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Arcane Season 2 Confirmed For Release “By Winter 2024” Celebration Edition
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The allure of absolute territory
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The thighs are assuming control
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>Powder said you have something important to tell me.
>What is it?
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LeoDia The Forbidden One
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It is with a heavy bark that I tell you furries are now allowed on the board.
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Nilah, Volibear, and Janna were disappointing. I hope the next expansion is as good as Neeko and Nid's.
I just learned that when you play as Neeko and transform into Nidalee, the game will show some cute hearts around the character.
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I've got my fingers crossed Valoran Town will have some cute moments for them.
Its a nice easter egg.
I still remember the days when it was THE lesbian ship in LoL.
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>"Violet… Put me down! I can walk!"
>"Nah, I’ll carry you ‘till we reach your big shiny house."
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This just in!
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Why is Jinx's room under the house only accessible via trapdoor?
Problem with them being in the Sylas game means we won't see any content with them for like a year now.
To sate Jinx’s clambering monkey instincts and for the adrenalin Lux gets from feeling like a kidnapped maiden when she gets there. (I did not watch it.)
>Lux's lock screen wallpaper
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Wilting violet? No.

Dripping Violet.
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Where can I see the threads before this one?
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Girls, this is big: Riot Meddler confirmed Arcane is canon.
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It’s impossible to make Team Arcane in-game.
Vi, Warwick, Ekko
Singed, Jayce, Heimerdinger, Warwick
Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger, Ekko
Caitlyn, Jinx
The support role is underrepresented in Arcane. Caitlyn has a suggestion, however.
Did he now?
Heimerdinger support exists. Basically Zyra.
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I want to know who drew this
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>when I ask my sister to cuddle but I forget how muscular she is
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I meant to post that text with this picture but still works, actually it’s way better
>she’s so muscular so it lead me to fingerblasting her
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Oh dear Lord lightning to the loins, hot hot hot. Her messy hair!
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The first lez bait of LoL
One would expect more art
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yordles are like amazons but small
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gem from the trash heap known as /lolg/
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Legends of Runeterra art hits different once you actually play League for a bit. All women here
>Peacewick wuz here
Add me again Gummy, it seems I managed to miss your requests by a country mile
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Vi is giving Leona in a long skirt, she wears it powerfully
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Cute sisters!
Also the footwear choices
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Her best skin… but in the canon universe!
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This artist is on a roll. This is the most perfect Violet physique. All woman and without “for show” muscle, only functional. Like in the show. Strong, and just barely soft. Maybe make sure she has enough to her hips
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The furiously wagging tail makes her look pathetic
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The ears stay ON!
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>for hours
>I love women without muscles
There, you didn't have to word it longer than it needed to be. Cause that fucking stick has less meat on het bones than a piece of tofu.
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Alright, she lacks definition on her arm, but the size is similar.
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You have your dad’s nose… somehow.
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Leona when level 2
We're so back
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Jinx just needs to bury her face in some tits and she'll feel better
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November 2024, confirmed with a teaser.

I think this artist still makes content of them…
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>November 2024,
What. the. FUCK

Why do they take so damn long with this shit? An entire fucking year left just to watch 12 fucking episodes, it's unfuriating.
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First season was 6 years
Do they spend 10 minutes working and then stop for the day or something? Unbelievable
It’s not just any show, it’s state of the art, world class, award show sweeping (Arcane CLEANS HOUSE) animation.
who IS the artist?
>it’s state of the art
I wouldn't go that far
>looks up definition
ok, true. i was strap riding too much there
Anyone have the skin release schedule? It got posted on /lolg/ but I didn't grab it. Hoping to maybe glean some info from that.
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>when you look at a pic and your breathing instantly changes
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something rare blows your way
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It could just get cancelled.
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But that would suck.
Hope we at least get some cute interactions between them.
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>Crystal Rose Gwen: Having crafted her own gown for the occasion, Gwen has been counting the seconds until Seraphine arrives to bring her to her first ever ball. But it's not just any ball: it's the iconic Crystal Rose Ball, as synonymous with drama as it is glamor.
>Tonight promises to be a night she'll never forget!
Senior narrative writer Riot Goblin, in response to an anonymous question:
>I saw the new CR bios, are Gwen and Sera together?
>They went to the ball together (hearts)
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Found this on Artstation, it seems to be official art, I might be wrong - it seems to be /u/-relevant either way.

that's Morgana level 1 form in Legend of Runeterra.
I'm pretty sure they share more skins than Leona/Diana.
no one expected the gwenaphine
no one expected the gwenaphine

oh, so... the signs were there all along...
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Curse the LoR budget cuts. Morgana barely interacts with Kayle.
best headcanon for fun in the sun woman
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Lowkey one of the best parts of this ship is imagining the clusterfuck that their relationship getting out would cause.

Like Demacia in general and the (entire? not like Garren has any room to judge) Crownsguard family would be pissed. That gets the Piltover council pissed when it becomes their problem when angry Demacians show up. Which gets Cait frustrated because the council would obviously dump the problem on her and she's having to deal with Vi being way too chill about the whole thing and being happy she shares taste in women with her sister.
yes! you get me sis. any recs for fics focusing on the political clusterfuck of their relationships?
I'm not aware of anything that really focuses on it. Flashbangs and Hand Grenades sorta has some elements of it but Lux really burned bridges in that fic so it's not really a clusterfuck. Closest thing right now would be Ill Omen's Light and it's sequel. The setup hasn't hit the point of everything being public or even Vi or Cait knowing for sure that the two are an item, but the various schenagains and plots surrounding the two since Lux was smuggled into Zaun by accident when aiming for Piltover all point towards the very politically sensitive issue getting out. As the latest chapter of the sequel fic seems to have Jinx liable to out herself and Lux to Vi, Cait, Garren, and Ezreal.
U would go so far, as far as western animation is concerned as a media genre
No, I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, Acrane blows everything japanese the fuck out solidifying the West's well deserved long-lasting supremacy over animation as a medium, but saying "state of the art" is very pretentious.
Then what is the state of the art for animated shows?
Everyone take a good look. This is what is called autism.
Can you name a single cg animated show that was animated as well as Arcane was around when it came out or befor3?
land of he lustrous
3D garbage?
Just like arcane
Spider-Verse looks pretty good.

A couple of entries from Love, Death and Robots or whatever it was called looked pretty good visually as well, although everything else about the anthology was utter trash.

Though I wouldn't call any of those state of the art, either.

I would say the closest is Disney's Treasure Planet, and Frozen 2, and well, Arcane.
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Finally, the snowflakes ceased so I can post.
Cropped bc file was too big.
Source https://twitter.com/Rux0209/status/1719697404088504616
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Vi clearly has a type
You can’t call a movie from 2002 state of the art nigga that’s history of the art
>is asked about cg animated shows
>proceeds to list three movies with only a single show


None of those actually are better-animated than Arcane by the way. I don't care if you think Spiderverse for example looks nicer: a lot of that comes down to art direction of which Spiderverse's is excellent.

But at minimum Arcane has the most detailed rigging I've ever seen in 3D animation. Minor details like Silco pushing his tongue against his cheek to where it visibly bulges outward is fucking insane. At the end of 2021 I can't think of a single better-animated CG work and even now I'm not familiar with any that have surpassed the sophisticiation of its animation (I haven't seen the Spiderverse sequel if that has surpassed it).

I'm not saying that at the time Arcane is necessarily the best-looking show. But in terms of the sophistication of its 3D animation? Nothing else comes close that I can recall.
>Arcanefag triggered so hard by anyone not sucking the show's dick he resorts to semantic nitpicking
Sad. Didn't read the rest of your garbage. Anyway, I'm right, you're wrong.
I accept your concession.
Please keep your dragon spic schizo shit out of this thread.
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Now this a pairing with tons of pontential. I feel their interactions would be thermonuclear if Rito ever bothers to get them to meet up.
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gift from /lolg/
is that mf?
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Her favorite color is blue.
She is a simple woman
I'll post a couple favs. I wish there were more Zeri she's so cute
Hope Riot give them a lot more love from now on.
Valentine's Day skins never ever.
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X but also T
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>eternally seethe that two of the best designs got contained to background characters
>in sol even
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Vi’s head isn’t as turned away from the “camera” as Cait’s is, yet her eye placement is the same. Fixed that and also knees.
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By Fortiche character/prop designer. Cropped out Ekko and dinger because everyone here needs to see Vi butching butchily
why is she looking at her sister like she wants to eat her
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Dry spell*. In such a state, a flash of tummy from a woman—no matter the model or make—can turn a good butch bad.

*It’s been 6 hours since she’s been laid
Shut the fuck up LOTL is beautiful
>as good as Arcane
In what universe?
>wr with Vi is sub 50
>on mobile its sub 40
I can never like this character no matter how hot riot makes her. I will now stan Nidalee as my lesbian icon.
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>this is kind of like the ViJinx story
I know that’s right
She’s supposed to be one of the more approachable junglers. Nidalee is the unwieldy one. Gank early, don’t miss your vault breaker approach… That’s all I got because I don’t play her because doing so tilts me, I feel like I am embarrassing lesbians everywhere.
2 supports bot lane is cancer I hate this one.
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Actually, those are opposing supports who got tired of being their ADC’s sitter and fuck off to fuck.
Why is 99% of LoL porn incest? Just make stuff with Vi/Caitlyn or something ffs
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Remove all the sister lines and they sound like ex lovers.
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Praying that these two get into 2XKO so I can make their ahoge touch
cant believe riot confirmed irelia being a lesbian in 2021 and im just now finding out about it
ClaireMax is the best Vi cosplayer
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is it crazy to say that I believe that lux x jinx will become real even though amanda overton is team ekko x jinx
You're on terminal levels of cope, sister
Western series don't work like that, once you get the token lesbian couple that's all you're getting, there are no more inclusivity points they can earn in that field.
It was a miracle we even got Valoran Town. To put it simply, Ekko was in Arcane, Lux was not.
As opposed to weebshit where lesbians either get raped, treated as a joke, or don't explicitly exist at all. Wow, le based japan.
S2 and/or beyond could always drag in foreign interests to Piltover and Zaun as a direct result of what Jinx did and/or dominio effects from that. If memory serves, one of the people Jinx blew up was a notable Noxian and between Noxus getting involved and Piltover playing with magitech, Demacia getting involved wouldn't be a stretch.
It's better to be honest.
Don't get why tourists like you are still on this board, to be honest.
>westoid seething
>wouldn't be a stretch
Yes it would.

Anyways little birdy told me that Riot is collabing once again with the people behind Kin of the Stained Blade. We might get the Yasuo/Yone animated story soon. This is important because that might mean Riven and I hope they make her more butch.
who is that on the left
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>only skinline where morg and kayle love each other is when one of them is dead
freckles so prob mf

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