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What a wonderful starting act: >>3807974
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Proper previous thread: >>3888877

>What is it?
/u/ put their goggles on tight enough that they started shipping personifications of chemical elements, metals in particular. We started from the nuclear family of a Gold/Silver couple and their daughter Copper and have been slowly expanding out. Done with a mixture involving some amounts of science and additional amounts of "this would be cute" when it comes to establishing an element or couple. The threads have a basic idea (or more) for all the elements and are now working on expanding relationships, relationship histories, physical descriptions, and other personal elements for the lesser-known elements.
We’ve reached a point where we can begin to discuss more about the events of the immediate future i.e., year 1, 2, and 3. Suggestions and discussion topics are welcome.
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>Collected Works

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r-9lPzjj56iUCE8d9F6gfaes6ipOD5W0XLsjYZDGUw4/edit#gid=0 – Hair, height, misc bits and birthdays. Now includes musical acts!
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UwL-GRvAG4s8n8b03ynoSDVvO76WXfkD?usp=share_link- Relationship charts

>Topics of discussion
How frequently do the older members of the city council lightly tease Krypton about proposing to Flo?
Which of the elements would go see a big footiegame if it was at the local stadium?
Continuing the topic of city events: how often would Tin do charity concerts for the city?

>Krypton proposing to Flo
Depends, do they also know about Xenon?
Yes. Hmm this is a headscratcher cause I just realize Mithril is the only married one on the council iirc. The one who'd mostly likely know about Krypton's two girlfriend. Perhaps the question shoulda been "how long does it take for the council to realize who Mithril married?"
In Mithril's case, wouldn't her relationship with Ada be public knowledge?
Yes, that said I don't think she shouts about her marriage despite how in love with Ada she is. More for Ada's consideration since she's a private person and Mithril can see the wisdom in it. It'd be public record but it wouldn't be widely known. Prase might know purely from working with Ada, Mithril, and the appointment process.
Good point. Anyone who didn't already know Mithril would still probably have heard of the city police chief. Prase would probably know, but somebody like Polonium might not. Who, speaking of, might also be aware of Krypton's relationships. Po does frequent her establishments.
That is a good point, PoLi would likely have some idea that Krypton uses both hands when it comes to romance. It did also hit me; that when Li gets married, in spite of being a relatively small wedding, Li might invite the city council. Po makes sense. Krypton I suppose because of the budding friendship, Mithril and Prase are likely more just courteous. I do kinda wanna joke with the idea that Prase officiates the LiMn wedding.
Most of Li's desire to extend the invites is a mix of courtesy/respect for the person and wanting more than just her family there
Inspired, I'm sure, by Sodium asking "What about all your other friends, mom?" when looking at the list of invites and only seeing Polonium.
And maybe a comment from Caesium. Although to be fair, her family would have a plus one.
Definitely one of those things that doesn't register with Lithi until it's shoved in her face. Probably doesn't register to NaK until they see the guest list that there's a reason why Lithi can empathize so well with Franci.
Ok, that settles it. Lithium /definitely/ had an imaginary best friend when she was younger.
>Which of the elements would go see a big footiegame if it was at the local stadium?
Titanium wouldn't miss it for the world.
Wasn't Electrum something of a surprise fan too? Or does she just get wrapped up in any sort of commotion that's going on?
The latter sounds more likely with how busy of a person she is. Maybe it was Copper or Silver that was the surprise fan.
Copper I could see getting dragged there alongside Titanium. Now, if we're talking about people who are always just interested in having fun no matter the topic, Platinum probably fits the bill.
Yeah Copper's enthusiasm would be more happenstance. Plat's a good choice
Getting back to the original question, Antimony might be a surprise pick. Might be good for her to have a hobby.
You have a good point. She might be an amateur fan, depending on her past work experience. Suppose that's something to work on as well, hammer out just what Antimony does since the printing press meeting up with the flying dutchman.
>her past work experience
I think it goes without saying that she was part of the school newspaper back in the day.
Indeed, probably wrote some freelance stuff since she was in uni during the time of blogs iirc. I did have a thought, when I was writing that other post, that Antimony becomes some sorta con organizer and perhaps uses the printing press for zine/fancontent.
Oh, that's right, wasn't she into Handwavium too?
She was. Probably one of the bigger adult fans of the series aside from Plutonium. All things considered, and her being a voracious fic writer|reader, we could safely say she's into most of the fandom series. Maybe not Conundrum to the extent that IrOs are but she likes interesting adaptations and the like.
Just prefers Wavi, Uno, and agent Ex at the top.
If she going to have a hand in any local cons, she sure is lucky that her wife is a fashion designer, then!
Speaking of Bis and that happenstance; Krypton. If the whole con organizer thing happens, Antimony could be friends or acquaintances with Krypton.
Krypton is involved with cons?
Not directly or probably ever except scantly. That said she's someone Antimony could talk organizer shop with...although I just realized Antimony has a better person to do it with. Gold.
Anyway Krypton would be a decent family friend if nothing else. Already friendly with Bismuth so why not make nice with Bis' wife. Chewing on it some more, I think one of the more overt connections would be Beryllium if we go this route.
Heh, maybe Anti can get Xenon to come and do a photoshoot that way. Having more opportunities for fleshing out Krypton and Bismuth's friendship would be a nice side effect of this at any rate. As for Beryllium, it'd be funny if Antimony doesn't even know her by name at first, just her persona.
Antimony is lucky to have Bismuth, otherwise she'd probably never change out of her sweatpants. Assuming she has the opportunity to work from home.
Not a bad idea for Xenon and would be good promo material. Good point for Be, Anti likely knows her as the Vox cosplayer that nails it. Actually all things considered, I wonder if Al didn't robe Be into a spot of modelling.
She'd be like those hikkomori girls that are just in panties and a tank top if Anti had her way. Bismuth and Bismonide kinda forcefully prevented that from happening
>Al and Be
More like Beryl roped herself in!

Speaking of Bismonide, did she have a distinct personal style or anything like that yet? Sounds like she takes after Bismuth more in that regard.
Come on, Beryl might be something of a fated rival but she wouldn't force herself into everything just cause Al's there. Al on the other hand, is aware of Beryl's cosplaying so she could rope her under the guise of helping Al.

I think what little there is for Monide is that she was a peer/senpai to Stell. Likely introduced Stell to Wavi if Pluto doesn't beat her to the punch while Stell introduces Boti.
Or would she...? Nah, but you're probably right. The funny part is, doing something like that probably never would have occurred to Beryl under normal circumstances. Aluminum's more public facing showmanship could be the ticket to get her there.

Ah, so she's friends with Stell already? Maybe a sort of role model as they start to get a little older. Different than the way she might look up to, say, Gally.
Yeah it's one of those things where like. Beryl's rivalry with Al was founded during their military time. Depending on their position, Beryl was probably just satisfied being the fastest/best pilot in their group much to Al's dismay. Even if Al was the better squad lead. So it not registering to Beryl that she's model quality tracks; cue Al tricking her coming to a shoot where a photographer flatters Beryl into some pictures.
Yeah she is or kinda becomes the senpai or so. I imagine, all things considered, that Stell and Monide might be like latchkey kids with how their parents are. So they're school friends with Monide being something of an actual big sis
Very sneaky, Aluminum. What's her motivation?

This is unrelated, but a thought just hit me. Any girl who asks Stell out while she's going through school or whatever is in for a disappointment.
Making Beryl eat her words about something is the most likely option.
Perhaps. I'd imagine Gal, if ever realizing the sincerity behind Stell's claim, sits her down and is all "listen hun, it's nice to dream but don't deny or fault yourself for being attracted to what's available." Does absolutely nothing to stop Stell's history of breaking senpai hearts when she's in 2ndary
Maybe something Beryl teased her about in the past? I'm sure there are lots of examples of that happening.
That girl can't be stopped. I wonder when Gally first realizes she's really serious?
Could work. Beryl talking about being the hottest and Al takes it to also mean the prettiest or something. Cue Beryl doing a fast one after the modeling surprise about how this just proves Beryl's still the hottest.
Preteens maybe? Cause I'd imagine it's before Gal goes away for Uni
This conversation has given me a delicious idea about what might be one of Beryl's secret weaknesses.
Maybe the first time Gally visits home from school, fully expecting Stell to have forgotten about her.
What kind of candy would Bromine like best?
Something with caramel like a milkway or a dark chocolate one.
Someone has to keep Fluorine in business, I suppose.
Indeed someone does. If we really wanna point fingers, then most of the coffee drinking adults/business people feed her practice. Maybe to the point of turning Holmium off the drink. Fluorine herself never liked it due to the crash.
Haha, I'm surprised this hasn't come up before. Who'd drink the most coffee? It's got to be someone like Selenium, or maybe Aluminum. Or maybe Selenium wouldn't need any? No, wait: Lutetium.
Left field: Francium. Lutetium's a good one though. I was gonna say Throium as well but the idea of her getting into the zone via coding+eurobeat tapes is so much better than her mainlining coffee.
Thorium seems like the type who'd drink energy shots. Now, as for different types and flavors of coffee, people like Sulfur and Ada would almost certainly take theirs black. Copper prefers mocha + whipped cream. Terbium? Peppermint.
As humorous as this comparison is, I do think Sulfur would prefer more fragrant coffees than just straight black considering she plans on becoming a vintner. Terbi...if I remember the vague color association, could do peppermint but consider: mint+chocolate to further reinforce the pastel goth she is.
This is making me think that Sulfur would also enjoy various fermented foods and stuff her sisters might otherwise find unappetizing. It's too bad there isn't a cotton candy flavored drink for Erbium!
That'd be a solid difference between the three and I'm positive Erbi probably works her jaw daily chewing cotton candy gum
That must mean Yttrium likes, what, salty snacks? And Ytterbium sweet.
Their fifth sister (in-law) Rhenium prefers umami. Yttri preferring salty snacks works a lot since she's an artist and a lot of the more readily available salty stuff can also serve as finger food if done right. Like trail mix.
All these flavors, and Yttrium chooses to be salty.
Eldest privilege, it's not something her sisters would understand. Que Rheni laughing off to the side
Speaking of food preferences, I wouldn't be too surprised if, say, Rubidium was a little more of a picky eater. Maybe she has an aversion to certain textures.
While the Twins are of course sympathetic to Prase's continued romantic plights, they're probably also a little confused. "She's got a perfectly good sister right there!"
The confusion lasts until they meet Neo again and realize
>oh they aren't identical
>what a shame
>what a tragedy
"Our condolences," they solemnly console a bewildered Prase. She was probably used to this sort of thing from them by then, hopefully.
I think the bewilderment there comes from them admitting that Prase is hotter than her sister. Weirdest compliment she's ever received in such a context. Que Prase being mildly tempted to hint at Po having a sister to string along the twins before showing a picture of Radium and Polonium together.
Knowing the Twins, and them knowing Polonium and Thallium's situation, they might draw a very scandalous conclusion from this information.
"Of course," says Ruthenium.
"Everything makes sense now," agrees Rhodium.
Especially when they see the picture. Gets them to mildly blush before making a remark at Prase about how they never thought she'd insinuate such things. Along with one of them lamenting that Po has such a cute little sister while the other remarks about Radi being lucky to have such a hot older sister.
Causing Prase to throw up her hands in exhaustion.
One thing she'll never fully get used to is the Twins assuming that everyone is as weird as they are. Even though sometimes they're right.
Indeed. It's why she keeps the fact that she's the older twin from the Twins
Smart call. They'd have a field day with that information. All this makes me wonder what Neo thinks of them. They probably give her the creeps, to which Prase has to say, well, actually, they're quite good at their jobs.
The twins are probably uncanny to Neo when they're doing their mirroring act. Outside of that, probably just sister aids and ppl she'd hit up for a soundbite if she's reporting on the council.
That's Neo for ya, always on the hunt for a source. On that topic, Neodymium is used in electric motors so it might be a fun touch to have her drive an EV. Which leads me to....Samarium! So, we know that Cobalt plays the acoustic guitar, but apparently Samarium is used in things like headphones and pickups for electric guitars. It only follows that she should play the guitar as well. Maybe she's the one who taught Cobalt?
Would Lanthanum and Cerium be considered Boron's closest friends after Potassium?
Quite so, probably more than she realizes cause they got the added benefit of not being involved with Sodium's family in some capacity.
Of course, they might end up being suspicious for entirely different reasons. I mean, since when has Boron ever been single?

Also, as it turns out, Yttrium would probably be the one to snag the coveted "second best friend" spot. She's know her for as long as Potassium and Rhenium has. All part of being the responsible one, I suppose.
A spot I'm sure Yttri is more than fine with. I'm curious if Boron ever hosted a friend gathering if her friends would recognize Yttri's art.
I'd say there's a chance Barium might, she seems to be fairly media savvy. And maybe, hmm, let's say Lanthanum? She could use a hobby. If Cerium comes off as mature, that leaves room for Lanthanum to complement her personality in a different way.
Barium and Lanthanum are good choices. As for Lanthanum's hobbies, we'd have to touch upon what Yttri gets commissioned for commonly.
Based solely on her physical properties, Lanthanum might be good at getting other people to relax. She'd also be a champion at hide and seek. She could be the modest type too, and good at working in groups. As for commissions...hmm, that's a bit trickier.
A little plain and average to complement the modesty. Would fit her scientist chic alongside Cerium. The taller of the two is also a plus. I almost wanna suggest she's something of a gamer in her spare time, maybe a casual streamer in between research projects. Would help emphasize her relaxing nature if it's felt in the heat of some vidya competition. I do also like the potential of her being like rather fem in her stream set up and then she puts on some music for some stuff and it's all very harsh+hard leading to that gap mo~e
She must enjoy team based games. Oh, what if she commissioned Yttrium for her stream graphics? Whatever you call it, all the UI and notifications and stuff.
Set up and programs? Yeah that could work. Yttri internally thanks her everyday and prays to the primae that she doesn't get roped another shooterfest.
Indeed team-based and co-ops, that Lantha could rock with Ceri and eventually Holmium. If there's a game with some kinda horde defense I'm sure there's several vods of Lantha and Ceri tearing through it in spectacular duo-fashion.
Unsurprisingly, that probably translates into Lathanum being great with kids. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Yttrium is neither good at games OR with kids.
Hey now, Yttri tries and naturally improves. With kids cause she kinda had to, and with games well. She's competent for the most part. Probably not on the level that Ceri and Lantha fight on. Outside of like generative type creativity which she probably gets through rpgs and the like, I'm sure she'd like games where she can turn off her brain and not have to think. Which might weirdly translate to action games with scoring systems cause of how quick and compact they can be.
Which leads to my semi-joke suggestion of her having some hotline Miami emotes or some such cause there's vods of her playing to unwind and she's just pulling As and Ss as she's playing. Probably has one that's called gamer focus since she's a quiet vidya streamer. More talkative during art streams.
Credit where credit is due, Yttrium did an admirable job looking after her younger sisters. She seems very much like she would've been the "dad" to Erbium's "mom". You know, a little more brusque, a little more firm in her decisions. But hey, she was learning on the job, so you can't blame her. Let's just say that Ytterbium and Terbium knew who to ask (or who not to) when they wanted to get their way. Maybe I just like grumpy Yttri.

Ah, her flow state, huh? Helps with art just as much as it does with games. It'd be kind of funny if she played for score and wasn't super interested in this like "plot" or "character development". "If I wanted that, I'd watch a movie" she might say.
That definitely tracks for Yttri. She even has her little art cave.
The zone~ Indeed, and after a certain point it can get pretty rote allowing for less involved input which helps. Oh yeah if we're being honest her intent is almost entirely fight mechanics/score. Set dressing like story and plot development are just blips on the radar. If the setting has an equivalent to Devil May Cry, she's likely a fan and has streamed them. Hilariously, out of the three streamers, I bet she's the best when it comes to parrying off the cuff. Plus it helps that beat 'em ups, ala Double Dragon, tend to have 4-player couch co-op and she likely has fond memories of beating such a game with all her sisters during a weekend.
Yttrium is totally the type to get so totally lost in her drawing for hours at a time that she eventually wanders out into the house at 3am, wondering where everybody is and when it got so dark. Idle games might also appeal to her, as it's something simple she can have on in the background while working on her art.
The idle games stuff also has some fun stream potential of redeems. Something like X amount causes her to pivot to check on her current idler.
I'm sure Terbi has some fond halloween memories of Yttri appearing behind her while she's watching a spooky movie cause she took a break from art.
You just know Terbium would want to go all out and transform their house into a picture perfect haunted mansion every Halloween.
Oh definitely, it's a good bonding activity.
Speaking of the holiday, I think it might've been mentioned before about the ThU home being a fun site. It would especially when coupled Mo-chan's family since there'd be three engineers able to rig up spooky stuff. U, Nep, and Chromium. Coupled with Cro, Mo, Pluto, and maybe a recently discovered interest from Einsteinium, helping nail down the scary but cohesive aesthetic.
Even Neptunium would get into the holiday spirit. A mermaid of sorts would be perfect for her. Oh, and what about Proactinium as the boatwoman on the river Styx? I mean, they are on a canal, right?
I believe so yes. Proacti will just have to make sure she's on land by then.
Mendelevium can just cover herself in seaweed and call it a day.
With that much engineering prowess going into things, they'll either end up with the most fun "haunted house/office/laboratory" or the scariest.
It probably gets to such a level where they gotta like okay it with the city and do some stuff. Maybe not heavily but they might wanna check airspace stuff along with canal stipulations. I imagine traffic is kind of hit or miss if they're right on a canal, so it shouldn't be that big of a worry.
Once all their hard work is complete, Stellite starts bugging her mom about getting to see it, and that's when Chromium starts to wonder if maybe they didn't go a little too all out.
Cro sweeps in, scooping Stell up, and reassures her niece that they didn't go all out. Chromi shoulda heard some of the stuff she(Cro) and Nep had to shoot down from Pluto.
>I mean really sis. Where are we gonna get a ton of liquid nitrogen a week before the holiday.
>I know someone that helps at some shows. Owes me one and can get half-a-ton
>Is this a legal source?
>liquid nitrogen
They should just ask Potassium.

Ahem, that aside...
As ostentatious as Cro is, I think she'd also have the effect of keeping things classy with her more "old school" set of sensibilities where the macabre is concerned. More fun-creepy than scary. Does that make sense? Sort of balancing out Pluto's punk "idgaf scare the hell out of them" mentality.
Yeah it tracks. Back in Cro's day they didn't have that fancy practical/mechanical effects. They had props. And wood...and location, along with a mother that had a husky voice. One that could lure little girls in with ease. If Cro is remembering right. Point is, you're right. Cro would keep things on the level for what the neighborhood is like
Uranium and Thorium? They're just the muscle. Well, maybe Thorium more than Uranium. "Aren't we the ones who own this building?" Thorium grumbles to herself as she's being instructed to hang those decorations a little higher, no, even higher!
Coulda sworn there was art of Titanium, huh.
Solsticetime is here! Time to break out the...solvent calendar? Eh?
Pretty clever Cobalt
Spend all year thinking up that one.
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Couldn't get the idea for this dumb image out of my head so I had to make it.

Happy New Year!
Happy new year. That is pretty on point, perhaps something they could talk about at various functions.
Equally so for Strontium and Antimony, who aren't so lucky. Or, maybe more accurately, perhaps Antimony was the editor of one (or more) of Strontium's books.
It was so dry, Mony felt her tongue dry up. I'm Bis and Stronti could get knocked as well. They'd all make for an interesting friend group
After a few outings, Bismuth and Calcium are chatting away, and Antimony starts to get a sinking feeling that Strontium's grumpiness is starting to rub off on her.
Happy new year!

Heavens above, who is this and what has she done with Cro?! Chromoly should savor this moment. Happy new year!
Very lovely and my goodness. Looks like Moly'll have to get used to sisterly banter again.
Happy New
>Cro: Oh, how I've missed your wit, dear sister.
>Moly: I would have sent you a letter if you'd only kept a fixed address.
Cro gets the last laugh by reminding her sister dearest of this thing called electronic mail. It was all the rage, a decade ago, before walking away to see what Damas and Chromi are up to.
Chromoly "hmphs" about it, but later she'll remind herself to ask Iron about just that.
Meanwhile Mo-chan is watching from the sidelines, deadpan, and makes a note to remind Moly that she never got Cro's e-mail.
Watch it be something like "darkestmistress@whatever.com".
Sometimes I wish there were a few more teen/alloy characters that weren't already paired off so we'd have a little more room for crushes and relationships that won't necessarily go anywhere. On the other hand, I suppose the younger generation could be also rife with that.
True, coulda been fun to see summer romances. If gems weren't such a hazardous area, I'd almost suggest that as a little side thing. Despite most of them being copper, aluminium, and the more common elements.
Dumb idea: what if there was an in-universe soap opera based around gemstones?
I like it. Can definitely work depending on how involved you get. Not just with gems but the soap's TV history and timeline
Naturally the continuity has become nigh impenetrable for anyone who hasn't been watching the show religiously for the past 45 years.
TV continuity. They could've very well stepped on a landmine that is; movie-continuity. Which might've started as ways to condense and retell major plots from the tv series. It grew from there
Wait, does this mean that Beryl(lium) can cosplay as Beryl? Or Emerald, rather.
She definitely could, though I suppose the question would be of interest. Would Beryl be sufficiently grabbed?
Now she just has to figure out which version. And then there was the time that Emerald was disguised as Ruby, and that's a whole different story.
Maybe not, unless...what if it was Magnesium who was a fan?
Magnesium's definitely a possibility. Curious to learn how Mags breached the continuity.
A good one perhaps. An Emerald that's powerful and gorgeous, naturally
For Magnesium, I could see her putting it on idly after work one day out of habit. Before she knows it she's been sucked right in, binges the whole series. More of a guilty kind of pleasure, to square that away with the more upfront seriousness of her character (maybe "seriousness" is the wrong word).
It tracks and sounds decent enough. Knowing soaps, it probably is good background noise she could just leave on and unintentionally pick up. Manga comes in ask what she's watching and Mags just unwittingly spits out the episode's plot. Along with where the episode currently is.
Manga takes one look and nopes out because her life is too much like a soap opera already.
Beryl sits down to listen while looking smug with a drink
>looking smug
To be fair, when doesn't she?
The possible gem soap opera makes me wanna suggest some matriarch character named Lith or some such but that's not easy to divorce from Lithium. Woulda been one of those classic things where the gems are all "distantly" related to each other and only find out during an insane plot
As in stone? Maybe "Mono".
Yeah. Matriarch Mono's good. She would've probably been the source of an inheritance dispute following her suspicious and untimely death at 106
Until it's revealed that she faked her own death and it was all a ploy!
Typical Mono. You know who might be a fun viewer? Moly.
She just be a longtime fan, yeah? One of the originals.
Maybe. I would imagine that only Cro knows the truth but she uses an excuse similar to Mags. That public places tend to have daytime tv on in their waiting rooms and considering she was a court clerk, she saw some of it for a good while and then the girls happened.
Oh, that's good. She wouldn't admit to watching it at all, or would at least give that excuse when pressed. The nocturnal Cori, on the other hand, would never have even heard of the show.
Well she might admit to friends and family cause they caught her on the back foot. They just don't know she's been a fan since season 1. The advent of video and it's successors helped immensely.
Would be very funny since I could see the shows writers basing some plots off of Primae history
I guess she must have needed assistance from Mo-chan to help set up streaming it. Moly: "Stupid. Tacky. Predictable. I saw that twist coming." And yet watch she does...
Mo-chan and Chromi will see a rare site when Cro finds out her sister still watches it. Coming across them together watching it and doing some light-hearted bickering. Moly with the plot being obvious while Cro implies it's cause they're repeating plot points from very early seasons.
Their daughters will mark the day as auspicious
All of this is making me think of something else now. Do we know what things are like between Techie and Cro? Learning about the fact that she has a grandmother for the first time, her reaction to meeting her, that sort of thing? Just what's established, I mean.
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Not that I can recall outside of sorting out that Moly's more of the defacto mother to Mo-chan and Chromi. The implications that went with it also involved Techi so Moly would be her grandmother despite the non-linear line.
That said I don't think Techie remembers her grand'aunt' Cro so that'd still be up in the air if we wanna work through that. I would have to go digging to be sure
Ah, yes! Cro was more of an "aunt" figure to her, that's right. She'd probably think she was kind of cool, much to Moly's chagrin. Doubly so if her history with racing came to light.
Now that's an interesting avenue. Chromi's probably in a similar boat since she was probably a little girl at the tail end of Cro's career, iirc, so Techie might lean on her aunt and be all
>how'd you handle learning Nana Cro's a professional racer
>well that's easy; I grilled her on her car's specs and demanded to see it when she visited.
Oh gosh, you just KNOW that would get under Moly's skin. Cro throws her hands up in faux-exasperation; does her sister want her around more or not?!
Cro would definitely tease Moly about giving Chromi a passion that turned into a stable career
I can only imagine what they were like when they were growing up together.
I'd imagine they were both pretty driven and Cro knew how to really get under Moly's skin and vice versa. I did have the humorous idea that between the two of 'em, Cro learned how to drive and got a car before Moly.
And then teased her about it relentlessly, surely. At this rate, it's a wonder Moly ever learned at all.
Oh Moly probably found the motivation real quick when she had to ask Cro to drive her somewhere all embarrassed about it. Ultimately I figure they had more sisterly bonding moments in the car or because of it so it's not all bad.
I imagine cars hold some place special for Moly.
In some ways, they're more alike than either would like to admit. Some ways.
How does Hafnium end up in contact with the ThU lab, again? I can't remember if it was simple like her just seeing an ad and applying for it or meeting U or her nieces sometime soon and befriending them
Off the top of my head, I think it was something simple like the former. Doesn't preclude there being a more interesting reason, however. Could bewwhj Uranium is acquainted with one of her teachers and got introduced to her that way?
Well she's currently the assistant to Zirconium, so the Uranium connection would've been through the hospital stuff and potential connection to Technium's upkeep. Although I'd wager that's more done through Tantalum than Zirconium.
Berkelium also came to mind as an option. Although that'd still be Tantalum, so it's a bit tenuous. I don't suppose Neptunium would be interested in spraining her ankle or anything like that in order to meet Zirconium? Or it could be just as simple as Tantalum recommending Hafnium to them.
Berky would be a good and obvious connection for Haf. Ultimately Hafnium's connection to the ThU lab dealt more with Nep and her sister so that connection tracks. Could be something like Nep being there with Techie or checking up on Berky for some reason that didn't warrant a lab visit.
On the topic of Berkelium (sort of), something tells me that Nep and Niobium would have a lot in common.
Oh quite right, perhaps Tanta too. That'd probably be a decent developing friendship for Nep
On the other hand, I could also see them getting similar enough that they bristle against each other. "You like your aunt/ sister that much? Weird." Maybe both. Neptunium does already have her sister to bicker with, so the alternative would be nice.
It could be something the other just doesn't get too, despite the similar ages. I suppose as a whole they both would probably be decent friends for each other
Whatever the case, Tantalum would be quite glad to see her sister socializing. In a meta sense, she hasn't really had any close friends yet, has she?
Neither of them have, correct. I suppose if we're being more thorough I think Nep and Tanta would be faster friends than Nep and Niobe. That doesn't stop Plu and Niobe from getting on together. I need to refresh myself on Neptunium but I feel she's the more passive sibling like Tanta comes off as.
Well, passive only compared to Plutonium, that is. I imagine she can dish it out as good as she can take it when the situation warrants, which is why Thorium has found the lab in a state of disarray with Nep angrily chasing her sister around on more than one occasion.
That is a good point. There's probably no one as infuriatingly smug in Plu's eyes as her sister Nep upon being right over something petty.
In any case I think Nep and Tanta's budding friendship would come from practical roots since they're both involved with Techie.
Ah, that's very true. Nep would get to know everyone in Techie's circle as well. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if she got to know Tanta first just through Uranium and Berkelium and all. She only starts to really crush on Tech around, what, her aunts wedding? Unless I'm getting my timeline mixed up.
I'd wager sometime before but within the same six months since she's effectively Ura's assistant and might take over maintenance checks as things normalize for Techie. Speaking of Mo and Plu being friends would be funny. Might get 'em through music since Plu dabbles in industrial and Mo being a metalhead would be aware of the subgenre
>Mo and Plu
Nep certainly wouldn't like that! And you know Pluto would take every opportunity to rub that in Nep's face. But back to Nep and Techie, I can just imagine Nep getting all flustered around Technetium when giving her a once over. Uranium chalks it up to professional jitters, but it's really just because Nep's up close and personal with a cute girl.
Plu would just have to see that. Nep'll probably get her back with Promethium, eventually, but until then Plu will be smug.
Kinda makes me wonder how Pluto is going to process her initial attraction to Prom. Like, I can picture her just waking up one day and clearly thinking "yeah, I'm into her".
If I had to hazard a guess, she'd probably kind of mark it down as lust initially cause Promie's super playing into her kink. Which'll maybe cause her to pump the brakes in a more reasonable manner than previously. in as much as realizing she can't seduce the AI and be done with it. So maybe tries to get rid of the lust via friendship and that unintentionally leads to deepening things for Plu. Meanwhile Promie's just excited by the new prospects
How surprisingly thoughtful of her. If that's how it all played out, I wouldn't be surprised if Prom was slightly more intentional in pursuing her, at least initially. Flip what you might expect of their dynamic on its head a bit. Unless that was always the plan!
Maybe. I think Promie's side was intentionally a little vague. I also think Plu's involvement was also a bit academically minded cause she's the coder between the siblings and wanted to know the code and the result of the code. So it could be a case similar to what you originally suggested. Plu waking up one day and realizing Promy hits all of her kink buttons leading her to double down on trying to be professional/friendly to work through her lust
An intellectual interest evolving into a friendship and developing further from there is definitely the most natural course of action. And Pluto certainly wouldn't have any qualms about that sort of thing. If anything, it's a plus. Now, her telling Neptunium is another story.
Nep probably stumbles across one night while they're drinking and doing some couch co-op or something. Causes Plu to get real quiet which gives her away
Neptunium has known since childhood that this is the surefire sign that Pluto is up to something.
Looking back at some of the original threads and it's amusing to see how, before Ruthenium and Rhodium were established as characters, Magnesium and Manganese were not only almost sisters but were also in the running for requisite twincest couple alongside Prase and Neodymium.
It's always a fun little trip down memory lane.
Like Tita's motorbike, which makes me wonder if the threads ever discussed who taught her. How to ride a motorcycle that is.
>Tita's motorbike
Gotta be Tungsten, right?
It could. I was initially thinking Mithril for the surprise factor and that Ada is, for all accounts, too large for most common bikes so she never learned. Thinking on it more, I almost wanna suggest Tellurium through the Tungsten connection and to help fill out Tell some more.
Heh, if anything Tellurium most likely picked it up because of Tungsten as well. Now all Tellurium has to do is convince Iodine to hop on behind her for a ride. Conversely, Vanadium needs no such convincing.
That she could've. I was gonna justify it by saying she ended up getting various license grades cause of the downtime she had on tour. So like she could try a semi, fork-lift, more specialized military vehicles, and jokingly an ice cream truck. Tungesten having a bike and Tell somehow not realizing she still needs that license would be cute
Sounds like she's got herself a hobby. Really though, what better person to go on a roadtrip with than Tellurium? You'd never be bored. Another silly Tellurium fact I just discovered: she really, really likes food with garlic.
All Tellurium needs now is a shirt that says something like "I <3 driving...my wife crazy!" or something equally tacky.
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So odd little tangent but a thing about manganese glass got me thinking Manganese's hair getting sunbleached. That and I forgot she has dark hair naturally. Anyway, I think it'd be funny if, in addition to getting tanned, Manga's hair would get tinged purple if she ever spent some serious time sunbathing. She could have a spot of fun playing innocent while Sodium and the rest of Alkali can't place why she seems different after a vacation. Beyond the tan that is.
Pic related is the purple that can show up in manganese glass
It'd be fun if Iodine loves the little jokes. I think of the three sisters, Sulfur probably has a little chest full of bad shirts her sisters got her.
Manganese didn't mean to fall asleep in the sun, but it was the first real vacation she's had in ages. Lithium practically had to force her to go. Next time Manga'll have to bring the whole family, as hard to imagine Lithium anywhere near a beach as it is. That'll be a historic occasion.

>bad shirts
Don't forget the novelty bumper stickers!
Iodine is definitely the type to dryly exhale though her nose when amused. She'd roll her eyes, but can't help but smile as well.
I'm sure the Alkali kids, and Manga, will be surprised to discover how well Lithium tans. It'll be timed well since the kids just got over the surprise of her coming along.
The question is how anyone will get her from out under the umbrella. What do you mean, most people don't bring a laptop to the beach?
Manga's got a sure fire method that'll work and one that she'll enjoy herself. I think the person least surprised by Lith's tan will be her drinking buddy. Instead it'll be Lith being shocked that Po would ask something to the extend of "so how long have you and Manga been serious?"
Que dramatic pivot for the evening as Lith put her head in her hands to lament about how she's still unsure. Cause she kinda likes the normal they're in and the vacation truly was a blessing but she's only ever been perused so Lith's on the off-foot perusing and doesn't know how to go about it.
And all the while Polonium's just sipping her drink thinking to herself something along the lines of "yeah, I don't think she has anything to worry about". Must've been some tan.
Goes off into her own little daydream about taking Thal, her sister, and the gynoid on a vacation. Little island on the Aegean sea. Nice that time of year and all that. Zone back in after Lith is over her thought crunching and just hands out like three avenues of attack Lithi could use to peruse Manga.
It's why they work great together. A shame that Po forgot that most of her usual options end with sex. Just a true shame she forgot to tell Lithium about that when offering them up.
You certainly won't hear Manganese complaining about that. Though it does make me wonder when the last time she, Manga, was in any sort of relationship with anyone. The last one we officially know about was whwn she was dayong Zinc in high school, which is actually farther back than Lithium's last partner would have been. Unlike Lithium, however, I'd be surprised if Manganese stayed completely single for all those intervening years.
Romantically? It's kinda up in the air yeah. Nothing super consistent or recent I'd wager. Well there might've been a couple coffee dates that didn't go anywhere but nothing she really felt like trying.
Sexually? Haha, she's about the only one that regularly keeps up and sleeps with Carbon. Through years of practice her technique is finely tuned and honed but truly it's also something she's doing more for Carbon's sake. Like she'd be completely fine if they just stopped doing it for a semester or so.
Truthfully some of it is from how she uh, coped, and grew out of the FeC debacle and seeing the fallout of the Alkali situation as an 'outsider'. Stepping up as Steel's almost ever-present aunt, one time romantic interest of Carbon's I think?, and the mending she did of her relationship with Zinc.

So yeah there could've been a couple little things but they're not really of significance. I suppose if we wanna crack open some stuff, we could consider the possibility of Mags and Manga attempting something. Different enough to not have a visible resemblance. Afaik both of their histories are pretty sparse as well. Admittedly I think Mags' is more from the trajectory her career took than not wanting anything.
Oh wow, I completely forgot about Carbon. Well, now I feel silly. All that gives Manga plenty of romantic (or at least sexual) background, and really, I suppose, any amount of intimacy is more than Lithium is used to these days.
>Mags and Manga
Now there's an idea. How, or rather when, would something like that have come about?
Yeah Manga's history is kinda patch worked, mostly written out in threads over the years. I know we don't nearly do enough to acknowledge that Zinc and her are friends again. They probably keep away from touchy topics unless one or the other needs to vent.
Considering the five year difference and their situations I almost wanna say uni/college under the working that Manga was in her own place by the time Mags graduated secondary unless she went to a technical school since she's much more the engineer/stem person. So like a place to themselves, away from their parents, going through college and finding themselves. Plus big 'sis' Manga has always been pretty and it has been a while since she's seen Mags. Personally speaking I think it'd kinda fall into a friends with benefits thing that initially began romantically and perhaps with a touch of incest angst.
I'll have to brush up. Her and Zinc interacting is more of a result of them still both being in Carbon's social circle, yeah? And will only be exacerbated by the eventuality of Carbon and Iron getting back together. Touchy topics indeed. I have to imagine that seeing Zinc settling into a steady relationship with Copper caused Manganese to...maybe not reevaluate things, but reasses. Her own situation and others.
Well now, I guess we know where Mags got her taste in women from. Hmm, yeah, I could see this happening. Something firmly in their past, mostly gone unspoken about now, only really remembered with the occasional awkward laugh and mutual aversion of the eyes before things return to normal. Manga's parents would have killed her if they'd known.
Yeah something like that. Zinc's profile mentions they mended their relationship, not so much when, so I gotta imagine Manga's like /aware/ of Iron's return but is at a point in adult life where she truly didn't make an effort to care and Zinc knows better than to go touching such a scar. The CuZn development is a nice touch and yeah it probably does help her clock what she's feeling for Lith.
Oh yeah. Definitely something in the past, like maybe four to six years in the past. It's just one of those things where I could see it being...markedly casual compared to the other incest couples. Like the first time it might've happen, it was late after a party and both were horny. So one loaded up some porn and they did a mutual fingering session. They were probably damn lucky they never accidentally impregnated each other with how laissez-faire they were when it came to their trysts. Mags attributes it to Manga eating her ass eighty percent of the time while Manga, now flustered, says that Mags got off more from huffing wet panties so it was an easy set up. I.e. Mags sitting on Manga's face while they did their favorite activities.
Took them a while to realize it also coincides when they came back sweaty from the gym but hey it made gym day more fun.
We do know at least a little bit of what goes down between Manga and Iron after her abd Carbon get back together, and, while Manganese does act exactly how you'd probably imagine she would when faved with Iron for the first time in who knows how many years, it's more like the relief of finally ripping a bandaid off than the unpleasant alternative. To her credit, Manga has matured.
At this rate it sounds like the best relationship advice Polonium could give Luthium is an invitation to join her next time she goes to the gym. As for the aforementioned couple, gosh, they must have been working through some rather intense attraction. Seems like if there was ever anything more seriously romantic between them during the beginnings of their fling it wasn't particularly major.
Or rather, didn't *end up* being a particularly major factor.
Yeah that I remember. Although I'm curious who reached out first between Zinc and Manga or if they just ran into each other at one of Steel's birthdays.
Lithi would just give Po a flat look cause she knows exactly why Po goes to a public gym. Well...the two-three! main reasons why.
Also yeah it's kinda what I imagine or like it was particularly soft for 'em.
Oh wait, I didn't think of the timing. Oh fuck. This would've been like right after the FeC fallout. Manga would've gone for it because of the familiarity that she found in Mags. Someone she's known since they were girls and could've found comfort in said familiarity. Meanwhile Mags is probably puzzled over why she might not be pushing for something deeper beyond, you know, seeing the kind of unrequited feelings Manga might be working through when it comes to Carbon and that weird break up Manga went through in secondary. Honest Mags thought she was finally over that. Plus Mags wouldn't be opposed to having big sis Manga as her girlfriend but it's not giving her the butterflies it used to and that's making Mags ponder if it was just a crush.
Gut instinct? Zinc. She's not the type to hold onto a grudge, unlike a certain somebody. Plus, when Copper asked who her friends were she wanted a better answer than two halves of a couple who broke up way too many years ago and were still bitter about it. Probably started off with one of those chance meetings, still.
Ah, so Mags would have initially pushed for something more serious but she could sense that Manga was still going though something on a certain less accessible emotional level. By the time she could have gone through with making their relationship more, well, serious, she would have matured in her own ways and the affair just naturally fizzled out. Makes sense. Could have all gone down veeery differently if they were a little less careful, though.
I like Zinc for and good thought with Copper but let's think cuter. Smaller. Angstier. Child Steel asking auntie Zinc about her friends after going through some friendship unit at daycare. Steel is puzzled and then quickly distraught at making her beloved auntie cry while not knowing why. Meanwhile the question just caused a harrowing realization to crystallize in Zinc and as she's processing it, doesn't realize she's dropping tears until her niece hugs trying to apologize. Naturally Zinc handles the situation but she made a promise to herself, and Steel, that she'll find her friends.
Exactly. Helped mature both of them into better people while maybe also working out their kinks and tastes. Thankfully they're the only two that know their taste in panties, for wear and on lovers, are the same.
Of all her "aunt" figures, Zinc may very well be the one who Steel is most knowledgeable about the personal life of. Mostly because Zinc is the only one who isn't also sleeping with Steel's mom, so she has something to speculate about at least.
So you're saying that Mags will know EXACTLY what kind of gift to get Lithium for her first birthday after her and Manga start dating, huh?
Exactly and nothing would help partially galvanize Zinc more than little Steel's big ol' eyes.
True enough. I think Lithi night find that a touch forward but Beryl soon become fast friend with Manga. They both have good taste in lingerie and the way Mags gets entranced does wonders for Beryl
With the way she acts, sometimes Magnesium could swear that Beryl was a real life super villain. If only she used her powers for good!
Do you think Terbium asked out Gadolinium first? Or vice versa?
I think Terbi did, yea. Gadoli window shopped for months outside of Minthril's shop before going in the first time, so she might've gone even longer if she was crushing on Terbi
That's a pretty funny mental image. There's probably a sense that it's something they just sort of fell into as well, or rather, something that was an inevitability on Terbium's part. They spend enough time hanging out together and one day, after enough romantic gestures, bam, Gado realizes they're dating.
Definitely sounds like it. Realistically I think Mithril might've helped confirm any suspicions she had if Gado somehow wasn't sure. I don't doubt Terbi hasn't had to be at least a little territorial in her house, so she probably knows when to turn it on for things.
If there was ever someone who knew about taking what they wanted, it'd be Mithril. Luckily for Gadolinium, Terbium doesn't doesn't exactly scream "subtle" either. She can look at her big sisters for inspiration: Yttrium shrugging and saying "I guess I just asked Rhenium out" and Erbium for "I could totally land a college girl".
Would Po have been alive during the height of Jazzercising? I think she's just old enough where Radon might've been able to tease her about it.
She should have been if only for the possibility of Thallium inadvertently stumbling across an old photo of her in full workout gear. Oh, Polonium thought she'd managed to destroy every last copy, but Radon would have held on to one secretly.
I gotta imagine Po has her suspicions. Uno's aerobic workout regiment might involve a leotard and that got her narrowing her eyes at Radon.
Radon puts on an innocent look. It's just a coincidence, surely, just the aesthetic of her novel. Po shouldn't read into things too much. And then Radon's phone rings, and Po hears a familiar tune...
I was chewing on Thal's childhood into teenager-hood, living in the country and then moving, and it's making me wonder about her music tastes. Cause I'm sure Po's rubbed off on her tastes, same with Radon, but like would she have discovered the youtube equivalent before moving? or do Gal and Thull make some light jabs about her listening to mom music?
Growing up it would've been a case of wanting to listen to what her cool auntie listens to, and naturally Radon's easy listening habits as well. So yeah, definitely mom music. Of course, Potassium bursting into the scene is the wild card in the situation, and likely would've exposed Thallium to some types of music that she'd never heard before. Still erratic enough for Gal and Thulium to poke fun at Thallium knowing more about bands from before she was born (and whatever Potassium was into) than whatever's popular now.

That might end up looking like:
>Radon: acoustic stuff, maybe?
>Potassium: angsty for sure but no doubt impressive to a young Thallium
>Po: no idea
I almost wanna lean into the angst trend regarding K with her going full emo, goth rock, punk rock. The equivalent to MCR and what not. So Thal would've...might've picked up new wave depending on if K went into angsty music to help express her mood. Oh maybe even some HIM-equivalent.
Po's lounge music I bet a hundred percent. So like jazz, r&b, maybe smooth jazz. I dare to imagine that it's something Po and Lith find agreeable beyond going out for drinks. Hell Po's friendship with Lith might surprise her niece and friends when throwing on some City Pop.
On the topic of new wave and angsty music teens listen to: Radon might also favor some new wave stuff. Purely from timing if I'm getting the age right. Definitely something Thal might not realize she's heard previously until she's listening with K and gets hit with the nostalgia unlock.

It's tricky for Thal though I'm sure the light teasing might get her searching. Plus Po is there and out of the three of 'em, she's the one that more frequently hears music as like part of a setting instead of deliberating searching for something. So like Po probably has a turntable she has playing some ambiance records if it's slow
Would it be too much of a pun to define Radon's taste in music as "spacey"? Before moving to the city, Thallium probably didn't realize just how eclectic her exposure to music was. Realistically speaking, she had probably started to branch out a little by that point thanks to the internet, enough to name drop one or two relatively more recent bands that would have Gallium asking what century she came from. Thulium was just glad to have finally found someone more out of touch than she was.
Sorry, not Gallium, Galinstan.
Nah spacey could fit. Especially if it dipped into psy-trance. I'm trying to think of other spacey genres but it's so fully trance in my mind.
I think Thul and Thal'll be just fine when they realize all Gali can name is like mainstream pop and what would become big room house
Anything atmospheric would do, the kind of thing she'd sip tea and gaze out at the landscape while listening to with Nobelium. She probably also retains a taste for some of the more popular music from when she was younger, stuff she might have fond memories of listening to with Po, and what Thallium would eventually end up hearing growing up.
Hey, as far as Gally is concerned, music begins and ends with a single name: Tin. Why bother with everything else when you've already heard the best? is what she'd argue.
Good point on Gally. That'd just lead to her gushing about Tin while Thal and Thul sigh wistfully. Trance would probably be good fitting for Radon then if it isn't something Po gifted her.
Thul also has the advantage of an older sister who's latest boss is quite literally apart of the night life circuit, so out of the three of 'em I think Thul would lean closer to club music. Which once more leads to Thul and Thal turning the tease around to Gal for listening to the equivalent of a younger Barry Manilow...which I'm now also realizing Po likely has a few Tin records
Considering their relationship, I could also see Thulium going in the complete opposite direction as Holmium. After all, they do contrast in pretty much every other way. She might automatically assume anything her sister is into just isn't her style. Well, except for Erbium, I suppose. Not like that would stop her from teaming up with Thallium.
You make some good points and I'm sure even Holm prefers a bit of distance from the almost constant bass and high bpm Fluorine probably loves. I suppose in that sense Thul's music taste might be surprisingly...mild. Like indie music and alt rock type stuff, maybe introduced by Erbium and/or just what's popular at the time that isn't just some edm genre gaining popularity that month. Plus the idea of Erbi and Thul going to a little indie bar or something and watching live music is a pretty cute date scenario
Thulium strikes one as the type to mumble something about being fine listening to any genre when asked, which would delight Erbium because it means she gets to introduce her girlfriend to all her favorite bands. Of course, Thulium would have her preferences, she just wouldn't be as outspoken about them. Gallium's seen her playlists, after all.
Aaand I switched out Gallium and Galinstan again.
Aw cute. This line of talking also did make me seriously consider if Po has a playlist she puts on when fucking. And as funny as that image is, Thal discovering one such playlist, I just feel Po would find it too distracting. She wants to be fully immersed in her partner when getting it on. Something about the gasps, pants, moans, and whines being enough for her. Naturally such an answer flusters Thal a great deal.
Oh, but Po absolutely has a playlist for the wining and dining parts prior to the bedroom. Something to really set the mood. Frankly, she had it all down to a routine by the time Thallium moved in with her, which is a loss for lonely women everywhere.
Truly Thal'll never know what she took off the market.
Living the dream. Well, Galinstan's dream, to be specific.
>Tin do charity concerts
I imagine she'd be no stranger to things like that. Her connections to the city council would make it easy to organize such an event as well. Wasn't there something about Iron helping to rebuild on an island after a hurricane during her initial absence from the city? That would have been a good opportunity as well.

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