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good day /trv/

>be me
>want to travel a bit first before seppuku
>quintessential nerd/weeb, always wanted to go to japan
>need bucket list
recommendations? i have 50k savings. already quit my job and sold all my stuff as im planning to go next month.

i went to /adv/ first btw and they told me to come here.
Are you planning on staying in Japan until your money runs out? Or are you wanting to visit a bunch of places.

With 50k you could see all of Japan; start up north and work your way down to Kyushu. What sort of stuff do you like to do? What Japanese food do you like? If you're in a big city like Tokyo there are almost endless restaurants to try out. I used to go hunting the best ramen places for example.

A few things you might like:

- Maid cafes: Kinda gay but interesting to see once.
- Weird bars: Used to be one in Nakano (Soft on Demand HQ) where you could talk to pornstars over a beer. There are lots of these types of places around Tokyo.
- Nakano Broadway: Loads of nerd stuff from manga, action figures, etc.
- Arcades. Not sure if they're still there, but I used to like to go to the big arcades in places like Ikebukuro. I used to go to them when I was a kid but they disappeared long ago where I'm from.
- Gardens? Plenty of nice ones around Japan, probably helpful if you're depressed.
- Sport? The baseball is good if you like that, as is the golf. Going to a sumo tournament is also cool even if you don't understand the finer points of it (like me).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, I've spent a few years in Japan (mostly Tokyo) so maybe I can help you put a bucket list together for you.
>>2756996 (OP)
rent a girlfriend there, there's massage parlors too. There's this place called Round 1, that is an arcade that you can spend the whole day there for cheap and there's go kart, baseball, arcades etc...
>>2756996 (OP)
Fly Boeing, maybe you'll crash.
>Are you planning on staying in Japan until your money runs out?
most likely.
>What sort of stuff do you like to do?
i like anime and manga, vidya, and tech. i also like to go outdoors occasionally. hiking camping etc.
>I've spent a few years in Japan (mostly Tokyo)
i've been doing a bit of research on tourism visas, apparently they don't give them out for longer than 3 months? is there any way around that? i want to stay as long as im able.

thanks for the recommendations btw.
What kind of job did you quit and was there a particular moment in your life that you decided to do this or was it gradual? Just curious and if you don’t want to answer, I get it. I’ve thought of doing the same thing at various points.

Do you speak Japanese? I don’t and when I was there I wished that I did because interactions were limited because of it. Go figure. I was with a native speaker friend so I wasn’t totally in the dark, but still. For instance, one day I was by myself in a park and this dapper old guy approached me on a trail and started saying a bunch of shit with a big smile on his face, none of which I could understand, and now I’ll always be curious about what he said. Probably called me a faggot, just wish I could’ve returned the favor. I would’ve had 10x more fun if I spoke the language but I still had a great time.

If you like vidya then the retro game stores are a must, so much rare/unique shit. I started a PC Engine collection while I was there and had a lot of fun doing it. Guessing a suicidal person isn’t too interested in collecting/consuming but still fun to look. I’ll echo the other anon regarding sumo, I went to a basho and it was fucking awesome, trumped all the other combat sports events I’ve seen live. The way all the women in the audience start shrieking when a guy is close to getting pushed out is absolutely hilarious. Definitely check out some onsen’s, I went to a beautiful resort in Gunma, $300 a night but well worth it. They feed you an amazing, healthy dinner every night and the rest of the time you just relax in your huge comfy room, take walks around the facility and then go soak. I was there in January and it was nearly deserted, never saw another person in the hot springs, had it all to myself every time. I’d also recommend traveling around via bullet trains, bring a book/vidya and some snacks, doesn’t get much comfier. GL anon, I’ll drop more rec’s as I think of them.
Depending on how old you are and where you're from, there might be a working holiday visa. I did that and it gives you up to 18 months, but you need to be 30 or younger and not all countries have that arrangement. If you're going to an hero at the end (I get it) does it matter if you overstay?

Onsens are a good recommendation too, they're pretty cool places to stay for a little while and relax.

One of the most fun days out I had in Japan was at Fuji Q Highland. It's a themepark with some of the best rollercoasters in the world. Disneyland is probably a bit juvenile for you, but even as an adult I enjoyed Disneysea. Odaiba is probably worth a visit as well, I think there's a Round 1 there too.

Tokyo and the other big cities don't really lend themselves to hiking and camping since they are so huge and tend to be quite flat. If you're in Tokyo, maybe head down to the Izu peninsula and spend a bit of time there. Lots of places to go hiking and exploring down there. Hokkaido or Kyushu would be better for nature type stuff.

When I first lived in Japan there were bookstores called BookOff near every train station in Tokyo. I used to go hunting for $1 manga there whenever I had some free time. But last time I was in Tokyo they had mostly closed down and apparently people just use mercari or other online stores now.

Hope that helps, let me know if you have any questions about Japan.
>What kind of job did you quit
>was there a particular moment in your life that you decided to do this or was it gradual?
more gradual. dont want to go into too much detail but ive thought about it for a long time.
>Do you speak Japanese?
no, sadly. ive always wanted to learn but never dedicated any time to it. i heard japan is pretty easily navigable for english speakers now, is that true?
>I did that and it gives you up to 18 months, but you need to be 30 or younger
im 24 so all good there.
>does it matter if you overstay?
no not really, just not sure how strict they are about it. wouldnt want to get kicked out randomly.

thanks for all the recs, anons. i'll definitely add them to my list.
why would you kys when you are still young and can work remote? the world is your oyster. stop being a fag.
I’m the anon who recommended the onsen/sumo/bullet train. Yeah, it’s pretty easily navigable for English speakers, especially with google translate. You can point your camera at writing and get decent translations or someone can literally speak into your phone with the voice to text feature. The subway system is fucking crazy in Tokyo but I saw literal jeets navigating it lol so it’s not too bad. Download the offline japanese database in the google translate app before you go for sure. I’d bring an external battery pack for your phone so you don’t have to stop to charge when you’re out exploring.

If you hang out in the cities there will be plenty of foreigners who know English, for better or worse. Some Japanese do have some basic-to-good English but a lot of them have almost none, at least in my experience. My wife is from Tokyo and most of her extended family can’t speak English for shit, it’s pretty funny trying to communicate with them but we make it work. They’re really great people, very kind and thoughtful.

24 is pretty early to hero but I remember thinking about doing that a lot in my late teens so I understand. Won’t try to talk you out of it, however, I urge you to step out of your comfort zone on your trip and try some things you’d never do, socially or otherwise. You never know what doors will open from a chance encounter or experience, life is funny like that. Also consider spending time somewhere remote by yourself and tune out all the noise in the world for a bit and try to do some introspection. Our minds are more powerful than we’re led to believe. Won’t lecture you so I’ll stop there. I’m older than you and also work in tech and know how utterly soulless it is, not surprised you wanted to get out of that shit. I hate it too, just riding it out til I have enough $ to do something else. Godspeed anon, hope you find what you’re looking for on your trip.
thank you anon. i'll keep that in mind.
The ease & aimlessness of unearned privilege drives youth to abuse drugs and daydream of suicide. People who struggled for what they have are much more appreciative of life.
>>2756996 (OP)
Just go get your pecker played with by jap teen schoolgirl lolis and you’ll go from sewer slide to “see you tomorrow faggot”
That’s literally a privilege you faggot. Nobody feels depressed or suicidal when they can spend all their free time indulging in pleasure. When I had my dad’s Amex gold card for several years I just partied and fucked dozens of girls while everyone had to wait until they got off work at 9pm. When I got my 40k inheritance and blew it I was in a dreamworld of lethargic bliss, every single day. All my time was my own. Now I just work and sleep. Go fuck your self you piece of shit. You clueless faggot. You don’t know shit about anything
>is there any way around that?
language school. you cant travel as much during the week, but you can do a lot in tokyo.
>>2756996 (OP)
if you're suicidal why go to a country that has some of the highest rates of suicide in the world? that's not the kind of place where you're going to have the time of your life. go to some place happy like colombia. trust me, you'll get your mojo back. if not you will at least go out with a bang
32 fag here doing my first trip soon.
Take the vacation time to cool off your head. Really take in the place and please don't walk into aokigahara
>>2756996 (OP)
go to akihabara at the end of one street is the red stairs that Box-kun hides under in the jdrama
>Ikebukuro West Gate Park
take the west gate exist in ikebukuro and sit and drink booze in the park and take it in the sights and sounds. amazing

go to Shibuya walk up towards the Dogenzaka and across the road from the 109 Building is a whale resto you'll see a whale sign on the outside only. Go in, it will cost about 30 dollars for a protected Minke whale set meal. Try it once, they give whale bacon as part of the set and whale blubber. Bonus take photos and tag greenpeace etc on social media

go to Kabukicho go do some batting at the back of the place towards the hill slant , if you play yakuza its in there also

go to Mt Takao they have a buffet at the top and all you can drink booze its like 30 bucks for 2 hrs

go to Yoshiwara next to Ueno JR and have a hot bath
The ironic think about this is that if OP does all of this, he won't want to kill himself anymore. He'll just be broke
That money affords you a modest house and then some in a country like Brazil, get a 1 year digital nomad visa and marry someone here to get residence without having to work for a shitty low paying local company.
With a 1st world salary you can work 3~4 months a year and already afford all everyday life amenities.
Work until you're 30 and you can already retire.
Just move to a place with decent standards of living.

If you just want to spend your money until it's ogre, I'd say blow 10k on Japan for a month or two, then use the rest to travel more; go meet some dirty cheap SEA countries, and by rotating between them you can probably use your 50k for 2 years or more, as long as you're not a big spender.
You are nerd but don't know any locations from anime you want to visit?

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