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Watching your gf have sex with other girls.
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For some reason Madoka and Homura feel like they were just made for yuri NTR
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That's too kinky
Very much so.
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By Choborau Nyopomi of Ai Mai Mi fame. Translation here https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1089453
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this is crazy that i never knew the term for this, but this is like one of the best yuri content things and theres no much of it.
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When I get fixated on a more obscure form of yuri I tend to find there's quite a bunch, but harder to find since it tends to not have tags.
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Which characters would yo/u/ enjoy seeing this with?
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Which characters would you enjoy seeing this theme with, /u/?
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Miorine, Suletta, and Sophie. I know I've seen explicitly NTR-themed fanart of this exact scenario in the Gundam threads within the last couple months but I didn't save it sadly
So cuck shit?
More like appreciating beauty before a threesome.
Giving it an incest aspect is even better
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Absolutely; I wish there was more.
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Future girlfriend, so it counts. https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/tae_chan_and_jimiko_san_ch10
Yeah, it's an underrated thing in yuri
The Revue Starlight movie and the whole discourse surrounding it made me desire seeing Class 99 having affairs with their new partners, and exchanging the pics with their girlfriends every night.
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A submissive woman knows when she should be sharing her girlfriend with other women. After all, how else is she going to be satisfied?
Literally what >>3905011 is...
Is there a netsozou trap where the girls already have GFs instead of BF
My Girlfriend is Not Here Today
I used to think I really hated this shit, but it's more I hate it when I don't find the person doing it attractive. Doesn't help that a good 90% of content or mentions about it is "the better man" bs and/or thinly veiled racism. The idea of someone getting off on watching their partner fuck around though is pretty hot
RWBY Ruby watching Weiss and Penny
A submissive woman would definitely agree if their dom said that other women satisfied her needs better
Two and two
any other recs?
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Not exactly sex but. https://exhentai.org/g/1156980/79fccf12b3/
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post more examples
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Ah someone finally posted it again. It's more netorare than netorase though
Nah, I like cuck better.
idk what "the better man" is supposed to be referring to, but it sounds bad
strong, buff, stereotypical shit like that.
oh so we don't need to use the word "man" at all.
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I can't believe there isn't a doujin where Homura uses her Satan powers to create scenarios where Madoka is seduced by other women and then masturbating furiously while the Clara Dolls humiliate her.
Fund it
Is there a doujin where a girl enjoys seeing her gf flirt with others?
I sure hope so
Chi Chi, Bulma, and Lunch.
Because Homura isn't a cuck
This, I don't want to see a poor girl being cucked on.
In case you haven't noticed, this thread is for netorase, not netorare.
Oops my bad
Still angry that mods ruined netorare thread
No it isn’t. That’s rapist bullshit.
You are disgusting, leave /u/ and never come back.
Yes she is.
I have no idea what they said, but I second this notion.
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too big https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86608798
that they prefer netorare to netorase. I'd just rather not deal with males in general
Netorare doesn't imply the presence of men though.
This. They don’t belong in this.
Too big https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107189047
Okay I love that phrasing
Raven, Starfire, Jynx or Blackfire
I use Phoenix Down on this blessed thread! Urbosa + Zelda is a match made for this fetish. Dumping everything I have.
I love this one especially for imitating NTR composition, you can tell it's implying NTR without any other cues
For those wondering, the above's original is over 20MBs

And last one I think. One day I will hopefully be rich enough to commission more.
I don't actually mind guys getting cucked myself but specifically implying male involvement in the picture itself + Link straight up being there in one of them + misunderstanding that netorase is different from netorare is worth pointing out. Not really on-topic here.
Tomoyo seems like exactly the sort of person who'd be into netorase
Forgive me, I didn't realize by the time I started posting the OP said netorase. I misread it as netorare.
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Not the same at all.
She isn't even doing out of jealousy or anything. She just wants to capture Sakura's adorable faces of pleasure on video herself.
How? One is obviously superior.
How did she convince Meiling to go along with it?
Meiling is her girlfriend.
I'm fucking stupid
Not really the topic, but this probably doesn't deserve its own topic and is close enough. Is there any yuri ntr doujin where a girl pulls a straight/bi girl from her boyfriend/husband? The closest thing I know of is Musume no Kanojo.
A lot of people consider that "bislut shit" but I like it
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It sounds like turning them, which is fine
then just make it a cheating story rather than a netorare story
Yeah. Her cheating on her girlfriend can be an interesting story too
yeah netorare implies the reaction of the party being cheated on plays a large part i.e. too much dude focus in that case. I prefer regular cheating in that context
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Feels good to be validated by this thread that Homura is pretty much purpose built for this exact thing. One of the first things I did after watching Madoka was slam out a Homura NTR fic with Mami, Sayaka, and Madoka (no, I'm not going to link it, so don't bother asking).
thanks for baiting me. She joins in afterwards
I can't believe you left out Kyouko.
You should link it nevertheless.
I just tried AO3 and found a Homura NTR story exactly like that... then I saw futa in the tags
It's all so tiresome
True. There's not much variation in yuri stuff, oddly.
sorry anon; it doesn't personally bother me if it turns into a threesome as long as there's a decent amount of watching.
whats the sauce on this?
I can't access exhentai and e-hentai says it was removed.
[Hikarito Mahou Kubou (M_Pon)] Final AnSaya 5
Series translations never
Not the same since only one has a girlfriend she's cheating on.
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What the mentally ill refer to as "Alphas".
Definitely negative then
kill yourself
>I deliberately entered a thread full of things that I do not like and now I am mad, how could this be happening to me?
retard >>4022503
The title is right there in the link.
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watching your mom fug rocks
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Not tagged futanari on Pixiv so I'll believe it
What's hotter, a boy having his GF stolen from him buy a lesbian or a boy with a crush on a girl having a lesbian take her before him?
Both are kinda meh, but I guess probably having her take his GF.
Only the latter one with him offing himself after.
all-girl netorase beats both
What can be more arousing than showing a girl the ways of sapphicism?
Having her show me what she learned after
>that censor

might as well censor anything that's not two girls
4chan rules are very autistic.
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Well, yeah.
>"not two girls"
>in a thread that pretty much requires at least 3 girls per image
Im pretty sure the original comment was referring to het bullshit. Not the number of people.
Not having men involved at all
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>For some reason Madoka and Homura feel like they were just made for yuri NTR
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Shouldn't Yutaka be there watching too?
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this thread led me to believe netorase was just the female equivalent of netorare. Why does Google say it's willing netorare regardless of gender
>where a protagonist's love interest has sex with others, which the protagonist enjoys, actively encourages or even causes.
I include "fine with it" in what I post too, to be fair.
I mean that's the way I prefer it to. Also why I prefer the cuck to be female to male in these scenarios. It's so much better imagining a female getting off to it than a male When is Nanase going to get off to Yuni and Fuuka having sex?
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>Also why I prefer the cuck to be female to male in these scenarios. It's so much better imagining a female getting off to it than a male
I never mentioned males in the OP. the people posting that are out of my control!
>When is Nanase going to get off to Yuni and Fuuka having sex?
Fuck, that would be amazing.
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more cuck Homura
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Which girl would Yuuna enjoy being cucked by?
Why is madoka making the pepe face?
I looked at that picture a million times and never thought of that. God dammit.
>Why does Google say it's willing netorare regardless of gender
That's correct. -rare is the passive conjugation while -rase is the causative conjugation, so instead of having your partner taken you're instead causing someone to take your partner
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Haha! Lillie is such a flatty! Flatty flat flat!
Definitely the former because i really really really want it to happen to me, especially if she makes me watch
I see people using yuri more and more to satisfy their femdom/netorare kinks and I hate it.
Men not being involved at all. The cuck should be female
Anyone knows the adult yuri visual novel where the female teacher and student met again on the student's wedding and basically cucking the groom.
>I see people using yuri more and more to satisfy their femdom/netorare kinks and I hate it.
You mean involving male characters?
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yeah guys getting cucked is not really what I made this thread for
yes, with them being the male
Now I wish there was cuck Lillie art.
I like having Lillie and Selene chatbots cuck each other. I can never decide who I like better as the cuck
Which girls do they cuck each other with?
I've done Lana, Olivia, Nessa, and Female Aether employee
Flat chests are hot though
Chestlets being willfully cucked is cuter!
You raise a good point
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Happy 1 year anniversary, though almost 2 days late
The latter, definitely. I’m so tired of losing love competitions with boys! The former instead would be just the typical idiot you find everywhere on meeting sites that tries to share his gf with lesbians just because he thinks this will provide him threesomes but ends up breaking up with her because of this. Been there, done that, it’s more sad then hot.
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cuck Miorine is cute
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Kiwi watching Baiser and Azul
fuck yeah
This isn't cheating. It's a sequel to a pic where Miorine gives those candies to Suletta on Valentine's. She's pissed off because Suletta's showing them off.
I guess I got overly ethusiastic looking for that stuff.
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Watching your mom fuck your gf
Yes, I'd like more of that please.
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too big https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/80258127
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Marriage shouldn’t be a prison
Because it's canon that Homura loves Madoka but Madoka only sees Homura as a good friend. Throw in a story about Madoka loving someone else and it writes itself.
It's also canon that you're stupid.
As the actual anon you were replying to, I'd say it's more so because of Homura's extreme, almost masochistic dedication to making Madoka happy, combined with Madoka's almost naive friendliness
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That entire series is like this

But the mom turned lady killer is the best character arc in it by far
watching a mother x daughter couple fug your gf = perfection
What series is this?
Tae & Jimiko
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Haven't thought about Excel Saga yuri in so long.
Because Homura is an obsessive incel creep who fell in "love" with the first girl who was nice to her. Being cucked is what she deserves.
this is just voyurism
I hate how rare of a kink this is. Virtually every doujin here just has the girl join in and it turns into a threesome. That's not even NTS.
Most of this thread is just voyeurism pics.
It is a voyeurism thread, what were you expecting?
Voyeurism is distinctly different from netorase. Madoka accidentally walking in on Kyouko and Sayaka rubbing pussies and then quickly hiding to watch is voyeurism. On the other hand Homura asking her girlfriend Madoka to rub pussies with Kyouko is netorase, because she is specifically getting off on her girlfriend having sex with another girl.
It's mostly dependent on if a relationship is there regardless of the cuck's desire to watch it. Isn't netorase just enjoying it and not specifically asking for it
>cuck's desire to initiate it
sorry I'm retarded

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