restaurants around the country and you can do smaller day trips. Center of Belgrade is slowly being taken over by the Russians and Ukrainians and their overpriced bullshit, but you can find excellent restaurants and fast food anywhere.

I really like Sremski Karlovci, Subotica and Sombor, nice quiet towns in the north. Užice has this thing called "komplet lepinja" which is a god send. You can also go to Tara or Divcibare or any other mountain aside from Zlatibor if you like hiking. There is also a lot of monasteries in that region from the middle ages, but you would need a car for that.

I'm probably biased (and a fat fuck), but I think the Balkans are ideal for just going to eat, sightseeing and doing cheap shit.
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It's a little embarrassing seeing how little of the world I have visited.
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Here. Open it in Paint, select the whole image, then Cut or Copy.

Open the default template (seen here: >>2756557) and paste it in.
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There's also this if you want a little extra 'tizz.
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There are some very cool places in French Guiana but it's very impractical to move around the territory so it's not a good spot for tourism. However, if you're in the area I wouldn't sit it out if I were you. You would be missing some unique stuff you can't see in Guyana nor Suriname.
There is of course the space center (kind of meh but worth seeing if you're into this stuff) but also Îles du Salut, the former penal colony pretty far up the coast with very odd ruins. There is also a large lake with a dam and renting a boat allows you to see wild exotic animals. Jaguars, toucans, sloths, monkeys.
>Lived(30 days+)
Isn't 30 days too little? I'd say at least 6 months is needed
Yeah it should be a place you actually had a lease for which is normally 6 months+
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Big fucking Norway update. Had some incredible luck with the weather for a bicycle trip in winter, but temperatures in the country's interior were bitterly cold. Really beautiful place.
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Wow, good job. Any plans on Portugal and Belarus though?
No way in the current political climate. Way too many stamps from Ukraine in my passport for that to be a good idea.

Relatively likely this year but I'll make it dependent on the weather.
Iceland could also be an option for fall.
Ngl I'm too retarded to edit these together

Pls do it for me anon
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Here you go sempai.
Why only 5 countries have third-level divisions on that map?
it's completely arbitrary
imo in the eastern us, India, and Russia the second-level divisions are so small as to be meaningless

China's are the right size
almancı or moved to Germany later?
who had the genius idea to paint little bridges and shit that fucks with the paint bucket tool?
These are considered single countries or territories, groups of islands.
It's unironically a genius way to connect administrative divisions
Don't use paint.net it's fill doesn't work with the maps, I fucked around for half an hour before I got mad trying to get rid of every bridge or missing border pixel. Turns out if you just use microsoft paint's bucket tool it works fine.
I use paint.net because sometimes MS Paint distorts the pixels after saving. When using the paint bucket tool in paint.net, make sure to make the tolerance 0% and select "aliased rendering" instead of "antialiased rendering"
I actually just went back and checked. Using photopea on the browser all I had to do was lower the paint bucket "Tolerance".
So I take it back >>2763025
I'm a bit bored of seeing old buildings and museums. My first 2-3 solo trips I'd do a history and art museum in every city and visit all the notable buildings, but now it's a bit dull unless I'm in a completely new region. Usually now I'll just dedicate a day to wondering around aimlessly in a city.
>nightlife in Belgrade
I did a few bar nights but never went to any clubs. I really like getting out of cities and meeting people in rural areas. But it's hard without a car and renting one on my own is usually too expensive. It's nice when I meet people and can share the costs though. Planning on hitch hiking more through the Balkans this time only hitch hiked in Albania last trip.
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>>2756258 (OP)
no i am not but my uncle living there so i stay on his place for a month while travelling around NRW it was back in 2015.time flies
why are both of these labelled as the same version. shit's retarded, should use different subversion, the second one is (unnecessarily IMO) much more detailed in a few countries
who the fuck would be autistic enough to label all those tiny russian subregions
Who the fuck would be autistic enough to care that much about versions and subversions of a png file found for free on the internet?
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Too lazy to make the legit map right now. Some countries I've been to multiple times.

Thinking of breaking into Africa or doing some sort of Mexico-Guatemala-Nicaragua (just pass through Honduras) trip since I feel it's a bit a shame to not have ever really explored central america.

Going to be going back to Ukraine for a while though so not sure how much time I'll have to travel elsewhere.
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And just for fun tho here's my US states map
>John from Texas Oblast
Why do you want to visit Indiana and Iowa and Missouri?
Damn, now I really wanna see your legit map
One is the standard edition of the map, the other is an optional re-skin that you manually apply (or wait for another anon to do it for you).
I order the same Costco hotdog as everyone else, some people like to cut theirs into tiny widdle pieces.
>specifically goes to Latvia out of all Baltics
but why
nta but riga is top of my list, haven't done a ton of research though but it's easy hopping on a ryanair flight
I went to latvia for a week when I was living in Russia. I decided to blow Latvia out of the water instead of do the the capitals. But now I want to go do a road trip in the Baltics someday. Latvia was great I'd totally go back and finish them off.
Riga is comfy as hell. Part of why I choose Latvia was to go see the Art Nouveau district in Riga and I wasn't disappointed. There's even a little Art Nouveau museum that's a nice stop.

I went in late Novemeber and I have great memories walking around Riga with mulled wine. I saw two free concerts: one a string quartet in St. Peter's Church and the other an Organ concert of Bach at St. John's Church. It seems like it happened pretty often I really enjoyed it.

If all you want to do is Riga and you're in Europe you could do it in a single weekend. I did two full days in Riga and that was a perfect amount I think. Then explored Latvia another 5 days.
What's in Chihuahua that you want to see that isn't in other parts of Mexico?
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>>2756258 (OP)
Have not been here in awhile, lost my old map -- a couple of these dots are approximate as I can;t be arsed to go look up exactly where that city was in on this map...
Tiny little dogs.
If you have a list of every major location you've been to, I'll remake it for you. I assume it's far easier for you to remember where you've been than to locate them on a world map.
Thank you, very kind, but no need to go to the trouble. I am "moving computers" as my old one is doing weird shit, and not all stuff is on this one yet. Once' I've finished, I'll have my map where I sat down and actually found the right districts/cities.

But I'll always remember that you offered... /trv/ is still the friendliest board on here.
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I prefer to go to Malta for that.
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That's a cool way to show your travels actually.
I like counting the places I visited based on cities, so, one day I'll find a good program to make a map similar to pic-related. I really like the style of these types of maps.
that is relatively simple with python and geopandas, you would just need to add entries to a spreadsheet/csv file
name of city and number of days spent, for the colour, and a true/false if you want the name displayed
provided you can find a reliable database that correlates city names to coordinates, manually inputting coordinates would be a PITA, surely someone must have done it
a competent programmer could do it in an afternoon, so it would take me a couple, i might try it today because i want to avoid work
idk the US-mexico border dynamic seems interesting.
Tbh half of the purple I just kind clicked based on vibes. I more interested in regions rather than concrete states/cities for the most part
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I used Nominatim from geopy.geocoders python library to get coordinates, it works pretty fine, though sometimes you need to tweak how you write the name (it could pick a city with the same name in a different country, or confuse city name with region name). Used to to visualize my trip routes like this
that's sick
Is there an easy way to overlay everyones map to make some sort of travel heatmap? It might lead to some interesting insights. For example, countries like Georgia, Armenia, and Uzbekistan are unexpectedly quite common.
Nice job
I'm guessing
>yellow: flights
>red: trains
>blue: buses
>black: car
Correct, and green = ship.
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>>2756258 (OP)
Going to Czechia next week.
hey anon is chile(santiago) worth visit? im thinking a trip to buenos aires but im reluctant about paying a lot of money just to see average latam metropol.also thinking about visiting for brazil i heard santa catarina is best state for visiting... is it true?
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Buenos Aires is more beautiful than Santiago and you can make a 2/3-day trip to Montevideo for grabbing you knew two countries. With Milei all Conesur are more expensive, though.

As for Brazil, Santa Catarina is good both for the beaches (when it doesn't rain) and the women, with the best German-Italian-Portuguese racemixing you can imagine. They also have a good theme park (Beto Carreiro World) near Navegantes. Other than that, look for municipalities festivals: the most famous ones are Oktoberfest in Blumenau and Festa do Pinhão in Lages.

But my humble opinion is that the best hidden Brazilian treasure is our colonial cities. Santa Catarina has one (São Francisco do Sul) but the best ones are at Royal Road.
thanks anon. what about Balneário Camboriú? is worth visiting while at SC or it is overrated place?
Azerbaijan airlines has cheap direct flights from Beijing - Baku then Baku - London. on my way back from China I can go via there and take a week to relax (I'd ship most of my stuff back separately, no way to take it all on the plane, I have like an entire suitcase of books I bought here)

>road trip in the Baltics
I definitely recommend, this is how I went to Latvia + Lithuania, imo Lithuania is a bit better but there's lots to see both on the cultural and natural side in both. Curonian spit / Klaipeda is a must
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Plotted my google location history on a world map
you have to go back
Back where?
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I have a couple more months in Europe and spare funds for a few weekend trips plus maybe one week somewhere before prices rise in summer, what should be at the top of my list?
I'm tempted to just do more Italy, since I loved it and learned the language, but maybe should try something new.
I'm mostly interested in cities, museums, architecture, just walking around. I'm on a diet so would try to avoid eating out, and little to no drinking/partying. One of the trips will be more of a party trip as I'll meet a friend who's living in Germany, city to be decided.
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You can easily visit Italy, Switzerland or Germany though
how the fuck have you lived in so many different states? homeless?

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