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I haven't watched this thing so I don't know, but if those black things don't originate from a female, it's not yuri.
How is this yuri?
This doesn't have nearly enough content to warrant its own thread, you should have just used the western thread.
>trying to psyop this even on /u/
It's popular, that's the only answer and reason you need.
Go back.
This is what I would show someone if I wanted them to hate yuri. It looks as bad as Sonic porn.
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Damn raggity bitch cold as fuck
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is it possible to simultaneously really like something and hate it at the same time? There's something I both enjoy and don't like about this art but can't quite articulate what I'm feeling.
They look like dudes, that's the problem.
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pomni and ragatha sleepover
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they have the best interactions of all the episode, I ship it
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Very funny that some artists are dedicated to the fact they probably can’t remove their clothes but still draw them getting it on anyway.
No reason they couldn't be female, the big lead one was and I think they were meant to be a bit of a hivemind
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You people know Gangle is female too right
Ok, so you draw her having sex with a woman then.
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Huh yeah I guess she is, doesn't seem to be much for it at a quick glance though
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>gangle gets back to the real world only to hate how much more censored all the anime is now
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Mistakes into miracles.
>pomni, do it
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>ponmi, think you could help me?

>okay, yes

>*kiss* *suck* *lick*
>po-pomni... could you not squeeze so tight?

>her digital clothes bug out
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I swear this is not vore, she's just eating her out.
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Who's the blonde doll?
Just an original character.
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I'm sure gangle will get more attention as soon as she interacts with the cast more... she easily had the least use in the pilot.
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request i did
Good job
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How do you do, Plat?
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* The pilot is now episode 1 of the series
* New places to visit and new characters (including female ones)
* Which will bring "Violent Shipping wars" according to Caine's words
Aw, I expected the show to not touch on anything romantic and just let us ship in peace.
Gooseworx has stated this many times due to her own apathy towards romance subplots.

The video seems to be a joke by her and Glitch regarding the fans' shipping instead.
Yeah, this is just making a joke about it like how the segment before was about reacting to the "other" type of fancontent made
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They're so cute together.
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Cheerful redhead x emotionally stunted brunette is my favorite thing ever, so this ship is a godsend to me. Not since bubbline have I felt this catered to.
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Next episode airs May 3rd.

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Ragatha has two hands
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Fanarts sure are fast. Also Caine was right
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New episode today
She's a literal NPC though. Although if Pomni ever gets out she could brag about having fucked a videogame character for real.
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>told Pomni to not worry about leaving on her own while she was glitching out
>Ragatha constantly worried about Pomni's safety
>that little bit at the end where she along the other members, sans Jax of course, hold out for her to avoid falling into an emotional abyss
we are eating good for the following months
I just want them to hug at least once.
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meteor has to be my favorite ragapom artist so far
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>the only canon yuri in the series is Gangle lusting at a Ragatha doll
>but she is a walking ribbon so no one cares
>implying you wouldn't want her ribbon giving your pussy a wedgie
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So is this show dead? I haven't seen any spikes of people droning on about it in months.
Seems like the release schedule is a pretty slow burn. It's been four months since the last episode, though, so maybe we'll get some trailers for ep3 soon.
TADC is popular in Japan bc:

* A Pomni nendoroid has benn annouced
* A manga version has been announced too

Also the 3rd episode has been announced for October 4th
The 3rd ep aired.

While it was focused on Kinger and Zooble, we got Pomni opening to Ragatha and thanking her for being concerned about her
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if the rest of the season is going to be Pomni and someone from the cast getting the focus, then I cant wait for Ragatha's turn
>pomni and ragatha /u/ moment
>kinger being gigachad
10/10 episode
Hope we get this little bone every episode.
BangDacy art, we're in the big leagues now.
4th episode aired today.

Nice Zooble/Gangle moments here. Also Ragatha being jealous bc Pomni was flirting with an NPC
>Also Ragatha being jealous bc Pomni was flirting with an NPC

I hate that this feels like the most explicit nod towards ragapom
That was fast.
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Sad that Pomni was killed by Mokey
She got better.
>(C105) [Yawarakai Hoshi (fluffymeteor)] B+ (The Amazing Digital Circus)

First Ragapom doujin I've known
Words have meanings, anon.
what's even the official name of this ship i swear there's a like a dozen of them when i try to look up art of it
There isn't one.
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