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Time for this overlooked yuri series to get a properly yuri thread on /u/. Season 4 is coming.
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Last chapter was pretty gay.
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Official art.
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Also official art.
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And a few crack ships.
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Anyone who ships that rapist Mei with anybody is on crack.
What is the golden couple in this anime
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Disgusting pino tits.

For me it's Pekola x Pierre.
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Jashin x Medusa is one of the greatest couples ever, period. Medusa's hair isn't made of snakes like in the mythology, but she was cursed to spend the rest of her life with snek, no matter how annoying and selfish snek is, and she accepts the curse gladly and wholeheartedly. That's a beautiful spin of the story. Snek and Medusa are totally inseparable.
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Orochimaru belongs to Mei
Atre x Ecute.
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Surprisingly rare pair.
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The loli who cucked God.
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Fat snek tail.
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How often does Jashin end up in some strange woman's bed during her drunken night-outs? Medusa really was born to be a cuck.
How many women are willing to lick snake cloaca?
I wonder how many times she gets drunk and ends up in Mei's bed
I wonder where demons draw the line, Yurine and Medusa didn't mind sending Jashin to Mei's sex dungeon, and Per-mama touched another woman in front of her ugly daughter.
I think as long as Jashin says no to whoever is touching her, Yurine wouldn't care and Medusa would feel sorry for her but endure it like most times when she's being tortured.
But if Jashin herself ever reciprocated someone else or took the lead in so much as flirting with somebody, they might have a problem. Medusa would be sad for sure.
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It was Jashin who got really jealous when she suspected Medusa of going out with another girl and being their ATM. She knows well how possessive Jashin is of her. I'd love a good dose of yandere Medusa though.
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Jashin-chan belongs to Medusa, bitch
Hatesex between Mei and Medusa.
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She does fuck her rivals into submission.
can someone post per-chan family tree I lost it
Either Jashin x Medusa, Pekola x any other angel(s) or Yurine x Harem
I'm really starting to ship Jashin and Kyon Kyon in the manga. Looking back in the anime, they seem to actually get along pretty well, too.
I wanna see Kyon-Kyon and Yusa tagteaming Mei in a hatesex orgy of sisterly revenge
KyonKyon definitely has the hots for Jashin, even if it's only puppy love. She was kissing snek all over in this official short.
She also offers half eaten food to Jashin, which counts as an indirect kiss if Jashin were to bite
My, my she's so adorable! I hope she wins a spot in Jashin's harem.
Slaves don't get to have harems, it's Yurine's harem.
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Shut up yurine, your wife wants another baby.
Nah, Yurine gets to have the angel. At least she's got big boobs and is quite invested, so be happy. Jashin is the to get all the bitches because they like scummy girls.
Let's see:
Yurine gets Pino as her waifu.
Jashin gets Medusa and Kyon-Kyon fighting for her love.
Minos gets worst girl.
Poporon will stop bein tsun and go dere dere for Pekora.
Persephone will cuck her husband wirh Lierre.
Ecute will remain Atres bitch.
Koji and Ran-Ran will be abducted by Mei for her harem and never heard from again.
Yusa will be forever alone.
>Persephone will cuck her husband wirh Lierre.
Is the husband male or are all the main demons girls?
Persephone is married to the king of Hell. While there are male demons in the series like Minos' dad, the main characters are all female
Persephone 1 (Jashins teacher) is married to King Hades. That's how Persephone 2 (the sickly girl) came into existence
This is the only Hades we know so far >>3879131
I'm not exactly sure how the two series connect though.
Wait, isn't that Lierre?! Or do they look the same?
Lierre has a different hat
Oh shit that's so funny. She was cucked and left because of a lookalike. Well, I guess sensei has a type though.
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Another thing I missed on my first watch, this time in season 3. Kyon Kyon really is so into Jashin!
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Lucifer 2.0.
Is yukiwo making this canon? >>3879122
Jashin will be Yurine's sex slave for eternity. Even if they get married to other girls, they will still have violent sex with each other regularly.
Yusa and Kyon-Kyon will kidnap Mei and rape her until she gets mindbroken.
>Yusa and Kyon-Kyon will kidnap Mei and rape her until she gets mindbroken.

Been thinking of commissioning an artwork of that for a while now
RanRan should join in.
So should Koji with a giant ice didlo
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PekoPopo is precious
Yurine x Pinos chapter. Can't wait for the translation.
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It's on like dixie kong.
Damn, that's a hot angel. Appropriate for the sinful witch.
Hinako Note:
>tons of yuribait
>author draws het porn of their characters after the series is ended

>little yuribait or gay teasing, but tons of subtext and some possible behind-the-scene lesbian relationship (Persephone I had a child with Hades(!))
>author is formerly a het porn artist, but deletes all their het works after the series became an unexpected success

I respect yukiwo.
You don't know what yuribait means.
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And a nihilistic, cool, and pretty one at that.
>tons of yuribait
don't use words you don't know what they mean.
what you "saw" in Hinako Note, is called shipptease and the problem with HN is that it's all over the place and doesn't have anything concrete or relevant.

>author draws het porn of their characters after the series is ended
basically fanart, if it doesn't have the approval of the publisher, it's not official or canon in any way, that's why when the twins made Madoka's fanart with Boring good precure, they had to delete it so people wouldn't think it was a collaboration official, also wargreymon burst mode.

>little yuribait or gay teasing, but tons of subtext and some possible behind-the-scene lesbian relationship
what is your point? this series was always on yuri's side in one way or another.

>author is formerly a het porn artist, but deletes all their het works after the series became an unexpected success
that's something normal authors do all the time, along with posting more than 1 manga at the same time.

the comparison is incredibly silly, the 2 series don't have any real similarity so they can't really be compared and the funny thing is that no one gave a shit about Hinako Note, not even when the anime was airing and now that the author does what wants with paywalls, now everyone cares.

>Also yuri bait could also be girl turn straight in the end
that's bait, look at real examples in Tamako market, Eupho or Violet, it can even scratch almost to the text or be too sexual, but it was always het.
It doesn't work that way, an author can't even own his story or characters, everything an author does outside of what a publisher allows is basically fanon.

We are not talking about Doujins where the authors have all the authority, here are limitations that have to be followed.
>now that the author does what wants with paywalls, now everyone cares.
Just because a part of /u/ likes bitching more than they like yuri. I just ignore whatever the author is doing for money and I still watch the anime because it's super cute and hot, I like to imagine Ku-chan eating her friend Hinako instead of just the books and I find the pace pretty nice to learn Japanese.
Well I'm sorry if the author of Hinako Note couldn't help but do it. I wouldn't blame them then, but I'm still baffled by the reason why she had to do it in the first place, how is it the only way for them to make money? I can't believe there are people out there who watch or read a story about lesbian girls who are into each other and show no attraction to the opposite gender, and say "hey, wouldn't it be great if they had sex with faceless men?" And there are more of these people than the ones who hope to see the girls in these stories to live a fulfilling life with their loved and cared ones. Jashin chan has an immense amount of hetshit porn as well, and it seems that they almost outnumber the yuri ones. It's so perplexing.
>Jashin chan has an immense amount of hetshit porn as well, and it seems that they almost outnumber the yuri ones. It's so perplexing.
The only reason something like this would be perplexing to you is if this is your first day on the internet.
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Look at this radical demon. What went wrong with Per-chan?
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K my favorite art of my favorite ship
I don't remember the chapter but Jashin-chan once called them ハデスのおっさん, so they must be male god.
You must admit jayuri is THE couple after hearing jinbocho elegy.
Akaza Akari's brother greets you.
Hades refers to herself as "boku" in god girls.
that song was unnecessarily romantic, the demon costume part was also cute for them 2.
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Why do little girls in the Jashin-chan love the Patra-chan anime so much? It's nothing but loli BDSM in every episode.
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Not even straight girls would touch a gross looking faceless man they've never even met before, though.
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It's porn.
Kill yourself.
You just explained it yourself
>And assuming there is a god or spell that can give a sex change so that Hades can impregnate Persephone I.
They wouldn't need that, Gods can do whatever they want. They could ask Aphrodite's help if they needed it. She's the master of love, beauty, and lesbian sex.
>And assuming there is a god or spell that can give a sex change so that Hades can impregnate Persephone I.
She's a god and yet the one thing you can imagine is gender bender? Holy shit, your mind sucks
Checkmate Hades gender truthers. In this tweet, Yukiwo confirmed Hades in Jashin chan universe is an old man and not the one from god girls.
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He'll retract that statement, you just watch!
are you a hetfag then?
Will he be voiced by Kyusaku Shimada?
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That tweet was from 4 years ago when Yukiwo thought he could make another standalone long running series, but that didn't happen.

Patora-chan has been regularly doing S4 promotional streams, seems like she will be appear as a major character this time. Here's hoping that God Girls will also be included into the Jashin-chan extended universe, and Persephone's husband will officially be the Hades that we all know and love.
Discerning your headcanon from canon doesn't make me hetfag
It wouldn't be weird, this kind of retcons happen all the time and as I mentioned, Akari's brother.

the problem was using "Checkmate" as a synonym for victory and being a yuri board, it was clearly contempt for the yuri and not a clarification about something.
It does actually, you know the dude posting at the end of threads on /a/ before a thread dies
Besides a male Hades never actually appeared. It was only mentioned. Not hard at all to retcon. For example, many times pervert lesbians are called oyaji in anime.
>Popular manga
>Popular anime
>Popular YouTube channel
>Loves by the voice actors
>Entered the vtuber scene
>Has moderate success
This just proves that this series is the superior Yuri title
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It's just missing the yuri
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>MC has a wife
>supporting character has a girlfriend
>MC's biggest fear in her life is yuri NTR
>not yuri
Real funny.
there's still too much plausible deniability
>the problem was using "Checkmate" as a synonym for victory and being a yuri board, it was clearly contempt for the yuri and not a clarification about something.
Don't bother with cheap bait.
isn't that lady getting bed cucked
A medusa is fine too
Poor snek!
While Jashin is off to outer space again, Moo and Mei plunder her ATM
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The way Yurine looks at Jashin-chan. Oh my heart can't take it...
I need a pic of Jashin telling Yurine "I'm your idiot, FOREVER!"
Yurine is dreaming of Medusa and Jashin making out
Yuri-zuki Yurine
very cute
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Cute cows
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>ugly daughter
Screw you, Per-chan is cute and a wonderful future wife to Minos.
God Girls is set in the same universe, so Hades is that smug midget.
In all honesty, Yurine doesn't seem to like Pino that much.
She still calls her janitor and feels kinda distant to her.
Pino seriously needs some kind soul that helps her with her mental issues. Yurine seems to be somewhat "damaged" from her abuse, she needs a harmless and non-threatening girl to heal.
Pino is legitimately a really nice person, she's only suffering from schizophrenia. Yurine indeed seems to be somewhat scared of her, but she deserves nothing less for having kidnapped and physically abused Jashin-chan herself with medieval torture methods.
Clashes with the tweet about Hades being an ojii-san in Jashin-chan Dropkick.
Maybe Hades-chan from God Girls is his daughter?
It's really weird because the series stars a character from Jashin-chan's Jimbocho, and you could see Persephone in one of the panels. I'm not sure why Yukiwo didn't straight up set it in a shared universe, and why Persephone had to marry the oji-san Hades even though she's really flirty with Lierre, who unironically looks like God girl Hades.
Persephones hetero-marriage was politically motivated.
Stupid Pino, just mix a love potion into Yurines pie and poison into Lierres
Damn I watched the full - 10 minute! - version of Jinbocho elegy. Holy shit, that's so beautiful and romantic. Jashin really loves Yurine. The part when she gets angry is funny around 3/4 in.
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Minos got a new toy.
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Pekoslave bump.

Do yo/u/ think Pekola derives sexual excitement from being abused by Jashin?
No, but from the food scraps Yurine and Poporon give her
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Thank you minos drawfag.
Is manga gayer because I am reading it right now and I see more yuri teasing than in anime?
Both the anime and the manga have exclusive yuri moments that compliment each other. WIth that said, the anime is teasing jashin x yurine too hard while they're quite clearly frenemies in the manga.
Depends on how far along you are in the story. Jashin-chan Dropkick is basically the longest enemies-to-lovers arc in literary history. And since Yurine dies in the end, it's also a tragedy.
Medusa has a fat ass.
Yurine is for Pino.
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is the snake ever gay?
Does she
With Medusa, multiple times.
Any textual evidence of this
She goes on dates with Medusa. Meanwhile Pino is gay as fuck for Yurine
Medusa was pretty unambiguously introduced as Jashin-chan's girlfriend. They constantly cuddle, call each other cute and say "aishiteru" to each other, which is not something that straight people do.
>to each other
Isn't it more one-sided?
who is Yurine to her then?
Her mistress, her owner, her lady, her goddess.
her slave owner
jashin loves medusa, but has a bad personality so she doesn't realize how much she actually treasures medusa. every season has at least one gay episode between the two
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the new bonus manga looks cute
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>that blush
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It's no secret that Yurine is a lesbian, and a fucked up one at that.
prove it
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That's the proof, she gets off on mutilating snek and watching snek getting raped by Mei. Only Pino is more fucked up than she is.
snek gets off by being mutilated and raped. Does that make her more or less fucked up than Yurine?
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>official art
Are they really?
This is definitely the worst rendition of the cloaca so far. Actually, it's not even a cloaca. It's a human vagina on her belly. Jashin-chan doesn't have a anus. How does she poop, then? DOES SHE POOP FROM HER VAGINA? Or does she have cloaca and a vagina? Of so, from which one does she urinate? From which does she give birth?
If you're wondering how she pisses and gives birth.
And other science facts.
Then repeat to yourself: it's just a porn pic, I should really just relax.
Yes, everyone knows twincest is wincest.
Can Atre and Ecute make a science/magic baby or are they "dead"?
We know they don't have body odors, meaning they don't perspire, meaning they don't thermoregulate. And mushrooms will grow if they don't clean themselves, meaning they don't have a working immune system. So yeah they are dead as fuck.
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They can adopt one of snek's.
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The eyepatch stays on during sex.
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She said it. Sorry, cuck ATM.
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More like oneeloli.
Yes, that's what age gap means.
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What the hell is wrong with Yurie?
who bitch this
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Am I the only one who ships these two?
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You're not.
That's Pekola's voice actor.
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>*slurp slurp slurp*
>oh... oh... Jashin-chan, that feels so good~
>Pekora loves to be rubbed down here the most!

>Huh!? Pekora-sama wants it done like this!!

>Poporon, P-Please be more gentle!

>Pekora-sama be quiet!!

>N-No way! Ahhh
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>ah … ahh
>Yurine your turn to lick me desuno~
>waaa …. slurp ….. Slurp… Aahhh
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>I’m cumming YURINE Desuniegh
>waaa… Blurgrh …. blehhhurgh
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Why are they gay?
Why aren't YOU gay?
Two timing, not cool.
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Urine is such a slut.
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As a couple I don't really see it, however they have unique friendship that's rarely highlighted. Too bad we haven't had a Yurine + Medusa story since vol. 1 because it's cute to see them bonding as caretakers of the Retard Snake
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>how it started VS how it's going
Oh so that's why Per-mama is going after Lierre now...
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Soft angelic boobs.
Endgame couples right here.
So is Minos a groomer or is Pers an aggressive loli?
Minos is just a cool onee-san, Per II is the sexually precocious, corrupter.
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Rare pair
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I'm scanning the doujin now
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Jashin-chan Dropkick Charlie no Pool-hen

This series got a whole lot gayer.
Aww shit, who's gonna marry Koji now?
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Last night I dreamed there was a new season of Jashin-chan, except Jashin didn't show up at all until the finale. She was laying on the ground, under my ladder.
Sneks like to lay under stuff left in the yard. 10/10 very realistic.
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>Jashin calls her teacher a MILF
Not a translation error, just gay.
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How does Kyon-Kyon keep going from flat to fat. It is her special devil ability?
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Loved these. Thanks snekfriend.
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Jashin-chan can't take Per-chan's job.
Want to bet?
Yes. Jashin-chan hates work and milking those teats would be lots of work.
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Please, there was this extremely hot picture of Yurine hypnotizing Jashin-chan into giving her a rimjob until she came and that shit was the hottest image I've ever seen. It got deleted from pixiv, I've been looking all afternoon for it and I can't believe nobody saved, fuck, not even me. Pls bros...I need it, that image was so fucking kino...
You're not giving me much reason to help you.
I only have Jashin hypnotizing Medusa.
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if you knew the artist it'd be easier to find some site that scraped it.
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