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Game, Light Novel, and Drama CD translations:

Ryukyu Sword Wind Record light novel written by Aoi Akashiro (the same author who wrote NoWaYu):
>On a certain day, in August 2017, Asahina Hokuto, third year middle school student of the Heijou Institute, and Inami Suu, first year middle school student of Renpu Girls' School, land at Naha Airport. They are here to participate in an operational test of the newly developed Storm Armor, produced through the collaborative efforts of both the Sword Administration Bureau and United States military. On that same day, another toji arrives in Okinawa: Tsubakuro Yume, sixth year elementary school student of Ayanokouji Martial Arts School. The girls have no knowledge of and share no connection with each other. For now. This story, is Toji no Miko's first novelization!

Nagori Kachou:
>Half a year has passed since the 'Great Year-End Disaster'. One day, in early summer, Hiyori and Kanami are tasked with a special mission. Without being briefed on its details, they find waiting at their destination the former elite guard, currently the special defense team, Shidou Maki and Konohana Suzuka.

Kotei Rakuen:
>While she is conducting a solo investigation into an aradama, contact is lost with Ellen. Upon hearing the news from the General Countermeasures Director, Sana, Kaoru immediately moves to go on the search, but--

TojiTomo card art collection: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xzsyl7_X792Yqyg6hSnu5va-bh6j6xdk?usp=sharing
Concept art: https://pastebin.com/ZfMDJHdC
Translated fanart and (some) TojiTomo 4-koma: https://mega.nz/file/n75mhZCB#El86ga4blqFhKcChrawrBNCrFC6rbpW2SdPbm31odB4

Previous thread: >>3632942
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A few things to note:
1. Post only yuri and discuss only about yuri/toji-related stuff.
2. Keep in mind that /u/ is a very slow board and that this thread only has a 300-bump limit so make every post valuable.
3. Do not waifufag.
4. Stay comfy.
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Samurai Maiden has sort of filled the void for me, but it's not quite the same without the battle autism of the tojis. I hope some series picks up where the tojis left off.
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Suzuka, save the dreams for when you're asleep.
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Yes, we need more mesugaki correction.
Ripping her hymen out and eating it
...I haven't thought about that doujin in years.
>Eh?! Seriously? Yukari-san, you're 37 years old and surrounding yourself with schoolgirls? Are you a pervert? Lesbian? No one will date you with a scary face like that, LOL~
No bully, Yukari doesn't know what to do with adults.
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I watched the BDs for the first time since the show aired and I forgot how silly the reasons that Maki and Suzuka gave for taking noro were. Maki just wants power no matter where it comes from, and Suzuka says that power makes her happy, which makes them both sound as paper-thin as sentai villains. In the English dub, Suzuka said she took noro to "always be on top," which made me laugh. Sometimes I wonder if the scriptwriters do those sorts of double entendres on purpose. At least Yume took noro to save her life, and Yomi did it because she's extremely thirsty for hag pussy, both of which are completely understandable reasons.
dammit this makes me sad again about the mobage EOS, it had a scene that properly built on how Maki feels personally responsible for lacking the fighting ability to protect a squad member who has to retire from toji duty after surviving a wound, i think there was something as well for szk's reason beyond just not wanting to fall behind Maki
Is that just some kind of dubbing tragedy? Maki took the aradama out of fear of not having enough power, and Suzuka did took it because of love brain (so Maki wouldn't get too far ahead of her).
birthday girl
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woops forgot to attach
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I didn't keep up with the game. Did Yume ever get a girlfriend?
game died more than a year ago
She's content with photobombing Yomi's cards.
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I thought it died.
It did, in 2021
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>Towa Tsugai just released by Squeenix a couple days ago
>it's also about girls with weapons, this time with a pair-raising gimmick
Will it be enough to fill our Toji hole?
Seems like it's committing to being a dedicated yuri game which is nice, but I'm still feeling the burn from Square Enix dropping tojis so I haven't picked it up yet.
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Apparently the company that had the TnM pachinko is out of business.
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Nothing lasts forever...
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Hokuto release soon.
>Hokuto never stopped being a support for her wife
Kinda romantic.
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Hows everyone?
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Somehow still shambling along.
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occasionally a bit sad when i remember there won't be any more opportunities for szmk boobs
Szk will never win...
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I don't get it.
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happy birthday Yui
The birthdays of the Tojitomo characters were decided by staff at SE and not Takahashi.
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oh thanks
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It was the main character's birthday.
happy birthday :^)
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It pains me that there are quite a few doujins, but none ever get scanned.
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welcome to my nightmare.
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Yeah, there's a fan event going on right now, too.
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I'm so happy that the fanbase is still alive. It's a shame I'm not in Japan so I couldn't attend the event.
Really amazing.
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ternary todgers
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Mai's special attack.
Kanami can't win at all if no swords are involved.
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Never change, Yui.
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I'm new. How gay does it get?
In the anime not very. The 2nd audio drama had a kiss. The game had the gayest character in the entire franchise, but she never scored.
The novel also had a love confession
>In the anime not very
>The game had the gayest character in the entire franchise

It's funny how Mini Touji says the opposite, even with the characters in the game trying to match the anime in terms of yuri.
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The mothers' respective soul got damaged after the Sagami Bay incident. It's why they have soul fragments in the Netherworld and why they died early.
That is to say that the moms were each divided into two separate entities (i.e. gay and not gay). Otherwise, the impact of the final episode would weaken. Kanami and Hiyori meeting up with their moms' souls would only be a good closure if said souls were actually parts of their respective mom. Hence, I think that the Sagami Bay incident trapped their gayness which made them bi/straight afterwards. I mean, they were the only ones from the old guard who got married.
It's not a new idea, but this is the first time I've seen someone present it seriously.
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You show that titty monster who's boss.
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I wish
Yomi ;_;
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i'm halfway through my first rewatch, seeing Yume die again and knowing Yomi dies at the end makes me sad all over again about TojiTomo, I liked the ways it decided to keep them alive and generally the additions it made to the overall story. it is weird now though to have rewatched Mini Toji and seeing in the intro short how Mihomo's adventures were supposed to have indeed happened alongside the anime events when the game story's differences make that dubious
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Oh, nice reminder, I'll rewatch it as well.
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It's kinda wild how many of the game CGs are just screencaps from the show. I mean, use what you got, but it's such a hard break from the game's art style that it's almost surprising that the anime shots don't have a BS11 watermark.
I suppose they didn't have any budget and had to be economical...
Acshully what got trapped in the Netherlands was their part which harbored lingering regrets or something like that but I understand this board is so far up its ass that it literally can't think in any terms other than faggotry / straightness.
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Best ship.
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I don't know if this particular non-h doujin will ever get scanned and uploaded somewhere but if it does, I'll make sure to dump it here.
That would be amazing.
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Hiyori's flat-chest power is too strong...
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I have a bunch of doujins. Please excuse the shitty photos, my scanner is broken.
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*It's yuri
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Wow thanks for sharing!
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Who tap her?
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Thanks for the dump. Toji hags are the best.
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The account is still alive?!
>new card game
>board game
Cool. This is certainly one way to finally make Hokuto a playable character.
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Mihomo rises from the grave
After pachinko I thought we'd seen everything...
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oh jeez i completely forgot makoto existing
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Toji-only doujinshi event being held in Kyoto:
Mihono is stronger than both Kanami and Yukari confirmed
I have 2 major hopes for this
1. It ships outside Japan
2. By board game they actually mean board game with all of its pieces included. It would really suck if they decide to do packs and you have to rng the full set. Though with 875 members and supports in the game not counting anything from collabs, plus
story cgs too, it's looking pretty grim. Then again they can just not include every member & support I suppose...
The remarkable dedication of the doujin artists never ceases to amaze. If only we got scans!
Does anyone have the blog of one of the staff/consultant about the sword styles and/or fights for each episode when the show was airing?
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>Maki is the coward
Makes sense, really.
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todgers are forever
It won't stop!
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The cutest. When will Maki stop being so dense?
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So many doujins that will never get scanned...
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Cute and canon!
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They should reboot the game and get rid of all the shit that caused it to flop, such as Mihono.
Reboot the entire franchise but remove Yomi.
Reboot the entire franchise but give Yukina a cute girlfriend.
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Happy belated Birthday, Yomi!
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Any update on the card game?
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Merry Christmas!
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They're still making goods?
It's not just regular goods. It's an official board/card game >>4064381.
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Happy New Year, Toji friends.

My New Year's wish is a new anime or game for Toji no Miko. I need more Toji no Miko stories!
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Could any new story even involve the game cast? Newcomers could watch the anime and I guess the OVAs, but there would be no good way to know what they all went through.

I like to imagine though that in these last few years Yui managed to swoon her yeti and has been dating a college student the entire time she was in high school.
>Could any new story even involve the game cast?
The OVA did that, after all. It should be fine to retcon, or rather assume the main audience knows or is familiar with events from the game's main story.
I've always wanted a prequel story set in Feudal Japan about the first toji, kinda like how NoWaYu was a prequel story in the YuYuYuVerse. There'd be no cellphones or modern technology so it would be possible to have cute onmyoji girls helping the toji find aradama. I've been dying for lesbian samurai girls ever since I watched Manyuu Hikenchou and was horribly disappointed by how the yuri was just taken as a joke.
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This would work! Great idea.
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New merch.
Is anyone here buying this? It's still in pre-order and doesn't ship internationally.
And new outfits!
Ponytail Hiyoyon
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Not me. I'm refraining from giving them money until they put out substantial content. And by that I mean either a new anime or new game. Not settling for anything less.
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Pettanko is life.
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Here are your MakiSzk scans. Well, the opposite of scans, but you get it.
Neat, thanks!
I sure needed more of these gay dorks
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Mihomo doesn't a costume to molest girls.
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gameplay for the card game, there's also gonna be a stream on the 27th with the creative staff of the todgers
not sure how much new info they can put or it will just be a gameplay stream
I just want more Tojis...
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Magia Léché
This totally works
Hide your cute girls!
Go back to /a/, waifufag.
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All the cute tojis get Osafune milk chocolate for Valentine's.
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Sayaka, it's time!
Can Kaoru manage it?
another one
cool di
Looks fun. Wish I had tojifriends.
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Cute and lewd!
Welp I pre-ordered the card game. Let's see if it actually ships and forwards in May
I almost ordered it, but I went way over my budget this month and I just couldn't justify it.

Have fun with it!
Oooh, exciting. Hope it goes well!
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Double onee-san power
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TojiTomo released 6 years ago.
Time really went by in a flash. Hard to believe we're still hanging on here.
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These two are still the cutest
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We'll do our best.
Merch survey! What do you want?
Fake, Kaoru wouldn't be able to see the sky at all.

Whao they still make merch to sell?
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Kaoru should stop staring at her girlfriend's breasts and go back to work.
Secret IPS Netherworld technique.
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I assume that's how their moms got pregnant, too.
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Homo is getting groomed again.
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>try to report JD preying on JC
>get erased by sword bureau
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Depicted is the strongest tojis of the current day that can end games on dime (Mihono and Akira). Next to them is the weakest creature of all existence, Kohime. Then below them are literal whos
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seems neat but also it hurts a bit looking at what's left of the franchise now....also hooray Takako!!

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