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Girls licking each other's pussies at the same time.
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Certainly traced.
>different angles and proportions

>>different angles and proportions
What the hell are you smoking?
not 69, but still licking...
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Rate my lineart, the implication here is that the top girl is thrown aback because of an ongoing orgasm, I'll smear it after colors
nice, hope you add some wetness on the bottom girl's face, and some pubes
very nice!
Wetness sure, pubes depend on the dude paying for it
Ayo, thanks
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Current progress
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And that's it.
Fuckin nice work! You on twitter?
That's some nice stuff!

Yes he is, just google the name in the upper-left corner
Yeah, like that other anon said. I don't draw much yuri, though. I really wanted to draw something for I Admire Magical Girls but god damn are the designs/color schemes fucked up there
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Despite being someone who loves seeing a woman chow down, I strangely don't find 69 images like this anywhere near as exciting as one devoting all her attention to her lover.
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Same, but I have a kink for depraved women who like other women's crotches more than their faces. That's just so dirty.
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I love seeing 2D girls go down to chow town.
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The only thing better than girls 69ing is a daisy chain.
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Same thing as the one from the other thread, could've at least drop the name of series. Too hard to do?
There was an image of Peach and Daisy from a previous thread, can anyone repost this here?
This one?
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torso flesh should not been made invisible by hand...
>Both pussies are hairless and cute
Wrong, one should be hairless and cute and the other should be hairy and disgusting...for the balance.
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How do women stop having sex with each other?
Nothing short of a heart attack.
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>69 while holding hands
Too lewd
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This one is still the best Yuri 69 out of all hentai ever created imho
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Why do people ever say it's sweet?
Maybe it's just my tism, but it's so annoying.
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It's a reference to a line from the show. Dipshit.
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Standing 69
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Good job, children. Lap up one another until climax
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I am that way too, much prefer crotches over faces.
it's because you can barely see shit
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