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They’re such a cute pairing, especially since Visha is one of the few things capable of humanising Tanya
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It's been so long since I see a Youjo Senki thread. Hope it's as good as the last time.
Bonus in that this is from the anime
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Why is Visha having indecent thoughts about Tanya?
Visha simultaneously wants to mother Tanya and be dominated by her
>last time

Does anyone know where the last one was?
Ah thank you

That has tons of ones I’ve never seen before, since YJ is relatively small fandom there’s not as much Yuri fanart
Oh god why is there no art of Visha breastfeeding Tanya
Art from volume one of the LN
Praise be, thanks to Being X
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Tanya is a fun character and Visha is really fun to ship with her. Also the manga seems to push the ship and it's pretty lewd at times.
Isn't there another page of this with a smug looking Tanya being real pleased with the effect she's having on Visha?
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This is why I like Tanya as a character. Equally in character to write her as being a dense cinnamon roll that doesn't realize her adjutant's feelings and a smug, domineering, and just a bit sadistic and reveling in mutual feelings of lust/love.
Forgot to mention but this is from the official manga. The context is alcohol but damn it sounds like they’re talking about something else ^^
This is hilarious out of context.
Yeah that’s how most of the fanfics go-Tanya struggles to recognize and deal with her romantic feelings towards Visha

Hell, even in the original LN she rationalizes more benevolent behavior towards Visha and the other troops as her “being a good commander/employer and taking care of the Human resources” because she can’t fathom the idea that she could actually be empathetic
I mean Tanya probably does have some trouble with empathy, but when she gets attached she gets real attached given some of the shit she's done and confessed in her head.

Also it's not even limited to Visha, though it's mostly a thing with crossover fics as there's not really anyone else to ship Tanya with in YS, as Tanya regularly fails to understand other girls loving her (and her loving them) whenever it happens elsewhere and elsewhen. Like in the pair of Tanya/Toga fics that exist. Which are really good examples of the super rare "yandere taming" genre and Tanya being a good match for other crazy girls.
Yeah I like the idea that Tanya is super possessive and clingy not because of some sociopathic need to control but because at the end of the day she’s never really had true connections in either of her lives, so the few people she truly cares for-Visha, the other Isekai Quartet characters in that crossover continuity, etc-mean that much more to her
>Like in the pair of Tanya/Toga fics that exist.
There's more than one?
One's kinda dead but here's the both of them




with the SB one being pretty dead right now.
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So I'm just gonna dump this massive fanfic here


It has as of today 553.955 words bundled in 103 ongoing chapters is decently updated, good plot, smut and all the other things you gals may enjoy.
Author is a chill person too as far as I am aware. Had to stop at one point because I'm slow reader and life is testing me right now but I do believe some of yo/u/ might definitely enjoy it.
>Massive youjo senki fic
You can't fool me I know this fic was made by Carlo zen under a psuedo name
>You can't fool me
>553.955 words not massive
Nee-san, I don't get your point please indulge me in my ignorance.
That's beautiful.
Yeah I’ve been reading that one for a while, I’m right at the point where Tanya and Visha are sort of dating but Tanya doesn’t quite realize it yet
That's an adorable idea.
You're really in for a treat once Tanya figures things out. For it's a really fun scene that.
Yeah what I was thinking is Tanya really, on some level, is afraid of losing what she didn’t know she wanted

It’s a little out of character but I think it’s not too much a stretch to make it work
Nah Isekai Quartet is fun
So AEV and another fic updated within the last 12ish hours. Always fun to see this pairing continue to chug along.
I just read the scene in Amor Enim Vult where Tanya does realise everything and it all falls into place, damn it was beautiful

I’m also reading the fifth volume of the LN rn and (spoilers) the 203rd fails in a mission and loses ten mages to fire from Mary’s volunteer unit. In the aftermath Tanya is visibly and vocally furious and blames herself. She internally rationalizes it as “damn what a waste of human capital” but based on the way she was behaving I’d like to think she was actually upset and struggling to deal with the loss of her soldiers, but just lacks the emotional intelligence to recognise it as such.
>but based on the way she was behaving I’d like to think she was actually upset and struggling to deal with the loss of her soldiers, but just lacks the emotional intelligence to recognise it as such.
Yeah that's basically Tanya's character in a shellnut.
She literally curses and angrily demands vengeance on the enemy soldiers and on the intelligence agency who’s faulty intel put them in that spot. It’s sweet and sad to see how she actually does care even though she has no capacity to realise that she does
Yeah Tanya is very much a tiger mom and she doesn't like it when her boys die at all.
Cute doujin, weird intro aside.
That was an odd doujin in general sis.
It’s not loading for me
Hell nah my crackas, we not letting this thread die
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Found this.

Tanya ain't wrong.
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I stopped reading that because later on it just becomes endless explaining of politics, like entire chapters of two characters who are not even in the series talking about politics and honestly was boring me to all hell. The Tanya Visha parts are nice but wading through so much dull stuff is tiresome.
I wish Mary lived. She even had her own companion she could be shipped with. Though I'm not actually sure if she is dead in the light novel yet, or if the author changed his mind on killing her off. I only know she died in the web novel.
Tbh that’s half the premise of the original LN so
I really need to get a-hold o’ the manga
Replying to myself to note that the second fic linked has updated.

As far as /u/ stuff goes, we got more Toga being herself and a setup for some (new) office romance due to the new employment setups for both girls.

Gonna be fun to see how long things stay hidden.
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Read further in volume five of the LN-goddamn Tanya outright compares Visha to a dutiful wife
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I mean that's not an inaccurate way to describe Visha...
AEV updated, now with a bit of rough sex between the happy married couple of the fic and Mary getting rescued by a gril she didn't know is Tanya and immediately crushing on her hard.
>She internally rationalizes it as “damn what a waste of human capital” but based on the way she was behaving I’d like to think she was actually upset and struggling to deal with the loss of her soldiers, but just lacks the emotional intelligence to recognise it as such.
I'm not sure.
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest."
Given Tanya's philosophy, I would expect something like that sentiment.
I think you're assigning too much value to Tanya's philosophy. It's what she uses to make sense of the world, other people, and herself because of whatever fuckied up mix of problems she's got in addition to her thick skull. As much as she may claim otherwise, it is not her sole driving factor. So the interpretation that it's Tanya being upset over losing her men checks out.
I really hope she's entirely philosophy driven. I want her to win her battle of spite against Being X.

I'm failing to see your logic here. Their spat is about the necessity of a divine figure existing and faith in them. Becoming more emotionally intelligent and understanding her personal feelings enough to not constantly rationalize them away just means that Tanya has grown as a person. It does nothing to compromise her ability to fight Being X.
I see Being X sending Tanya on this task because it didn't like that he wasn't "good enough." The very first words Being X said was "The humans lately have no judgement of right or wrong." Then Being X proceeded to shit on his philosophy. Meanwhile, the entire manga ends up being a justification of Tanya's philosophy. While Tanya continually does things for "evil motives" (because 90% of the people reading the manga hate neoliberal philosophy), everyone the acts surprised about her "good pragmatic results" or like you claims that it's "delusional" even--that it must instead be because her motives are pure. This is just like capitalism. People continue to shit on capitalism for "evil motives" when it gives results that resemble benevolence in the end. Being X wanted Tanya to "change for the better," and Tanya proceeds to shit on him by not changing and showing him that he was better all along.
>Being X wanted Tanya to "change for the better," and Tanya proceeds to shit on him by not changing and showing him that he was better all along.

That's not how any of that works at all. Being X wants Tanya to worship him because he's a little bitch who couldn't handle criticism of his business model and acts to coerce and force her into worship. If he cared about people being better, he wouldn't have dropped her into magical WW1, allowed for the war to start and burn out of control, and very especially empower or enlighten various people of various levels of goodness and inspire them into greater acts of fuckery. Furthermore, Tanya gaining emotional intelligence doesn't change her philosophy. It just makes her aware of what she's actually doing stuff for and frankly it's a disservice to the character to think that she's just some robot running on capitalism.exe making the best decisions she can. Hell it's a disservice to the philosophy she follows if you think that someone can't follow it genuinely whilst still being a morale and empathic human being.
Anyways, what are some /u/ friendly properties that Tanya could get dumped into for a 3rd life that would work for her type of story? I'm craving some thoughts bout crossovers...
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>akuma no riddle
Tanya has to use her brains and sociological prowess to keep Visha alive. Bonus points because Tanya is weaker than the other girls so can't fight them head on.

>Toaru Railgun
Tanya is a level 4 esper. Enrolls in an all girl school and has to deal with adoring fans and hormonal students. Known as the kuudere or sadodere depending on who you ask. Visha is a level 5, a younger student, and has her clique

>doki doki
Monikaa assumes Tanya is there to delete her or take over the game. Tanya is cautious of Monika as the girl seems to know whats going to happen next as if she's reading a script. Eventually they both find out who each other really is. they both try to escape the game
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Why does manga Visha want to fuck Tanya so badly?
Because she wants to get topped by a sadistic loli with a soft side and is a capture target she can lock in before anyone else in Germania can even think about going for her due to familiarity and being able to go through her stomach to seduce her with coffee and sweets.
Tanya doesn't know how much nipple stimulation it takes to induce lactation but she's sure as hell keen on finding out.
I’d say Visha is already lactating secretly and that breast milk is what makes Tanya’s coffee so good, except it’s fact that she likes black coffee not coffee with cream so Visha unfortunately couldn’t be doing that
I mean it's not like she won't drink coffee that isn't straight, for she does so to mock some idiot in leadership up in Norden. Could easily have Tanya develop a taste for coffee with Visha milk.

How she gets in that scenario escapes me though.
>How she gets in that scenario escapes me though.
easy, the only thing visha need to do is secretly add a drop of breast milk every time, until it becomes noticeable but for then it will be too late, tanya would have adquired the taste
I feel like Tanya is enough of a foodie, or just paranoid enough in general, to catch on pretty quickly. Which would be trouble for the relationship.

Though Visha trying to sneak shit past Tanya could just result in sexy punishments. Like Tanya making Visha ramp up production to masochistic levels even for days when she can milk herself as much as she likes.

Bright side is that all that milk helps Tanya grow up some.
Did Visha steal Tanya's chocolate!?
Just dumping her on the ground lol. That page reminds me of a scene in Volume 14 I think. That has couple of panels that give the impression the artist is on board with the ship. Same princess carry (in fact I plan on checking on how close of a match it is) but the way Tanya puts her down is completely different. In the scene I'm talking about, Tanya catches Visha who is falling towards what would be her death because Visha burned out her type 97 computation orb.
Okay, it's volume 15

The image is definitely distinct. Visha's head is on the left in the volume 15 image for starters. Also they were clearly looking at each other in the volume 15 image.

Also fuck captcha! I must have gotten at least 5 impossible to decipher configurations in a row.
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>Isekai Quartet is fun
>>>/a/ is two blocks down
Off topic but captchas suck ass bro
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They've gotten so much worse lately it's kinda unreal.

Also found some domestic shit in my folder.
Tanya was going to fuck Aqua up lol
She's a live at the end of that movie iirc
My background pic lol
Visha the Voyeur
One wonders how Visha might be punished/"punished" if Tanya catches her...
Does AEV or any other fic ever *really* touch on what it’s like for Tanya being made into a girl?

Even the original LN barely touches on it
Tbh that feels like a focus that weakens the /u/ relevance that Tanya can achieve and isn't particularly in character for her to be that sort of introspective. Like she's got concerns about becoming a girl but it's less about feelings and more about the general results of being weak and powerless in a very pragmatic way
AEV updated.

Also for the fans of the rarepair that is Tanya/Mary, there's this thing that's popped up


that's real interesting.
I know others but aside AEV none that touch this issue seriously are yuri
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What did they mean by this?
manga ship them very hard but the other one that's somewhat pushed is lerghen
I've never heard that the manga pushed that. Only delusional hetfags.
Appreciate ya
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Visha should really know better than to have worn something so accessible.
I just rewatched the anime and you can clearly see Tanya gives a fuck about Visha.
Haven't started reading this, I want to, but from your comment, does this go into a Love triangle kind of thing, or does it stick to tanya/visha?
I referenced AEV (Amon Emin Vult) which is a pure Tanya/Visha fic. The fic I actually linked appears to be a pure Tanya/Mary fic.
Ohh, my bad, I misread. Thanks!
AEV updated

Anyways, as far as new fics goe there is a fusion with cyberpunk edgerunners that's just come out and it's pretty neat.

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Tanya going right for the tits is always a fun image.
Since Tanya's an older mind in aa younger body would she behave like a randy hormonal teenager in bed and feel embarrassed the morning after? Just getting absolutely teased by Visha as she tries to keep her urges in check.
The effects of puberty on Tanya's mind has always intrigued me. It's the most direct form by which to gauge the hierarchy between body and mind, which one affects which the most?
Hormonal changes could fuck her mind up as it often happens to prodigy kids.
I'd say that mind has a priority over the body for the most part but even Tanya's generally iron will is interesting to see be affected by the temptations of her cute adjudant as well as other girls in other lives. For as much fun as making Tanya into a useless lesbian is, having her take charge and know what she wants in girls is even more fun.
Canonically I'd believe the hormones won't have as much as impact in either mind and body mostly because she suffered childhood desnutrition at least light (moderate most probable) and being exposed to an adult level of work (only below to construction worker intensive-wise) since her 9th mostly stunned and delayed her development so the most probable answer is she would aproach rationally any kind of romance, once to stumble because she still have problems to understand other people.

tl;dr: A tragic variation of useless lesbian
I'm pretty sure there's a canonish pic of Tanya as an adult and she's not too bad off. So it's really up to writer's choice on how Tanya handles things so even if over rationalization is a route to go, which is a fairly well worn route and just prime reading material, it's not necessarily the only one. I personally lean towards Tanya being exclusively into girls that she's formed a strong emotional bond with before romantic/sexual interest can occur for her.
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Gotta love wedding pics.
Is gay marriage legal in not!Germany?
I don't think marriage as a contract with government benefits would be a thing but they could have a ceremony if they wanted and if the Empire lines up with Germany, homosexuality should be decriminalized at the time.

Still Tanya is pretty popular and has friends in high places. Getting a marriage shouldn't be too difficult for her.
they live in not!kaiserreich era, I'm sure it's legal at that time considering how liberal our counterpart was
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Visha is super lucky to have access to Tanya's super fluffy hair.
File deleted.
She is, she probably helps Tanya comb it as well.
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We don't get many pics of Light Novel Visha do we?
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I really wouldn't be surprised if Visha admits to being in love with Tanya at some point.
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Yeah if that is what Visha see's as soon as Tanya starts undressing then she's obviously crushing on her, you can't even twist this to as Visha wanting to play dress up with Tanya, it's just too blatantly Yuri to ignore.
Most people are familiar with the manga/anime version, and I gotta say that the contrast between petite blonde Tanya and curvy brunette Visha is nice.
what chapters these came from?
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73.6, a magazine release I think. but you can still find it online, just not in the usual easy-to-find spots.
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This fic updated.

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Any content with Visha and Mary fighting over Tanya?
The closest I have would be a fic hinting that something like that may happen in the future.


I don't actually think it will happen but... here it is anyway.
Well, for those of you into crossover ships with Tanya, there's a pretty good fic of her being set up with one of the few isekai protags who can match her denseness involving a third life Tanya.

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This fic has updated more than a few times since this linking and things are progressing quite well. Including Katarina getting to kiss both reincarnated girls in this life of hers. With Tanya claiming her first.
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If you're interested in crossovers I recommend Princess of Mandalore and The Saga of the Runt. In both Tanya likes girls.
The author makes it pretty clear that Tanya is Bi in those.

Princess of Mandalore pushes Tanya to like men e by giving her a celebrity crush of all things.

And In the Saga of the Runt, it's implied that she just sleeps around with people who interest her, with a word of god saying she's aromatic Bi.
The setup of mando one was not to my taste and I couldn't get into the 40k one and given the other anon's report I'm glad I never bothered.

I can see Tanya not being into a romantic relationship but being sexually into dudes is just not kosher at all.
>Princess of Mandalore pushes Tanya to like men e by giving her a celebrity crush of all things.
Not Tanya, her body double and she shut that down. At least read something before you lie about it sis.
I did, even read the word of god that outright said that each Tanya from their different stories would have a different sexuality and that PoM would have a Bi or heterosexual Tanya.
>forget the bleach one when she and visha are practically married
>And In the Saga of the Runt, it's implied that she just sleeps around with people who interest her, with a word of god saying she's aromatic Bi.
she only sleeps around with her valkyries as far I checked

No, in the mando one she IS bi
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Merry Christmas
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Yeah that’s funny I swear All Routes Lead To Doom reminded me of Tanya a lot, Katarina is about as dense as she is
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What's with the Fairy Odd Parents size difference between Tanya and Visha?
Visha getting into bed with Tanya only to be completely unable to sleep is good civilization.
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Well... Tanya's name does mean "Fairy Queen"
So it does fit in a funny way
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This is machine translated, so basically it's shit, it's also spoilers for Ch 85 of the manga.

[Panel One]
Tanya: Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, I'm going to check on the 4th Company.

[Panel Two]
Tanya: You are now in command of the 1st Company of the Machinima Formation, and you are to prepare for any contingencies that may arise.

Tanya: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't do anything rash... because this is an enemy capital, and I'll be right back.

Visha: Yes, sir. I'll take care of it.

Visha: Good day, sir. - Good day, Major Degrechov. Almost exactly, Battalion Chief.

[Panel Four]
Soldier 1: Like a good wife seeing her husband off

Soldier 2: Indeed, indeed.

Visha: You'd better stop talking! Airspace warning! Let's go!
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Tanya being dashing will never not be great.
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>Tanya got taller
Grown up Tanya has a lot of potential though. Very much worth being excited about.
It helps that there is official art of adult Tanya, both in and out of the Manga.
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wait, this came from YWPR, right?
Yep, it came from YWPR.
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Tanya is lucky that Visha doesn't seem to mind her bringing work to bed too much.
Why are these two so cute together?
Well that sure is some anatomy.

Anyways, I don't think any good Tanya featured yuri fics have updated recently and that makes me kinda sad. That girl deserves female attention and nothing is updating that gives her any.
why this is allowed but not Ayakashi triangle?
Ayakashi Trinagle is posted all the time in the shonen thread,
Didn't "Third Time's the Charm" & TanJaded's Tensura crossover update less than a week ago?
I'm not really fond of Tanya in other isekai properties.
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Mary is underrated as an option for stuff like enemies to lovers. Which is a shame because Tanya breaking one of Being X's little toys is really appealing to think about.
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>still no YS yuri fics of note updating or showing up recently
I mean the gen fic scene is pretty solid, but I wanna see Tanya get some girls.
When the basis for their relationship is revenge for dead loved ones, there's not much possibility for anything other than violent rape, enslavery, and Stockholm syndrome.
Ordinarily you'd be right, but the exact circumstances of Anson's death do open opportunities. It's not like Tanya just wanted into Mary's house and shot her dad in an act of malice after all. It was war and depending on the source material as I think things shift a bit in different version, Mary doesn't even know how her father really died. As I think she thinks Anson died at that one base whilst some version of the work say that he survives there, doesn't tell his family otherwise, and dies trying to kill Tanya later.

Also further lives do change things quite a bit. A 3rd life Tanya meeting a 2nd life Mary opens up a lot of opportunities.
I love this artstyle so much
Wonder if there's any midair lewds for these two. I know Tanya has canonically been in the air whilst naked and in battle and didn't give a fuck but how might that change when it's willing and recreational with Visha?
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Some spooky guardian angel setup fic has cropped up


pretty interesting read already.
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What did they mean this?
wasnt this the anime that had a guy reincarnated as a girl or something how is that still /u
I remember there always being some form of rule 63/genderbending thread on this board for as long as I can recall. Really as long as all parties are fully girls and consider themselves to be girls, it's pretty fit for /u/ imo.

Though with Tanya it usually takes a bit of character developing to smooth over her very reasonable issues over her reincarnation. Though her unrelated issues mean you got time to burn before the relationship starts
>even unconfirmed gender series like MagiRevo
MagiRevo was directly confirmed by the author to not be genderbender. For as little as it matters, since the protagonist has virtually no recollection of her previous life in difference to Tanya.
Some fantasy genderbender isn't against the rules though as long as they are a girl now. Its not comparable with a crossdresser or transexual.
BDSM being such a constant for this pairing is enjoyable in a way I can't fully articulate.
There's something slightly off putting about that art. Even if Mary getting dominated is great.
Cute and canon
The anatomy here has me suspecting that the artist has never drawn anything but adult men.

Like this is just a pair of child-sized cuntboys with girl heads on top.
Magnumimpulse has drawn soft lolis before, though for whatever reason people have gone to them for muscle lolis, especially for Toph and Tanya.
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I feel like there is a way to give muscles to a loli that doesn't make them look like boys.
A fic with Tanya teasing Visha a lot updated


2nd chapter kinda isn't as good as the first but it's really fun to see fics with Tanya taking initiative from the start. As typically her skull is too dense for make the first move.
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Some good fanart for a fic with an older Tanya and a collared Visha was recently made.
>Aisu man
Why did I laugh.
I have no fucking clue, don't even see how that could be funny.

Also, still basically nothing to read that's /u/ focused. Some good gen fics are chugging along, mostly on SB, but I've not noticed anything substantial going on when it comes to shipping Tanya with girls as a thing in constant focus that is still kicking aside from War Chronicles of a Little Demon. And I guess the Cold War but despite Tanya and Visha being in a long term relationship it's something that's noted irregularly.
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Visha getting dominated is always good civilization.

Anyways, an actual fic popped up that seems to have promise. Involves Tanya and Visha being reincarnated together in the 86 Eight-Six setting. They don't know they're in the same world yet but they were married in the last one. No idea how prevalent the second ship from the crossover will be though.

If there's one thing to love about this ship, it's how many mid combat shippy images one can find of the main duo.
Whilst Tanya/Visha is obviously the OTP for the series and very much deserves it for many reasons, Tanya/Mary shouldn't be underrated. For even beyond kinkier setups that keep them as enemies of sort, there are interesting routes based on reconciliation in lives beyond their shared one in magical WW1

Like this fic seems to be setting up for something interesting.

I can see Tanya using Visha to fulfill her need for companionship with tender lovemaking, and Mary to fulfill her need for dominance and rivalry with passionate, biting hatesex (Visha doesn't mind).
You say that like Visha doesn't also get dominated.
What Isekai Quartet should have been about.
I don't think Tanya would particularly care for any of those girls. However, if we're talking about how Isekai Quartet and /u/, I would say having Tanya dating Visha and thus being the only isekai protag getting any (assuming I'm remembering what I vaguely know about the others right) could be funny.
delinquency record fic came from the death today, go and check for some spicy yuri also bump
It's less about her caring and more about her being the center of attention from big-breasted beauties.
Tanya's kinks continue to be delightful. As is her continued descent into becoming a supervillain.
I'd prefer a more worshipful pose personally. Being the token loli being smothered by her curvy companions doesn't feel right.
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Nice art. Definitely doing a lot to salvage the anime artstyle.

Would prefer to see Tanya as the big spoon in the last image though.
>almost 2 years old thread
wew, but heck I gonna let it die now

Solid gen fic now taking a turn towards being a yuri one with Visha confessing and Fae!Tanya thoughts on an adult body pointing towards girl

Will probably be a fair bit till then but the worldbuilding and fae shenanigans are fun additions to the base YS world.
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>those tanlines
I'm usually ambivalent about such a feature but here it's really nice.
Something about these two doing romantic shit with food feels particularly fitting.
According to the description on baraag, this was based on a fanfic, but no clarification on which one.
Most likely this one (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21104360/chapters/50216396), though I believe the scene that is a drawing of isn't until Chapter 37 or so
>Updated: 2023-11-19
It's probably a dead fic as well
The fic updates very infrequently but it's not really dead.

Though this fandom, at least for easily found yuri stuff, has been lacking from my willingness to look as of late.
Fae Bargain on SB & QQ is set to be Yuri.
There's an X-Com one on A03 that says it's Yuri, but there have been no other recent fanfics, mostly just images.
I'm aware of Fae Bargain and rather like it. I also tried reading the xcom fic but the author is clearly pretty inexperienced and I can't deal with the scuffedness of the writing.
Apparently there's official art of adult Tanya? Can someone post it? God I hope she's still flat.
I remember a few pieces. There's this bit of art from the mangaka


and I think there's a flash forward chapter the features an older Tanya at a funeral. Can't find it though.
Because the anime cemented in my mind the duckface image of her I forget that she's supposed to be really beautiful.
I mean she's suitable for PR work and has two Russy admirers of notable story importance. The anime making her look bad on purpose should be rightly disregarded.

Though from some of the reading I've done, the LN does point to her not looking as good as she could due to factors like not taking care of her hair.
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How many people into the lewd side of this are women? Because a few of the TanyaVisha fan artists on twitter-at least the ones I follow-seem to be women and apparently even fucking Hal is a woman, which surprised me because I assumed only males found lolicon shit attractive.

like Hal for example. I thought them being a woman was a weird reddit rumor but then someone on the subreddit linked to a Japanese wikipedia page that not only says Hal's a woman but apparently she had a child?

>I assumed only males found lolicon
If there's one thing that's relatively unique to YS, it's being able to extend the whole multiple lives/reincarnation thing and mix it with an established relationship and get some absolutely delicious pinning as a result of the girls not knowing they're sharing a world again and missing each other greatly. Which is what this fic does pretty neatly.


The crossover material is pretty good in provoking some of the better character traits of Tanya to come out, but does come with a het beta pairing that very much is the beta pairing at best thus far as the fic barely has them in remote contact let alone having any positive feelings for one another whilst Viktan were married in their first lives together and are pinning hard for one another.
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Tanya being better about giving affection than receiving it is fitting. Girl is absolutely touch starved but also got weird ideas in her head about how to present herself.

Nothing particularly interesting in writing stuff from what I've seen recently outside of some gen fics that are nice. There's a tokyo ghoul crossover fic on SB that got some killer art that's pretty unpostable here I'm pretty sure due to gore and it being solo stuff but it's fantastic due to all the eldritch angel imagery Tanya has going for her.

So since I can't post that, I guess I'll post more delinquency record art. Not really a fan of it but beggars and all that.
Not sure how I feel about Tanya being manhandled like that but she sure does seem to like Visha's technique.

Anyways, time form some Tanya x Mary, with the two being pretty civil/domestic instead of trying to hatefuck or something.
That's pretty rare and a bit uncanny knowing their actual relationship in canon.
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It works in post canon setups and further reincarnations.
Who even is the other one?
The last bump, after 2 long years.

Mahiro Oyama from Onimai.
Where does the time go?

Also I can see why the two would be put in an image together. Not sure if anything particularly good could come of any sort of crossover though.
Question is, do we make a new thread or not?

Anyways, two new fics have dropped. One has Tanya as a ghost meeting a reincarnated Visha and the other is a divergence that leads to the two meeting right before the Brest incident as Visha didn't get saved by Tanya and ended up mustering out minus an arm and working at a club.


I don't think a new thread is needed because there's simply not enough new content to justify one (otherwise this thead wouldn't have lasted 2 years.)
You can keep posting new fanfics at the fanfiction thread.
I mean threads lasting years isn't really an outlier thing for /u/, at least not until we started getting more mainstream stuff. The show being pretty niche and involving a genderbend does have me concerned about posting stuff for it outside of it's own thread.

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