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Bringing it back with some licking
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Bulma knows what to do with secretaries.
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>moshi moshi, seiba desu
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Is there a meal more delicious than a lesbian anime girl’s feet?
if they're topped with sweat sauce.
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why isn't there a feet focus yuri manga yet
Kaguhara's Fetish Note, kinda
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Why is foot fetish yuri usually foot x mouth stuff and not foot x pussy or foot x boobs?
Feet are best felt with your mouth.
This is the hottest feet pic I've seen.
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Taiwan girls are serious bussness
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Bigger version
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this is so nice, I like when the footplay has this obvious passion and caressing, most of the time the foot yuri stuff has one end suck a foot like it's a d*ck. Love it when it's tender like that
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>Silk... Don't take off my boots.

>But Lain... Your feet are really sweaty.

>And... you are licking them now.

>Don't you know? Saliva has antibacterial properties.

>I... of course I know that...

>Which means, I can make them smell nicer by licking off all that sweat.

>Eh? Uh... thank you, I guess?
>Haa...Haa Rain's boots... They're so stuffy...

>You really like that, don't they smell?

>Your rain boots have an addicting smell *sniff * haa</b> they stink

>don't say they "stink"
>Just... quit playing with yourself when you sniff my boots

>*breathe in*haaa a-ah, i love it, haah

>...You weren't listening.
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Amana Sisters?
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There's something about a girl being so into another girl's feet that they seek out a position of worship and submission even when it is disagreeable that is stupid hot.
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I hope she files, trims, and cleans her toenails very carefully.
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why are her feet sunburnt?
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Footsies are underrated.
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I love that both have one boot off. Gives it a more spontaneous and instictive feel.
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Foot fetish stuff that involves the toes irks me because of this. For some reason the nail bed of my big toes are very sensitive to pain so I can’t trim them short, so the idea of putting them in places irks me.
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