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Hat World is an incredible freeware yuri themed doujin RPG where you choose one of six main characters and play through their unique campaigns. It has an exceptionally good turn-based battle system, some very challenging boss fights, sidescrolling platformer exploration, and great storytelling, visuals, and music all throughout.

Hat World got a high quality fan translation last year and you can download it here:

Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
I was interested last I saw it posted but I've been burned too much on sprite-based RPGs after decades of RPGMaker slop. Even good RPGMaker games feel like they get very repetitive.
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I think that if anybody wants to talk about hat world, the /vrpg/ thread seems to be a relatively chill place. And while /u/ seems to like JRPGs, most people don't really search on their own for a doujin SaGa clone, so some shilling in the game thread first would be advised.

Speaking of SaGa, I finally decided to start the series in hopes of yuri crumbs in Emerald Beyond. I can't decide between Scarlet Graces or Romancing 3 as "starting points', so to speak.
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Never heard of it before but sounds like my jam. I do love doujin RPGs and will definitely check it out.
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I think it's more because people can't be arsed to download anything from other than Steam. Hopefully the Steam rumors are true and the game gets the recognition it deserved.
Being honest here, the dev kinda fucked up by making Dora be the "first choice" for a playthrough, yeah yeah you can choose the others but everyone know people will always just pick the one option that is being offered first and in this case it's Dora, her story is boring as shit, confused and her last boss actually makes you want to not deal with the game again plus she doesn't get any "awakening" powers, seriously, a really bad choice as first playthrough if you want people to get hocked and experiment the rest, dev should placed her choice right before grandma.
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Unfortunately the yuri game thread is shitposting central, arguably the worst thread on the board that fails at its one purpose. Creating a separate thread is the best possible decision as other games have done.
>the best game with yuri ever made
most people care more about simplicity than safety or optimization. "One platform where you can download, install and play all your games? Alright!" "Having to find and download every single game from different websites, installing them individually and sorting the shortcuts myself? Way too much work"
>put thread title in the name column
Nice job shitlord.
Sorry sis but this is literally the first time I'm hearing about this game
I doubt most people would pick her first just because she is the leftmost option, especially nobody who has played a SaGa game before would pick their character based on that.
Has anybody bothered to checked the file?
this thread is copied and pasted from the /vrpg/ thread go there if you don't trust it here
It's lesbian dolphin porn.
It works fine.
Can anybody tell me where the pushable wall inside the castle is?
I spent like 20 minutes looking for it and I couldn't find it.

Also, was rushing for the double jump hat a good idea for my first playthrough? I just noticed that every other world got a bump in difficulty after defeating her
Should be on the top floor in a room marked ? With a treasure chest. Most areas with a secret passageways are marked with a ?

Also it doesn’t matter which hat you go for first it scales the same way
>I'll never get it
Being non-English means few know anything. Appearance isn't the problem, given /u/ has enjoyed Embric for ages.
I'll give this one a try.
I prefer Dragon's ReQuest even though I never finished the game because I lost my 60+ hour savefile
That being said, I never got very far in Wulfhammer. I feel like the endings were a little too hidden for my retarded brain to handle. I wonder if there is a walkthrough somewhere.
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Being a little bit stuck against the Janice fight. I cannot seem to be able to beat her, she just keep ko'd my party with the 2 hit attack and whenever she ignores the reaction gems it seems even more helpless. It's there something I'm missing? I already won all the hats but hers.
I have this guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kwNIa355JDDsJf98Kbo-JdPPXDMDBkcu/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=106813651039769590595&rtpof=true&sd=true
Had this on drive for 3 months or so and only touched it a bit. It's cute at least, might continue later.
Make sure you lower her values as low as possible. There is no reason to fighter keepers at a high value other than for a challenge. Janice's world require you to run from enemies to lower the value unlike other worlds.
If it's THAT world, you don't even have to beat the boss.. heh.
That only works for the minibosses, you can't skip Janice herself
Oh my god, I didn't realize you had to coercion enemies to lower her strength, I thought with only avoiding the enemies would be enough. After reducing her power it was piece of cake. Thanks, I'll post more after I finish this side of the story.
>Ignores the literal coercion tutorial at the start of the world
nee-san...are you ok?
do girls kiss in this game?
No, I don't think so.
On the bright side, I still haven't found a bislut yet (I don't think).
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No but there's a lamia that want to eat you out and a gay ghost
Finished Mel's side. What a great fucking story. I was really sad with the finale, but it was the best way of ending it I think. The only problem I have now is that supposedly when you play with a different character you see a different part of the story, or is it just the same with different a different character? There's no way I can go against Mel the great, in my eyes she's just too important to no be the main character. I love her too much to go against her.
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Everyone has their own story.
Mel the great would want you to keep going further and further.
Mel's story is supposed to be done last since it spoils a lot of stuff from the other routes (and in the original game, mel's route is the true end for everyone)

Keep going though, you need to play through all six routes for the real game to start.
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Finished Natalie's side, another fine story. It was happier than Mel's (she's still the greatest), but not short of tragedy and sacrifice either (are there any stories in this game that aren't well written?) The twins and the fiction world girl gave me the most trouble again. And the last battle took me off the loop first, but I managed on the second try. Excited to see more.
Tell me about this woman. Why does she wear the hat?
They're like Touhou characters, the hats are their source of power
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Done with Shiki's story. Wasn't bad but it was the weakest of the 3 I've finished so far. I was specially underwhelmed by the secret and regret of Tsubame. I thought she was actually the train butcher, but I guess that would be too heavy to redeem giving it happens right at the end.
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>guess that would be too heavy to redeem
Consider the following:
If evil, why cute?
Shiki is the best route for most people if they did the story from left to right as intended, because of the reveals in her route. If you did Mel's first then yeah it has much less impact.
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Done Dora's story. It was alright, I felt the reveal that you were controlling the fake one all along fell a little bit flat to me, and makes the her miss out almost the enterity of the game. That thing about her experiencing everything despite not being present was sort of meh. Yoko was completely sidelined throught the whole plot too, to the very ending as well so not that good either. The reveal of Melsh's origin was great though and the music of World of darkness and the ost for the boss were some of the best I listened so far. Screw that boss that keep splitting like 10 times though.
yeah the whole fake/real thing is just dumb, at least Dora get more stuff later but still...
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Just finished Janice's side. It was good. Very exciting in the last battles you could feel the high stakes. The mechanics for the simultaneous fights were pretty entertaining too. The ending itself is a little bit odd, I didn't really understand why Janice decided to not leave with the rest after defeating her Self eater. Also on the topic of that, I was a little bit disappointed that they just looked like the normal avatars just slightly different. I though they were going to be more like morphed and such. Janice being Jacou's sister was a neat detail too. Only one left.
>Only one left.
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Finally I had cleared all routes. If I have to choose a word for describing Lavie's story, it would be frustrating. It was sort of painful to see her from the very beginning trusting blindly anything Daliah said, and everyone around her was like a passive passenger just letting it all happen too, even when everybody knew she was getting played around. Oh well at least she showed some character when she slapped Daliah I guess. The ending was fine, did she became the baby herself? since I didn't see her anywhere after that. It was rich also to see Mel's parents talk about love for their daughter and shit when not only Mel doesn't care about them, but Big Mama isn't even real mother anymore. Now when choosing a new game I see you can choose Yoko and it says something like if she ever dies it's game over. A little annoying but I'll see what's up later.
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Now you can enjoy Mel the great again.
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I haven't being able to enjoy that time yet, but given how hard everything has going so far, I don't think it's going to be very soon either (currently sitting at the beginning of Lavie's side). But for Mel the great I'll endure it lol. Gotta say, I wasn't expecting that the game would throw you all the storylines at the same time, and you'll have to solve them all at the same time too kinda deal. I'm amazed by the amount of care and work behind this game (if that wasn't apparent yet). I'm dreading that I'll prolly have to beat every single final boss again. That being said, I love these characters too much to give up, so I'll end it no matter what.
Are you crafting the ultimate weapons and getting all the perfumes and armor?
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If you're referring to the level 12 weapons, then no. I never saw or could craft them in any of my runs. I have now 3 of them that were laying into some chests. The perfumes I know I got all of them. Armor I got the level 10 and 11 rank ones.
For rank 12 weapons you have to farm the rank 10 recipes from enemies in the final dungeons, use the accident craft on them and they’ll become rank 11 when crafted, then you have to stick a specific oopart on the rank 11 weapon and dissemble it to upgrade them to rank 12. Easier to do if you did the hidden giant mimic boss to get the only steal rare items oopart and farmed a goemon’s pipe from a metal slime for 100% steal rate.
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The OOpart you speak of is Kaleidoscope? I tried to dismantle the level 11 rank sword Caliburn, but it became a rank 11 staff Belle diole instead. Unless it's another OOpart.
One thing that's been helpful was when I lose a couple of times against Feuilletine the game told me I could lower the difficulty to gentle, it didn't really feel gentler against that boss but the rest of what I've playing does.
There's a different oopart for every rank 11 weapon, kaleidoscope is one of them just that it doesn't evolve the sword. Shotoku's Globe, Third Eye, Genesis Jebelite, Lunar Stone, Kaleidoscope, and Mammon's Bullet. They usually drop in the 3rd map of every world, I don't remember which they correspond to other than the Mammon's Bullet for gun, but it's easy to save and test.

Gentle mode is fine if you just want to see the story, but it probably means your builds are wrong. I suggest ABUSING time magic, since time magic is broken. You can spam paradigm shift every turn to have everyone go first for easy combos while using a powerful tactic like muscle brain or last stand, and Toki no Freeze let you skip bosses' overdrive attacks. Primrose can also do the same with her ultimate skill to most bosses, but she's not available for most of the final route. Best build on Yoko, for example, is maxed Time Magic, Fire Magic, OS power up, and Master Gem.
why cant this be in the steam green light? This looks like it can be in steam.
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I see, well I don't particularly care about having the best weapons honestly. I just want to play the game and see how this tale ends. About the gentle mode, I was planning on stop using it since some of the battles became too easy. I've been farming crystals like crazy now that I have Lavie's hat, because I didn't really save my characters after finishing a run in the Jewelry box. Admittedly, I thought it was just like an achievement thing at the beginning.
Jewelry box is basically NG+ lol no wonder you're struggling if you're not bringing the characters across multiple playthroughs
why are there hatless people in the screenshots
They're the lesser caste, doomed to be the bottoms for hat-wielders.
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Ah, there she is. The greatest of the greats.
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And they also managed to make me cry a little too. I love Mel
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The greatest
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I have achieved on finishing up on taking the real world facility. Man all that part got me so spent since I had to arm up every single character and then go and beat like 5 different bosses almost one after the other. It was great, very much enjoyed the way that it was made as something very desperate but hopeful. I also got busy and used a bunch the steal gem too. Got a couple of recipes so now I have 2 of the rank 12 weapons. There was a sort of long sequence after though, about Yuno (probably) speaking to someone else. I didn't really catch many clues or whatever, but it almost feels like we just got the tip of the iceberg or something lol. Anyways, have this picture of Yoko hitting on Tsubame while Shiki isn't watching.
Thanks for making this thread! Wouldn't even know Hat World exists if it wasn't for that. So far It's great. But my fucking God. THE MATRYOSHKA. Can't beat her for shit. With the party that annihilated everything else like it's a joke. Dying at the 7th layer.

Anyway, I'm still stuck at the first route and it will take awhile, but is there any other yuri game like that to bookmark?
Don't combo, use independent tactics, use the perfume with cast with hp and spam aoe healing.
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What worked for me was having both resurrect and recovery gems. If you manage to still have most of them by the time she starts splitting, there's a high chance you hare going to win. In the last layer she looks like a chocolate round candy, if you're despairing too much.
Amy wya to support the author?
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>Rumors are this game is coming to Steam soon
Please be true, I want to give the dev my money
I hope the dev can release the FFTactis like game they are doing now.
A bunch of questions, some of them may warrant a spoiler:
1) What is the max quality of equipment? 12? But Prim has 13 for a weapon. Also what about armor and accessories? I've seen 11 armor max and 10 for acc.
2) Jumping old fart challenges. I got to the point when he tells that there are decoys you can get to only with airdash. I assume it's not the end of this bullshit? Whers can I find it? I'm at the end of Jannice side and newer seen anything like that.
3) Discovering that you can make Prim and Kelly join you was a surprise. Are there any other "secret" characters or are they side-specific?
4) Serviata fight. I fucked it up, but it definitely doable. Does this side quest progress differently depending on if you beat her or not and are you missing out something by losing to her?
5) Charge-Double Jump-Airdash combo opened up a lot of secret areas, but there are still locations with no 100% completion. Some of them are marked. Like the graveyard's room with red and yellow tombstones. But I still can't get what they want from me. Are they reserved for other routes or you can 100% every map?
12 for accessories and weapons, Prim's weapon is an exception. Max for armor is 13 (safety swimsuit, it's only useful for a certain superboss though), I don't think there's a rank 12 armor, so the 11 rank ones are the best ones.
There is a secret boss in the final area of each route, you need to use the airdash to get there.
Those are the only "secret" ones.
You are meant to lose the first fight. You can win it, the quest ends early, but you miss out on lore.
You can 100% every map, the rooms with the '?' symbol are often puzzles that require you to do something specific. In graveyard's case you need to crouch next to the red tombstone for like 5 seconds. There's also another hidden room in the graveyard that requires you to jump on top of the wall next to the entrance to the tomb, and then double jump and dash to the right until you get over the rightmost wall.
Technically, Jacou also counts as secret recruitable on Yoko route
Any screenshots yet?
Thanks! That helped alot. Jumping old fart's cave is a bullshit though, not doing it.

Also, what does light grand magic effect "Stigma" do? Others were pretty straightforward.
Enemies gain OS whenever they either take or deal damage. Light grand magic stops them from gaining OS by taking damage, which results in enemies using oversoul much less often.

Also, doing the airdash challenge upgrades your dash ability, which carries over to the next playthroughs, so you should probably do it before finishing your current route. To do the challenge you need to jump (simply falling into the hole without jumping first will make you unable to use the second jump), start dashing to the left when you're right below the first wall and then jump again right before hitting the second wall. It's much easier to do it once you get the Damascus Ring OOPart and I highly recommed you to get it before starting your next playthrough, it will make going through other routes much faster.
Is that even confirmed to be yuri?
The author hasn't talked specifics about that, given their history there will be at least some degree of it, but how much is up in the air.
Here's where they make blog posts about it:
I've being checking it from time to time and the only concerning thing so far is that you can create and play with male units, which to be fair is a normal thing with tactis games.
Still, I played one of their own made game (https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/31708) and it was hyper yuri. I will have hope that the new game will be a story about girls loving others girls too.
>I want it to be FFT, which is a mish-mash of elements I like from other SRPGs and a bit of a yuri-like element. Well, this time you can choose a male protagonist, so you can choose a scenario that doesn't look like a yuri.

So there's going to be some yuri if you pick a female protagonist, but it doesn't seem like it's going to be yuri-focused.
I'd expect something similar to Hat World.
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It was mandatory for me to do this. I have yet to beat the last boss (I think) yet though.
>There is no reason to fighter keepers at a high value other than for a challenge.

Pretty old, but just leaving a reply here so people know it's not completely true. Beating a value at higher values raises your caps for things like stats, MP, HP, damage, etc. You can check Limit values in your home to see who raises what. The keeper you're playing as will start at max cap.

I'm trying to complete the maps before doing the last area for my first play through. Can someone help me out?

The ones that I haven't 100% yet:
- World of Law Stage 3 (Grand Cathedral Valhalla) is at 97%
- World of Battle Stage 3 (Castle of Thorns) is at 97%

Also, I heard the quicksand labyrinth is supposed to have a place for upgrading weapons from a NPC, how do I access that?
Also, a list of secret areas I've found in each map if people are struggling to fill it other than the 2 I'm stuck on:

World of Toys:
- Stage 3: Charge Jump over the wall on the rightmost area of floor 6 for a ACC that lets the wearer go first every turn. Also Prim is here if playing as Dora.

World of Time:
- Stage 1: There's a wall in on the left that disappears when low on Mana. The area boss tells you this when you're on a sidequest to collect certain items.
- Stage 3: Just jump on top of the train with charge jump when outside and you'll be able to access the area right of the start and some other areas.

World of Law:
- Stage 2: Keep air dashing in the rooms right of the boss rooms to unlock a platform with a OOPart for powering up bows.

World of Life:
- Stage 2: Crouch in front of the graveyard to unlock an area with a Decoy that can't be found anywhere else on this map. Area boss tells you this when you trigger a certain sidequest to collect items.
- Stage 2: Charge jump at the entrance of the tomb and move left for a treasure chest (forgot what it contained)
- Stage 2: Charge jump at the entrance of the tomb, but instead of going to the left hidden area from above, use the added height and spam air dash right to the rightmost room and go over the wall there. There's a chest with an OOPart that removes Decoys from the map.

Left out the areas where the NPCs give clues, though I kept the World of Toy one in since the accessory is pretty notable.
>The ones that I haven't 100% yet:
>Castle of Thorns
There's a wall that you can push.
>World of Law Stage 3
I think it should be the place that opens with the facewall? I don't remember the condition for this one.
>Grand Cathedral Valhalla
There are two rooms with the '?' symbol. One has a door of truth, you can open it during one of the side quests. The other one requires you to kneel next to one of the statues (the one that looks different) for a few seconds.
>Castle of Thorns
Go to the room with '?' and push the left wall by running into it. If it's not the room you're missing then try jumping off the ledges in rooms that allow you to do it.
>Quicksand labyrinth
I'm not sure what you meant by that, but there's a boss there which starts dropping Fatima OOParts after you beat him once. Fatimas can be used to upgrade your equipment. I don't recommend grinding for them right now, but make sure to beat him at least once, because beating him is required to access the superboss.

Also, the max caps carry over to next routes, so beating keepers at 99% values isn't required, you'll max them out by simply playing with different characters.
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The kneeling statue one was the Grand Cathedral one I missed, thanks. I already got rid of the fake left wall in Castle of Thorns and I've tried falling off the ledges in a couple of places, but there doesn't seem to be much space for another room anywhere.

This seemed like a promising candidate, but there was nothing there.
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Here's the room after getting rid of the secret wall. Not exactly sure what else I can try.
Has anyone figured out what Accessory you're supposed to use with Vimana and Tinglit Rattle? I've tried a couple but everytime I dismantle them, it turns to rubbish.

I've made a list for the weapon enhancement OOParts.

Shotoku's Globe - You'll usually get a sword of the weapon you dismantled and when used with a sword, will either remain the same or go up a rank (Change change rank 11 to rank 12).
Third Eye - Same, but for spears.
Genesis Gebellite - Same, but for axes
Kaleidoscope - Same, but for maces
Lunar Stone - Same, but for bows
Mammon's Bullet - Same, but for guns
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Jump here. There should be nothing there, but I think it still counts towards the percentage. There's also another room like that one on the right side of the map, jump there too.
Vimana - Onyx bracelet
Tinglit Rattle - Diamond ring
Thanks, confirmed that it does indeed count towards the percentage.
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>If Prim's in your party, you can talk to her by interacting with the Violette doll from the key items menu
>She has lines for EVERY area in the game
>She also gets angry at you if you fiddle with the doll repeatedly
I love this game's attention to detail.
Neat. This made me try out the other Key Items and learned that using Milk Tea summons Tea Twit and lets you swap out your OOParts without going back to base. That could have saved me some trips back to home against particularly tough bosses that needed specialized builds and creating a separate farming set and boss set.

Also spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to teach characters Overextend and Star Flare before realizing only Kelly and Prim can learn those moves and in Prim's case, doesn't even require Mace Arts equipped to use.

Also, on a somewhat related note, bringing certain characters related to the Keeper you're trying to steal a hat from will give a bit of extra dialogue. The partner seems to always give extra dialogue, but there are some other combos as well, like bringing Chocolat to Dora's stages.
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There's also an interesting scene if you bring Prim to see Rosenstock.
Regarding the quicksand labyrinth, I've just found out that there's a secret room to the right of the boss room that has an orb which can upgrade your weapon up to 5 times.
Just check this with machine translation, there's all the information itt and much more:
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I finished all the routes a few days ago. Easily one of the best RPGs I've played in a long time. The Maris Reis stuff felt kinda rushed, but I enjoyed playing through the 7th route regardless. I'm looking forward to the dev's next game.

Anyway, post your:
>Favorite boss
>Favorite music track
>Favorite sidequest
>Favorite route
>Least favorite route
>no favorite couple
Prim is confirmed to bang her tomboy gf daily in the ending
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Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. Prim probably does all sorts of kinky shit with Vio.
>favorite couple
I think Janice and Kelly are pretty cute together. Jannies deserve love too.
>Favorite boss
>Favorite music track
extra boss'es song
>Favorite route
>Least favorite route
>favorite couple
Prim and Vio
I was still learning names during Dora's story, so I might have gotten some names mixed up as I was trying to follow along but what exactly is up with Meshleia?

Was she originally Sera's hat or Eris's hat? If she was Eris's hat, why did a dark Sera come out of her? Heck, even if she was Sera's hat, why did a Dark Sera come out of her?

I've completed Dora's story, Shiki's story, and Natalie's story so I have the knowledge of the setting learned from those (though really, I don't actually think Dora's story gave me any info of the setting that the other stories didn't).
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>Was she originally Sera's hat or Eris's hat?
She was Eris's hat. Remember the cutscene when Matryoshka first appeared at Toy Factory Elysion?
>If she was Eris's hat, why did a dark Sera come out of her?
Sera died and became Eris's hat. Matryoshka drew Sera's original self from Meshleia, creating Dark Sera.

Or at least that's what I remember, I'm not 100% sure.
>I don't actually think Dora's story gave me any info of the setting that the other stories didn't
Yeah, the most interesting thing you learn from Dora's route is Mesh's origin. And Natalie's route did the whole "truth about the hats" thing better.
It feels like Frederica plays favorites with Janice. She's actually involved with Janice's story.

Also, with the way Janice's story goes, it feels like Kelly should have been the partner instead of Melissa but given that Lavie's partner isn't Natalie, I guess being the partner doesn't mean much in some cases.
>Favorite boss
The 5 simultaneous battles in Janice route
>Favorite music track
Prim's theme for non-battle, Matryoshka's second theme for battle
>Favorite sidequest
Mega Goro
>Favorite route
Either Janice or Mel - Janice for the battles, Mel for the story
>Least favorite route
Lavie - Everyone is keeping secrets from everyone and some of them don't really have a reason to
>Favorite couple
Shiki and Tsubame
any update on the Steam release?
There's a direct link, translated to boot, that you can play without having to keep an intrusive application running in the background, what more can you ask?
Neat! Thanks anon.
How many hours for one route and how many to 100% this? Thank you in advance
First route is longest and can take maybe 5-10 hours if you want to complete everything. Subsequent routes you can just rush for the story and one shot most stuff so they take an hour or two. True route will probably take as long as the first route.I’d say 15-25 hours depending on reading speed and how good you are at the game.
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How do I recruit Prim? I don't want to risk missing her.
Dora's location 3, jump over rightmost wall on the top floor. Not sure if she is recrutable on Dora's route.
She's recruitable in every route, but she come late in some routes. Just check that location after every world you beat. On Dora's though, you can't recruit her until the final world is unlocked.
Am I supposed to actually fight Janis? Even at 3% power she's still oneshotting people with her double doublehit through Proty+Guard Tactic.
My tactic: She uses Fire. Pick someone who can cast Dark Grand Magic>Bonk her with it> You get partywide Ressurect buff> Survive the barrage because of that>Overdrive smack her with everything you got again before she uses her partykiller the second time> done.
Those are words, words that someone who went there as a first port of call does not know.
Almost forgot. If you still can't kill her in two turns, bring Prim and use her special locking to get another one.
Ah yes Prim, the person you need the doublejump ability to get to. Guess why I went here first.
Sorry I fucked up. Played a year ago or so. I messed the names and thought you are talking about Kelly. Agains Jannis use grand magic, blocking gems, preferably partywide ones(and i mean on everyone), have someone with water to occasionally resurect others, use combos,kill her before she kills you. I don't think she uses magic so jammers are useless.
I have level one stuff lol. I won, anyway, it just took ages. There's fortunately plenty of mana to be had per turn.
I've been flicking through the JP wiki, and it's talking about mastery level with regards to magic. Does it just mean the mastery of the weapon you're holding?

Magic has their own mastery level in regards of their elements, the more you use an element the more you level it up and the more damage it does. Weapon mastery level have no effect on magic, but some maces usually have effects that boost magic damage. If you're building a pure magic character you don't need to put the weapon skill at all.
The same dev who made this game also made two other yuri games, right? I can't find them anywhere though. Does anyone here have a link?
Only The Princess and the Rose Knight is by the same dev, the other is just another yuri RPGMaker game that was translated by the same group.
Why am I getting strong Yamibo vibes when looking at this game's screenshots...?
Oh my mistake then! Thanks for the link. Looks hella gay. This dev really has a good sense of humor.
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I've been playing this game on and off for the better part of a few days now and I adore Minmin. Wish she had more to say.
Any news on the steam release? Every time this thread gets updated I hope it is for good news.
Does Prim start off as a default sidekick for any of the main 6? I started with Lavie and I'm realizing that between the charge move, doublejump move, and access to Toy World, it's quite hard to recruit her.
No, most routes require you to access the special area to recruit her, and in some routes you can't recruit her until certain story events. Everything carries over though, so once you beat a route you'll be able to recruit Prim as soon as you're able on subsequent routes.
I think I missed something during the plot of the final boss.
Is Maris Reis actually real or was she an ideal manifested through the super computer? Because if it's the former then it's retarded to introduce it as the final villain that late into the story and with barely any buildup prior.
Like I get it, it's a JRPG, you fight god at the end, but this feels so shoehorned in.
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There was some foreshadowing for it before that route (picrel) and technically in the game's title. It inevitably feels like a shoehorned trope since nobody in the party would know or is involved, so unless you're considering Yuno's potential motives to run hundreds of simulations that contribute to getting the girls out of Hat World while not sticking around, and also not being loyal to Rosenstock, it's completely out of left field.
For your actual question, I'm not really sure. I'd assumed she was merely in the coffin since there wouldn't be a reason for the opened coffin -> possessed descendant sequence if she could be directly encoded, and I assumed PEACH was no longer in use by the church after Yuno was saved, but the fact that Maris Reis! spends her first couple turns on calculations makes her seem more computer than deity.
I remember that note, and it was interesting to make what seemed like the underdog come out as the final villain.
But I refuse to acknowledge that the real world had a doomsday cult with an actual world ending literal God of creation inside a box,that they could unleash at any time, and no one aside a tech company cared enough to keep them in check.
I'd rather believe that Maris was created through the encoding thanks to them finalizing the super computer, and the whole possession thing happened because that's just what the computer assumed her behavior to be.
Still gotta play this one day. Bumping for the culture.
Why are half the images in this thread missing?

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