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Why do the Eva threads on /u/ always get deleted?
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I know that Doujin.
>best senshi
The author has good taste
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God Bless Typo
Oh brother how new art thou? This image was so easily croppable
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because you complained

My head canon is that Yui knows Gendo is having an affair with Naoko, but she has to let it go on because otherwise they'd never get the MAGI system installed. A shame she didn't pursue this style of revenge.
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So many years in and still no good fanfic. Impressive, really.
I've been turning over for a while writing something where NERV used their technology to reestablish the Japanese Empire/GEACPS and Misato gets Asuka as a 'comfort woman'. Cue enemies-to-lovers with a backdrop of geopolitical intrigue
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If the last Eva-related thing I watched was End of Evangelion, how much catching up do I have to do? I'm just missing the most recent movies, right?
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There is a lot of good Yuri Eva fanfiction. It's just usually Ritsuko/Maya.
>I'm just missing the most recent movies, right?
Yeah. I can't for the life of me remember the context but there is some point in the rebuilds that implies Asuka is /u/
At some point Hikari is the only friend that she has left. Doesn't look like she made the gay pass at her tho. Every girl else would be like one of those love/hate duality relationships.
The first two Rebuild movies are good, but the other two are a bloody goddamned mess and ruin everything that the first two had built up. It's best to avoid them, you're not really missing out on anything.

There was a solid foundation for MarixAsuka in the movies, but the last movie ruined it by having Mari marry Shinji (becaus as it turns out, she was Anno's wife's self-insert all along.).

Just watch the Gay piano scene. It's the only segment of all the rebuilds that is both entirely original and contributes positively to the franchise.
My headcanon is Yui just wanted to be the robot. Yui was a real piece of work.
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I would have rather had the thread die than endure these edits.

You can revive the dream.
Jesus, Rei is really giving it to her huh?
no u
They look like shit nigga
I love this artist.

The artist loves rapey Rei.
Makes me chuckle every time.
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Man, that Chozo DNA hit HARD.
AsukaxMisato is my favourite and very underrated compared to AsukaxRei. Asuka desperately needs a mommy in her life to love her, and if she breastfeeds her even better.

You really didn’t feel like the two of them clicked, even while living together.
Dare I say, based?
Reminds me of the scene where Rei calls Naoko an old hag and Naoko starts seeing her as Yui insulting her.
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Rebuild consists of 4 movies
Each of them about 2 hours long
I guess that's easy to catch up
They're also not worth it.
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And I wouldn't wish Mari on any of the other pilots.

>Rei has a SEELE womb tattoo.

Canonize it.
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Count it
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RM would be so much hotter if Maya was the dom
we need a continuation of that pic
Maya is a babygay, she doesn't have a single dominating bone in her body.
I know, but I also know what I want and it's total Maya domination.
Yeah. I am surprised she didn't run away from Ritsuko when she appeared as her guide to instrumentality.
Looking at the viewer, huh?
Could be a girl looking at them.
Misato coming home to her harem
long crotch syndrome
Not sure if she's lucky or unlucky for having a harem of mentally-broken teenagers at her call.
In any case, it's pretty hot to imagine Misato serving as the missing maternal figures in Asuka's and Rei's lives, and especially giving them the milkies they so desperately need.
the pne in the middle is from a VN/dating sim or something where you play as Shinji, so the viewer is probably him as well.
Pacific National Exhibition?
>Not sure if she's lucky or unlucky for having a harem of mentally-broken teenagers at her call.
She's lucky. The best sex of my life, best relationships too, were with crazy teenage girls when I was younger.
what is the name of the artist? SauceNao did not find anything
lol gives me an interesting idea for fanfiction: every time Rei dies and gets cloned her personality re-rolls
fujitaka nasu
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Eating Assuka
Makoto Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell
They get art because of their names.
God bless Typo
It's difficult to tell, but Misato's nipples are hardening in this scene.
>solid foundation for MarixAsuka, but
Mari getting with Shinji in one good timeline doesn't undo the 14 years of nasty lesbian sex the Mari and Asuka we watched for 3 films had in their entry plugs. They were never in love, but they made something meaningful together regardless and staved off the tedium of post-apocalyptic eternal teenagerhood they found themselves in.
>she was Anno's wife's self-insert all along
It's more that Mari represented an external element to the loop of making and remaking Eva, in the way that Moyoco represented a way of Anno gradually breaking free of his depressive cycle.
That and the manga Mari was a miserable lonely lesbian who didn't become genki and outgoing until she confessed to Yui who responded by giving Mari her trademark hairstyle and offered up her own eyeglasses.
asuka was made for sexual bullying
So is her clit.
No, she deserves love and milk from a mommy with big boobies.
I love the idea of Asuka having a fixation on boobs and a need to be nursed.
>tries to push Rei's buttons one too many times
>Rei turns the tables and ends up pressing her button
Wish there were more fics like this
I mean she definitely has one hell of a mommy complex

Both do.
gay sex with party hats on
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Don't bump without posting any content.
Fight me.
you win
Lesbians are in high demand bump
It's チャンス written horribly, the only reason I figured this out is because I searched it and found an OCR that had once misread it as チャこス too
Rare YukiRei
lmao what the hell
A few of the older Yuki Mori/Asuka or Rei images had artist commentary like "The girls love Yuki because she wears a tight bodysuit just like them when she comes over to see them".
>classic Matsumoto-style Yamato instead of the zoomer reboot Yamato
Unfathomably based
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>those two tentacles forming a spear of Longinus
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This was a delivery from a /u/ drawthread. Feel free to try for more.

We’re the black dresses an intentional choice? I always imagined they were hooking up at Kajis’ funeral.
I’ve never seen evangelion but does this actually happen in the cartoon?
It does (in the 2.22 movie), but that gif is naturally an editand in the original there's a convenient mountain of cans blocking the view.
Aw shucks
KawoShin are probably the most genderswapped yaoi couple.
Comfy 2009 vibes
Love these two
Pfftahahahahaha, what? Seriously, sis; I get handholding is a meme but this is crazy talk.
I remember this from when I was a kid
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Your lack of Yui/Mari disturbs me.
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I have read some real good Asuka x Rei fanfics. Prometheus by xairathan on AO3 is my favorite.
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Those are some tiny nipples.
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ai slop, more like this please
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Busty Shinjiko...
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Ha just saw this the other day. Poor Maya.
Maya deserves getting sanwiched by these two hags.
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Well she wants it. Ritsy would probably have to flip her switch into a threesome with them. She would probably be happier when the night ended if she was sweaty In Ritsoko's arms

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