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Last Thread: >>3318873
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I wonder who tops who
Don't see why needed a new thread when the series i dead and there's almost no new fanart.
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and yet you are here
How else could I make this question if I were not here? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
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Since you seem to need help comprehending:
You clearly care enough about this series to click on the thread, otherwise you would have just ignored it. Also there are other people that kept the old one going, so there is demand for it.
I also care about not bloating the catalog with unnecessary threads. There's little use for a thread when it consists of the same images being reposted over and over, with no discussion about the series either. It would be one thing if it were a super popular series that gets new fanart every day, or if it had something that brings fresh discussion, but current Neptunia has neither, so it's pointless to make a new thread immediately after the old one is about to die.
"keeping a thread going" just by bumping it with reposted pics is just sad. I think it's time to let this one go.
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neps fucking one another
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I need more nepgear and Uni in my life or I will explode
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i wish they hadn't done vert's character dirty in VII
or really earlier with her little sister obsession, she could have had actual personality traits instead
Most characters were done in dirty in Victory and beyond. The series peaked with MK2 and Re;birth 1 and went downhill fromt here.
Fuck no. Those are the worst ones.
The only good Nep story and char wise was the very original Nep.
Mk2 rebooted the series and made everything super serious, unfitting as fuck. This was then blamed on poor Nepgear, who was not at fucking fault.
Victory did it better, but threw everything away in the second half.
Victory 2 was a mess I don't want to talk about.
Rebirth 1 was made by Felistella and is by far the worst Nep game. The events were okay, but they could've saved themselves the trouble as the original was overall better there anyways.

Nep was never a good franchise unfortunately. Every game just kinda made you hope they'd do this or that. The first game barely focused on the main goddesses. They should've picked up from there and not repeat the mistake once more, and create the sisters while shitting all over them at the same time and playing things straight the first game parodied. And then things did never really recover.
I'm sad the series is still existing. It had a lot of potential, but aside of the first game that has the excuse of being first, all of the follow up works are just not what they should've been. At best you get 2 or 3 nice scenes, but the overall experience is bad. [/rant]

I once had hopes for Neptunia. But compile heart never understood what they had created and why people liked it.
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>The only good Nep story and char wise was the very original Nep.
>Rebirth 1 was made by Felistella and is by far the worst Nep game. The events were okay, but they could've saved themselves the trouble as the original was overall better there anyways.
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>compile heart never understood what they had created and why people liked it

Basically that. IF's nickname for a long time was Idea Fuckers and it remains well deserved. Nep1 felt a little like a hail mary, Nep2 was full of oblique and not so oblique references and outright rants at the entire industry, and the surrounding culture as well, consider the concert scene, and then it slowly sank beneath the waves as they never actually decided on what the charm should rest. Also they laddled in some of that culture they made fun of before.

(I will say that as far as I'm concerned, making the handheld goddesses specifically little sisters was a mistake though. And Nepgear is fine.)

Oh well, there's apparently a senran kagura x neptunia game, which i own because i have zero self control, and i haven't touched it yet, maybe having another team around has pushed them somewhere good?

You don't need to tell me I'm hoping for too much.
>making the handheld goddesses specifically little sisters was a mistake though
What should have they been then?
Just more goddesses of the same nation, they immediately did that anyway and the handhelds that made it really made it. But the reason they shouldn't have been little sisters is because, let's be honest, Neptunia is basic as shit and relationships in there show as much complexity as a brick, if they had had the opportunity to be something other from the get go, we could have had some fun dynamics instead of the fairly cookie cutter stuff we got.

Basically, because neither Idea Factory and Compile Heart would know good writing id it kicked them in the face.

(Also because I didn't want underage characters running around.)
>I didn't want underage characters running around.)
my post did not stutter
Indeed, it made it very clear that you're a retard.
Rare and precious NepHis
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I just got a commission portraying BIG, mature Unigear with extra-lovely blossoming bodies and an extra special surprise if you pay close attention to their hands~

I figured this size is still sane enough to post here, so here it is.
very nice
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Thank you for the extremely rare NepNowa. Never seen this one before. Wish I knew who the artist was, though.
100% natural dogoo dildo
Is using IQDB that hard?
I did, anon, and checked the uploads to see if either listed an artist, which they did not -- hence why I said as such.
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there's apparently a new nep game freshly out, i'll probably give it a poke after the new fire sale but it's out there
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You mean ReVerse?
sisters vs sisters, released 25/01/2023
I guess Shanghai Alice is the closest thing we'll get to an official voice for Reimu.
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Maho the new character is /u/ relevant with her frequent clinging to Nepgear and even a sort of love confession.
Higurashi frequently hugs and wants to take home cute girls including Histoire.
Noire is her typical tsundere self especially after Neptune's assumed death near the beginning of the game.
Anri (also a new character) seems to be like a worried lover concerning Maho.
I think there's a CG with Uni and Nepgear in it but I'm only on chapter 6 of 12 right now.
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Literally every other line out of Maho's mouth is casually extremely gay. One simple out-of-context screenshot isn't exactly indicative or anything but believe me when I say she constantly obviously has the hots for Nepgear and, to a lesser extent, Uni, Anri, and others.

Honestly, a bunch of different girls have shippable moments with Nepgear specifically in this game. Everyone just keeps calling her cute and adorable and praises her smartness and character. It's nice. She has a sort of budding harem protagonist energy if you want to spin it that way.

Higurashi also explicitly wants to snuggle cute girls including Nepgear, Rom/Ram, and even Histoire.

I'll put it like this. I am a gigantic Unigear-fag to the point that I've commissioned several pieces of art of them. I love this game, and it's satisfying my long-unsated desire for Neptunia yuri. So just take that for what you will.
Are you the one who posted that really sweet Nepgear Uni commiision years ago here?
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This pic? Yup, as well as the person who posted >>3865610
Yeah thats the one, still 10/10
Because there aren't as many as I'd like. They mostly just give of casual """""close friend""""" energy, which is fine, but doesn't exactly give a ton of fanservicey, screencappable moments. They constantly mention each other -- they're just in the "it's a foregone conclusion that we're close" stage of their relationship, and the plot's kinda taking priority at the moment. I'm in chapter 9 right now, though, so there's still plenty of time.

Thanks sis <3
Will I like the game I'm a nepcest shipper? Haven't got time to play yet.
There's a number of good GearNep moments and at least one good UniNowa moment, if that answers your question. Nothing much to speak of about RomRam.
how is it in terms of nepnoire and blancvert?
I'm not sure why this series would still be posted here after the Noire game made very clear how much they actually care about yuri. You don't see anyone posting a Blue Reflection thread.
What gets a thread depends on what people want. This board is slow, you don't need much. This thread has less than 80 posts and is over 150 days old.
We do have the game thread for most games, and that is usually used. BR included. The mobage isn't the reason there's no thread. Not like you have to play it, or the yuri gets removed from the game it's in. And chances are, in a year the mobage is dead and the only still available stuff is the yuri friendly games and anime.
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NepNoire has a lot of moments. Blanc and Vert have a couple, but not anything amazing.

Yes if you are a purityfag then you'll probably be disappointed. I never felt like Uni was getting ntr'd or something if that's what you're worried about though. Yes, I want more explicit confirmation of Unigear, but I didn't go into Nepsis expecting it and I don't know why anyone would ever do so, either. Nep series is absolutely never going to canonically confirm any relationships ever. Not with other girls, not with (You) (and thank goodness for that), and not with anyone. That is just the fate of this series, unfortunately. If we get lucky, maybe one day they'll make a "final game" and give us some solid couples, but I can't see it happening otherwise. It's really just the curse of being a comedy game (though, they are making great strides in actual serious storytelling, if Nepsis is anything to go by, so perhaps this could be slowly changing).

Anyway, yes. I don't know what you expected, though. I want Nepgear and Uni literally rubbing their cunts together on screen in full graphic 4K ultra HD probably as much as any other die-hard fan but even I know how to temper my expectations, and with more reasonable expectations, I found Nepsis pretty satisfying (onto chapter 12 now).

There is undoubtedly like several people at CH who love yuri and several people at CH who are soulless money-grubbing husks that want nothing more than to just whore out their flagship franchise for easy cash. Guess which group brings in the big bucks. It's sad, but it's not like the yuri group isn't still there and giving us the drip-feed.
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>But I suppose they're either too incompetent to pull it off
this seems to be more the case, they know what yuri is and it has actually been implemented somehow, but they are not good at doing it satisfactorily.

waifufags appeal to themselves and always think that girls are their personal property, they hate character development or that "their girls" have more than 1 characteristic.

look at the silly complaints towards the anime adaptations of Azur Lane and KanColle, nonsense like "the ships are owned by the admiral" and such and even when KanColle included an admiral as a real character, he was a real character and not a harem protagonist like them they expected (you have complaints about that)

>it'd be fair to demand at the very least Manga Time Kirara levels of subtext
that reminds me of that silly anon who insists that this level of subtext is "cowardice" to appeal waifugas, when that is not the case, things are concrete enough for the yuri to make sense, if you want a true example of cowardice That would be the Pricone anime.
Not everyone is a retarded autist like you.
Are you the same guy samefagging in the Blue Archive thread?
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>I want Nepgear and Uni literally rubbing their cunts together on screen in full graphic 4K ultra HD
This but with Blanc and Vert. In theory they should be the beta couple, but they get fuckall compared to all others. The scene in MK2 where Vert cleans Blanc's mouth is still the best.
NepNowa gives me life.
Not the scene in Cyberdimension where Vert bridal carried Blanc?
It felt more casual and domestic. That's the good stuff.
> Noire game made very clear how much they actually care about yuri.
Do you mean the game that hasn't been emulated or imitated since? even in its mediocrity, this series is still yuri, let waifufags think otherwise, that's something different.

>het series get threads here somehow.
those are perverts who don't give shit for real yuri, but that's not the case with this thread, you see the difference when people are more interested in couples or potential couples, than filling a thread with NSFW material.
Have you seen more of that same after? Compare how SK in contrast plays more for the waifufag side and really neglects the yuri.

So you are denying that this exists?
How much yuri is there in the newest Nepgear game anyway? Haven't bought it yet.
I wouldn't reply to that guy if I were you. He's an ESL retard who doesn't really understand English and runs his posts through Google Translate.
You won't get anything out of talking to him.
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Oneechan will be busy today
Just got the normal ending in Nepsis. I like the more serious story and maho is not a bad character at all. It's just... I wish there are more Neptune / Nepgear or Unigear.
More Unigear would've been nice.
Are you going to get the True End? It's not very difficult. Just reload your save from before the final boss then repeatedly start making discs before immediately canceling them to tank your share rate. Anything around 50-50 will trigger True End.
Damn I already overwrite my save file. Thank for the info though.
Did you start a new game? It might still be in your autosave slot or something.

If not, though, at least you get to enjoy Higurashi/Alice for a whole playthrough now I guess.
As someone who actually enjoys the gameplay style of mainline neptunia it's a travesty we've gotten no games since 2015.
try nep vs SeHa girls. same gameplay outside exploration.
I've already played it. I hate to break it to ya, but it was 2015 release as well lol
Redraw of an 8-year old pic.
still a clasic
hot and cute
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Well, if it wasn't for an image on a wiki, I wouldn't have found out that OVAs 2 and 3 were out a long time ago.
It's nice to see Big Nep and all, but it still feels like a bit of wasted potential in certain parts, overall I enjoyed it but I feel like more can be done with the anime (I mean yuri)
frankly I prefer what they have done with anime in general, in contrast to the possibility of being a faservicefest in every way, references included.
This franchise needs to get their priorities in order, instead of being all over the place.
>the ED song
The only truly good thing about an otherwise unremarkable anime. That and IF having a picture of a naked, sleeping Compa on her phone.
>That and IF having a picture of a naked, sleeping Compa on her phone.
Did that acually happen? I can't recall.
I misremembered her being nude, but here is the pic she had on her phone. I think it was in a post credit scene.
don't forget Vert x Vert.
the complete scene is better, it also raises the corruption of innocence of Rom and Ram.

although OVA 3 had loli nep basically proposing to young Afoire and the desire is so strong, that loli Nep's goddess form is a wedding dress.
Learn some English before posting in an English-speaking board. Better yet, go to a site that speaks your language.
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So, was the sisters game or the senran crossover good? For /u/ that is. Note, that I basically have no idea about senran. There's once again a sale.
The only non /u/ game was the noir standalone game. It caused so much backlash that compile heart never attempted anything like it again
That doesn't answer the question. In fact, it barely has anything to do with the question.
Really yes, that means that the series has yuri in one form or another in the games, that it's not handled well and that the waifufags pretend it doesn't exist (they never mention it) is a different story.

Regarding Senran, the series can be seen as a worse Netptunia compared to yuri or the franchise in general, so the crossover felt natural.
Do you even speak English? You don't seem to have understood the question at all, you're just going on some weird tangent that's only vaguely related to the topic.
Just play the game.
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I am kind of sad about the lack of MahoGearUni art post-SvS. I guess 3 characters at once is just generally too much of an ask for most artists to want to draw it. They'd make such a wonderful little triangle...
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Final PV of dimension breaker:
can't say i have any idea what to really expect from this genre or gameplay wise but it is certainly nice that it exists, fangames are a blessing
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trashy can be its own reward
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Speaking of trashy, I wish there was some Rei Ryghts / Croire yuri, two awful person and a delightfully trashy goddess outfit.
Trashy designs are fucking hot.
Ultra rare pair.
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Oops, I thought for sure that previous one was animated, oh well.
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NepNoire or UniGear?
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The correct answer is like the correct answer to Touhou pairings: a complete graph.
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I genned some cute UniGear today and that picture in the background kept me going for a good minute.
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AI very quickly getting to "mid tier fanart" level with good prompting I see
It's still a lot of work, fixing hands and stuff, but it is so much better compared to last year already.
Really good artists just take flavor of the month commissions to get popular quick, so AI is very much a blessing for niche stuff like Neptunia.
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How will the new games work with Vota dying and Switch bring a Frankenstein console?
What's Vota?
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it's a typo for vita
Simple, there won't be any.
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>Neptune gets trapped in a painting
>forced to watch UniGear have tons of sweaty, awkward sex with lots of apologizing without being able to touch herself
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I guess I'd also look like that if my own cops arrested me.
I've been playing Nep U and it's pretty good for shutting off your brain.
As in fanfics?
'Same person, different entity' or 'Best Friends forever?'
Which is the one where Nep and Nowa get married?
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.
1) Same Person Different Entity, this is where they start as a couple.

2) The sequel 'Nine Versions of Purple' is where they get married.

3) Then the sequel afterwards 'From Here to Europa' is where Nep & Nowa live their lives as parents.
It's criminal how little PurpleHeartxNoire art there is. (and BlackHeartxNep for that matter).
Read both?

Bost of them have sequels where they get married.
Now that I think about it all my favorite Nep fics are ones where NepNowa get married eventually.
1. The Proposal (I + II + III)
2. Best Friends/Girlfriends/Spouses Forever
3. Same Person Different Entity/Nine Versions of Purple

I also like some other ones, especially the Neptune/Nepgear incest one, but the Nep fanfic scene really is a trashfire outside of these gems.
for a game series with mostly female characters why are there so many god damned male oc's?? its absurd
It's a waifufag franchise first and foremost. Horny teen boys are the target audience, so of course they will have harem fantasies. It's not like Idea Fuckers or Comphet Art are trying to dissuade them of that notion.
But hey, at least the yuri ones are the only well written fics, so we got quality over quantity.
Unfortunately most of the fanbase is waifufags, with yurifags a minority. The franchise simply didn't catch the attention of yurifags in the way similar ones have done so.
It's true that the developers have only ever done harem games, and this shows a lot in the writing and is a major reason for the lack of yuri, but I think it can also be chalked up to series' obscurity. Neptunia is ultimately a rather niche series, with less-than-stellar presentation and gameplay, that relies heavily on the characters' designs and abundant pop culture references to sell itself. This narrows its appeal by quite a bit, so it never had that big push that would have lead to it having an influx of diverse fanworks.
The franchise has also been mostly dead for several years, and while the autistic waifufags remained, the yurifags left as there were now much better and gayer games to hold their attention. Senran Kagura had more or less the same thing happen to it, they're now only a footnote in the history of yuri, with gachas and vtubers eclipsing them completely.
It's a shame because the characters and their interactions are in fact quite loveable, but there will never be a story that makes them justice. Nor will there be an imitator because the whole console war is very much a product of its time.
>but there will never be a story that makes them justice
I disagree. Those few yuri fanfics have done what the games couldn't. When I think of Neptunia, I think of those fan works that so far exclipse the originals that they let me look back fondly on Neptunia, which is a feat in itself. The games at this point are just supplemenary material to enjoy those fanfics.
Neptunia itself is basically wasted potential and the comparison to SK is honestly pretty sad, there are so many possibilities that this series in general doesn't even consider.

By the way, anything interesting with the game starring Big Nep and the failed consoles (3DO, Jaguar and that nonsense that Apple did)

There are many other failed consoles that deserve a chance such as Philips CDI, Zeebo, Ouya, HyperScan and many more.
Didn't play it. The last good game (for yuri) was 4 Goddesses Online. Don't care about anything else.
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