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thread for more than two girls having fun together. The more the merrier!
Bonus Points if one of them is getting manhandled by all the other ones
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Shut the fuck up and lurk more.
Why is the bocchi anime so safe compared to the manga? The mangaka is a huge lesbian pervert.
Trying to appeal to a wider audience.
What's different?
>The mangaka is a huge lesbian pervert.
This is a joke or you're a bit... serious?
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Nice thread anon. Any recommendations? Is the Bocchi manga good?
Kind of feels like you’re just asking for a gangbang, which is nice, but I’d like to see one girl with multiple partners
Consensual group sex isn't gangbang.
>I’d like to see one girl with multiple partners
Anon, what exactly do you think a gangbang is?

Not all gangbangs are gangrapes.
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what do you think a gangbang is? since you're trying to correct everyone in the thread as it is?
Let's hear what you have to say, so we can all correct you.
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>getting manhandled
this too far?
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A form of group sex in which one person serves as the centerpiece fucked by all the others. It's distinct from a threesome or an orgy.
too many clothes
Now, distinguish that from the title of this thread.
I don't get your point. Did you read the post I replied to? >>3875862
The title of the post says “one getting manhandled by the others”. Your comment says “one getting fucked by all the others”.
And what's the difference? Are you autistic?
There is no difference you dumb fuck. That's the point being made.

You gave the definition for "gangbang". This is a thread about poly, moron.
And what's a better way of showing poly than a gangbang? Are you really this stupid?
Poly isn’t a gangbang you fucking idiot.
If a Gangbang is poly, then why not a regular orgy/group sex? Hell, why not anything involving three or more?

No matter how much you pretend, you’re the dipshit here.
>Poly isn’t a gangbang
How the hell is it not? You have one girl fucked by multiple girls, that's the very definition of a gangbang.
Are there any poly manga series where the girls are equally in love with each other and not just in it for the MC?
Because that's a gangbang....not poly.
We literally just pointed it out.

OP even said in her post "Bonus points if it's a gangbang".
What makes it not poly?
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are girls A, B, C, and D
having gang bang sex or Poly sex?
Aside from the obvious distinction that we've illustrated three separate times now, the biggest one would have to be that poly doesn't necessitate all of the other girls "ganging" up on one.
Just because it doesn't necessitate it doesn't mean it somehow disqualifies it from being poly.
It almost entirely does, hence why the OP themselves separated them as two distinct things.
But, if you want to classify it as a form of poly, who cares?
No one's stopping you.
>why the OP themselves separated them as two distinct things.
She didn't, you're imagining things.
See everyone had the suspicion that you were deliberately ignoring what's been said to keep running your agenda, but now you're just flat out admitting that you're delusional.

Do NOT respond again. We know not to take you seriously now.
Whatever, go fuck yourself.
The different colored hair for me
Most of your pics arent polyamory, most likely polygamy /harem
Polygamy and harem are polyamory.
Polygamy is probably obvious, but harem might be debatable.
The epitome of narcissisim; fucking an entire harem of yourself.
4chan in a nutshell
You couldn't find a smaller image?
3P Yuri Ecchi Anthology RAWs just dropped
Polyamory is all vs all, no one vs all
I think anon is trying to say poly requires everyone fucking each other and not everyone only lusting after the same person.
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Is there any yuri manga featuring an actual poly relationship? Like more than just a oneshot threesome doujin but where they actually have a relationship with each other? I've recently developed this fetish after some experiences in my life and I can't find anything that caters to it. The only thing I've seen close to what I want is Itsuki Kuro's Love Live doujins. Untranslated is fine.
Is there any yuri polyamory manga with actual good romance?
This is pretty cute but I'm not entirely sure it's what you're looking for:


Poly is too rare, it's a shame.
actually that's one of the two I read, and the only decent one, but it suffers from the "everyone loves MC for no reason!" syndrome, even with that I liked it, but still.
will read
True happy ending
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There was My Younger Senpai.
For a few chapters at least.
Oh, that's nice.
Mugi is for Suwako (and Sumire if you want an OT3).
Nah, she always thirsting for male so I can't see it.
That is precisely why she needs pussy badly.
I'm not sure that's traditionally true, but I could see how one would make that argument.
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Them yaoi hands though...
Does it really count if a person fucked multiple instances of the same person?
If it doesn't, at least it's technically not cheating.
You know, if you can make a 3p relationship work, your child care problem is solved. Just throwing that out there.
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yeah me and my partners realized that this put kids back on the table for us, still though being pregnant and committing 18 years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars is a really tough sell
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Twins sleeping with their wives plushies.
underrated, but how do we know thats whats happening here
This is me with other anons but who is who?
By reading the manga.
I just hope the Koi's and Kirara don't get cold feet and continue with this.
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2x2p, 2x3p, 1x4p
But are they committed to this or just trolling?
Nah, anon's just a dumbfuck
Polyamory is the umbrella term for all those others
I fucking wish this was how Frenda got punished instead of what actually happened
Well, polygamy and polyamory are obviously related terms and nobody was disputing that.
My sista
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Misty and her sisters is so underrated for some weird reason
Because they're anime-exclusive characters. The game characters get the lion's share of porn, while the anime characters are only drawn by nostalgiafags.
The game characters? There’s even less of those.
Individual characters can have more content than entire franchises, what the hell are you smoking.
Are you seriously trying to argue that something that's clearly stupid as shit is the logical progression of things rather than the exception to the rule?
What are you even trying to argue here? It's pretty common for massive franchises like Pokemon to have tremendous amount of porn even for minor characters.
What's the name of the comic?
Fly Me to the Moon, by Jimryu (this is the only yuri page, the rest is het).
Yes, along with every other character
What a surprise. People like garbage apparently
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Polyamory is a stupid word to begin with, what kind of degenerate mixes Greek and Latin? The term should be either polyerosy or multiamory.
Well words are just invented sounds that could come from anywhere. I think the words you said also exist in some form.
Genocide is a mix of greek and latin too, you know.
As is television.
what about homosexual?
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Bocchi wishes she could have sex with big boobed women, literally.

She's so homosexual she can't write a good romance. She can only write girls craving each other carnally. She loves Blue Archive and owns 2 entire shelves of naked anime girl figures.
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Lust Devil
I don't think it's poly when involving a person with multiple bodies. Which is the case for Cerberus the doggy demon. It's like saying you're in a poly relationship when you switch from your lover using their right hand on you to using their left.
I mean that's what's considered "good romance" when it's a het relationship, though.
Pure autism
Nice job calling out a months old post just to make yourself look like an even bigger moron.

Hope it was worth it
Tengus are great
I appreciated watching Mugi slowly developing a crush on Ritsu.
One of the best OT3s in games.
That's ur mom lmao
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See this is how I hope Megu, Maya, and the Twins end up in Gochiusa.
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As if anyone on /u/ can tell you from experience.
We're all virgin femcels here love
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sauce and more please
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Polyamory is love. Anything else is just group sex. You can also have polyamory without group sex, but it's probably more challenging to get across in a single image.

t. wife a solid 4 on the kinsey scale
Somebody always ruins it.
Haitoku no Finale
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They made Cloud Retainer so ugly
Life's too short to disregard the possibility.
Live and learn.
Always remember, 3p means two salaries AND free child care... a perfect adaptation to the modern economy.
I've had successful poly relationships and it's really about how the attention is divided and whether or not you are the jealous type. I'm thoroughly damaged and all kinds of broken so I don't believe in traditional relationships or marriage, don't feel jealous and am okay with sharing... but it doesn't mean I'm comfortable having sex with strangers. Has to be a thing or with specific friends...
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3P doujin
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Same on all counts lmao
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Meme poses
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So little art. Well without being able to buy iPS cells I guess people just consider this a little too far out of their ordinary lives to be a subject.
If women could get each other pregnant this would be a much healthier topic. Remember that a 3p or a 4p relationship allows for a stay at home mom and two or more incomes for a high standard of living.
Does IPS allow for one woman to get pregnant from multiple women at the same time?
Not iPS specifically. But it is already possible to switch the nucleus between two eggs. Women provide two genetic lineages. The nucleic DNA, where the X chromosome is and the DNA lineage of the mitochondria that live in the egg cytoplasm. Thus it is possible to have one fetus with DNA from two women already, and if they can get iPS generated sperm from a women's cells legally approved, you could have a baby with DNA from three different women, and then any of the three women could be the birth mother.
Nuclear transfer is used already in some countries- but not the US yet- to allow 40+ women to have children that look like them by having nuclei of their eggs moved into the donor eggs from 20something women to counter peri-implantation failure- their old eggs don't have enough water and nutrients to keep the fetus alive long enough for the placenta and umbilicus to form and connect and allow the fetus to feed off the mother like its supposed to. In continental Europe and China, its 20 year old technology.
Incidentally, I happened to come across a article from one of the UK tabloids about a married lesbian couple there who, while they had to use donor sperm, did each carry the others biological child in order to try and get closer emotional attachment.
they can actually have a child with DNA materials from both moms
you just need to swap the mitochondria from the other mom into the egg
resulting in a child with DNA from mom1 + doner + mtDNA from mom2
Since they are taking turns being the focus of sexual gratification, I vote for polysex.
Poly, Gangbang would be A receiving all the attention and rather roughly.
who is holding the phone?
The household. It’s the new trend between teenage legal age girls. They gather together for the night and they get drunk. The household stay sober the whole time and then she convinces the drunk friends to have sex. She film the whole action as a true pornographer and she then send it to the other girls that came over the night. Girls take proud of their great sexy lesbian sex on video, and show it to all their friends
Keep working on your English.
Fuck off
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One of the most curious OT3s

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