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Last thread was fun let us have another.
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The make up does look a bit
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That's cute. Nice seeing Quinby get some notice.
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>confirm Andrea is gay for a girl
>it's some ugly background character
this show deserves it getting canned
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We have a name. Now we just wait until Alina appears in the show proper.
Fucking disgusting.
It's not even a background character. It's a totally original character that didn't even physically show up in the episode they showed Andrea crushing on her. They really dropped the ball hard with her. The only saving grace is maybe it was more of a business interest Andrea had and she gets over that fat redhead or maybe she's not as great as Andrea thinks she is later on and she gets over her.
The redhead looked cuter in the chibi short.
That's nice, but what is up westerners and this obsession with ugliness?
Fat ugly libtards can't fucking separate themselves from their writing/art
They tend to project, especially when it comes to their flaccid political beliefs.
You incels are miserable.
Is that supposed to be Scratches sister or something?
/u/ is a TERF territory. Cute girls kissing cute girls with the exception of cute tomboys kissing cute girls. Hambeasts and trannies stay out.
Most self proclaimed TERF lesbians are "hambeasts".
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I always assumed it was a thing that some think if you make them ugly they can't be sexualized. Kinda why some fan arts make people like Luz, especially the adult version, look like a dude. Its a type of gatekeeping filter to separate fetishists from family and allies
>Its a type of gatekeeping filter to separate fetishists from family and allies

what if you have an "ugly character" fetish?
Im pretty sure everything can be a fetish to someone.
>They tend to project, especially when it comes to their flaccid political beliefs.

yeah, i also subscribe to that theory
Theyre obsesses in self insert.
To the point it hurts their work. Nevermind their political belifs.
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>if scratch was girl
How to ruin a character with a single frame.
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is there any character who season 2 hasn't screwed up?
Libby, she's still based and redpilled as fuck.

More like yurincels

Pretty cool, right? It took me almost 5 days to came up with that cool nickname
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must be why Libby hasn't appear so much in this season
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>her chibi design is better
Don't you mean, before she transitioned?
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>that pin on Molly (-_-
Trannies try not to label every character they see as a tranny challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
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Sensitive crowd here, she could have ALLY!?
did she break her neck when her new fat gf sat on her face?
If only.
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Yeah the political shit is lame, 'based' or not. But this in my opinion was done for the sake of 'down to earth representation' going against the appeal of the show's characters & canonizing something people won't care about. Though yeah, making the cute idealized characters get together would spark even more 'problematic' art so it's also a 'take that' in that regard albeit maybe not consciously acknowledged

It shows how good Bubblegum x Marceline was since both are characters people care about with chemistry & clearly what the fans and non-lame staff wanted
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Damn the fandom really didn't appreciate random background character who hasn't even appeared being Andrea's love interest.
Man, WHAT THE FUCK were the writers thinking?
>retcon the fight with Death at the end of S1
>try to staple a boy in a new character in the already established Molly/Andrea/Libby dynamic
>try to desperately force him and Molly together
>give Andrea an ugly hambeast for a gf instead of just pairing her with Molly
and that's just the tip of the iceberg of S2, it's like every bad choice they could've made was approved
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the other issue attest for me is Ollie is such a boring character and feels like a disney mandate that the writers didn't know what to do with
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Who's the faggot that keeps reporting nsfw images and who is retard mod that keeps listening to him?
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>hair dye fading
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I'm trying to find a particular molly x andrea artist, she was russian and her twitter name included teh word fish.
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Fish bone? They only do Mollibby tho
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nah not that one, th eone that drew molly and andrea dancing under the rain and the little andrea
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>the little andrea

Please share that one, I haven't seen it. You're talking about Sweetchiken1, they deleted their twitter, here's what I got
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They changed their name to komaeru1and their twitter is now private
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Is /u/ seriously mad that Andrea isn't falling for Molly even though Molly already has Libby? Threesome harems are not kids friendly.
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Molly already claimed Andrea's purity! They have to marry now!
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the hambeast is likely a self-insert for one of the show staff.
i mean, tons of light novel authors and mangaka make their self-insert the cookie cutter dweeb mc who gets to bang the hottest elf girl in isekai land, i wouldn't be surprised if this is any different
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Alternate universe... Would Molldrea have been MORE or LESS possible to be canon in this version?

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Molly McGee and Liko from Pokémon
Someone get THIS SHIT out of this thread!
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Have we watched the same season? She still appears a good amount way more then Andrea had a whole father episode too
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Don't like what you see in the mirror, huh?
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Molly consoling Andrea after rejection?
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I'm guessing the pressures of needing to appeal/be approved by china in order to be broadcasted there were pushed. Hence the sudden shit drop in quality.
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Lol these comic are well drawn but are complete gibberish
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dunno i kinda think it would be hotter if the nipple wasn't out and the table not glass then it could be a hidden in public foot-job more believable you know
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I thought the see through table was an art choice but, I see you're right. Yeah, more decency in the public indecency would have been hotter, but oh well. You know how commissioners are
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I edited this and gave her a strap
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Speaking of does anyone know who this artist is, I caught this one in one of the threads here a while back
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Imagine you start dating a cutie at 13 then as you grow she doesn't and you slowly realise you will have a tiny gf
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there's too little female footjob out there and I'm glad people are working to fix it
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Any ff of Libby and Andrea footplay?
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Not that I know of, some foot and sweat worship with pit huffing stuff was written long ago

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This show is over now isn't it?
I must admit I stopped watching after season a while ago when It became obvious there was going to be no Yuri...shame it had the best girls
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They were saving the yuri for season 3.
So now that the show is over: Alina, yay or nay?
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Fuck no, Satan. MollDrea 4 lyfe
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anon that sounds like a disease what the fuck
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Good news. The S3 scripts were leaked by a fan so here's the whole yuri Alina and Andrea robot competition episode.

No thanks.
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I drew Libby as Haru from Beastars since they are both adorable and share the same via
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Any archive of their stuff, or place where they post their stuff publically?
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Not that I know of. Just old discord logs
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Art based on the episode
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Libby really loves her mom btw
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Andrea is a based chubby chaser

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