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Post pictures of love and sex between holy and unholy; devils/demons and angels proving yuri can overcome any difference between girls.
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Danbooru says this theme is very popular with yuri, but I can't find as much as they claim, so I made this thread to see more of it. I really like opposites attracting.
Any of Shimmer's art (or art from the Devilish flash game series) is prime material for a thread like this
>Devilish flash
Holy cow, I feel like I've rediscovered the Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi yuri fandom looking for it.
Should angels dominate demons or viceversa?
Demons are made to be dominant, it's the natural order of things, but seeing a gentler looking girl take the lead over her is amusing.
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Fairy rather than angel but close enough.
A shame the artist only drew these two twice and then just stopped posting after.
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Angewomon and LadyDevimon are probably the most famous couple with this aesthetic.
I remember their fusion in Cybersleuth, what a tease that was.
It's a nun rather than an angel, but the energy is the same.
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One of my all time favorites was unfortunately never a couple.
I can't believe there's someone else in the planet that remembers Pita-ten. The OP still hasn't left my head after all these years.
This topic in its purest form.
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Is this from the lost game "Devilish Bedroom"?
If only...
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I love devil/angel aesthetic in yuri. Since the thread is kind of small I'll post a few bits of OC that's related. I made a devil/angel couple for toontown
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this was a drawthread request i did a few years ago here
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that's pretty cute
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That angel doesn't look very distressed. That's cute.
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Sex titan
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>Ugh, I hate it. I want to die.
>Because I'm so ugly and fat I'm better off dead.
>Want me to take your life?
>You can have even my soul or heart
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>How is it? Isn't that the worst feeling?
>Hurry up and die, please.
>Idiot! Die!!
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Demons like to play rough
More of a nun than an angel, but still fits the theme of holyxdemonic (and Sanzomon evolves from Tailmon just like Angewomon).
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Angel puts a demon in her place.
I think it says a lot about about someone whether they think the angel would top (correct, good) or the demon would (boring).
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Good jorb.

Maek more.
The guy who drew this died from cancer during 2017, at age 63

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