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Previous: >>4092153
What do you like about this series?
Asumi-chan should invest her money into crypto and then buy the brothel.
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It treats sex like a normal thing?
Asumi should marry sayaka
Having lots of sex with your cute shy rich live-in (as in living in her house and being her maid) girlfriend is normal.
Slutting around entire whorehouses is not.
Why would you even click on this thread if you don't like the contents of this manga? The word "brothel" is very clearly written in the subject line.
I never said I dislike the contents, but the only normal thing Asumi does is with Nanao (who is best girl).

It's a total fabtasy. No way would an all-lez brothel ever work in real life. There wouldn't be enough clients.

But it's a superhot fantasy all the same. I love this series.
Wasn't there an Asumi thread a while back where someone went to an actual yuri brothel in Japan?
They're real and apparently perfectly legal thanks to loopholes.
They haven't closed those loopholes yet?
They became legal because the Japanese supreme court doubled down on the definition of sex requiring the presence of a penis. Prostitution was regulated at the province or even city level and in most cases the definition of prostitution was "having sex for money or property" without defining sex, leaving it for the higher courts to define. So sex between women for money became legal by no longer defining it as sex.
This was seven or eight years ago now. The local legislatures could have patched this their very next session after the decision- so if they are still doing it in most places the money its generating must be enormous.
Or they just don't care enough to close them. It either isn't important enough for them to address, or they actually agree with it being legal but don't want the bad optics of fighting to enshrine lesbian whores in law.
>It's a total fabtasy. No way would an all-lez brothel ever work in real life.
Several ones come up just by googling. The real fantasy is having enough money to hire hookers every week, as well as having a rich oujo sama fawning over you.
Pulled straight out of his ass, yeah

I hate to break your fantasy, but I guarantee that's just an advertising gimmick, and that every one of those women is having sex with men to earn most of their whoring money.

Women are certainly more open to it nowadays than ever. I know a lot of women who've gone to strip clubs and had lesbian experiences. But no way could a lesbian-only whorehouse be economically viable as anything other than an appendage to an ordinary whorehouse.

Assuming it was really a woman and she was telling the truth, didn't she aldo say that the same women at the lesbian brothel were also working at a straight brothel? Which kinda proves my point that an Asumi-esque all-women's brothel couldn't possibly be a reflection of reality? Least of all one that's exclusively staffed and frequented by women in their teens and twenties?

Not that I mind. I love this series.
>I hate to break your fantasy, but I guarantee that's just an advertising gimmick, and that every one of those women is having sex with men to earn most of their whoring money.
I've heard a lot of reports on レズ風俗 and the girls working there definitely know their way around the female body, and while that doesn't necessarily mean they're lesbians and it's safer to assume they're bi (at least most of them), you can still call the place a lesbian brothel by all means and purposes
Why do you assume it's their full time job? Haven't you read stuff like Scummy Gap Student where it's clearly just a side thing.
I love how overwhelmed asumi is each time its time for fun. Its so insanely 0yaswcute it hurts
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at first i wanted to see how it ends , if the gets her childhood friend or not, then i expected the plot twist of "all this girls gave me ground breaking sex and you gave me nothing, i dont want to date you anymore", now im waiting for the sex friend to freaking win because she's just perfect.
I binged this today and was cheering for Nanao while forgetting the entire "finding Mai" premise.
Please get back to drawing, Itsuki-sensei.
Nanao's so good for her...
Asumi's the same as I am when it comes to sex which is interesting in itself, and literally everything the author chooses to focus on sexually has a huge effect on me just reading it. It's really, just insane. I've never felt this way from r18 manga.
I have to agree with this, the fact that the main character and prostitutes are all for this is nice to see.
>Asumi's the same as I am
A dead fish? She only gets away with it because she's paying.
>A dead fish?
How to roast anon in three words
...even so, some of are really like this. It's not like everyone is super confident and anxiety free and able to mention or even identify what would please them, even in the context of a sexual relationship...
Is it that hard for hot girls to get lesbian sex that they have to pay for it?
Lesbros were the true femcels all along...
Wasn't the term incel invented by a lesbian who used it to describe herself?
No, it was invented by some girl in the 90s to describe college boys who didn't have time for relationships amidst all the studying and responsabilities.
No, initially she meant herself
It's a lot easier to have straight relationships with men than it is to find a girl you click with who's also willing to experiment. Though I know nothing about lesbian sex workers for hire. Never even considered the idea till this manga...
>source: trust me bro
New chapter is probably out now right?
Someone already dumped and quick translated it on /a/ yesterday: >>>/a/261934378
oh i missed it, thanks sis.
This makes me feel like Asumi and Nanao's relationship is gonna have to blow up soon.
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Settling was never an option for her.
Getting all the sex she could want for free is also probably boring to her.
plsno drama in my fluffy lighthearted lesbian sex manga
I doubt it's going the heavy drama route. It's not like Nanao is doing anything wrong, Asumi just feels too coddled and still has unfinished business. Their arrangement from the start was that she'd continue to search for Mai.
eh I never felt like she was settling with Nanao, she just ended up in exactly the sort of domestic relationship she said she wasn't ready for.
Mai is probably really regretting not approaching her when she saw her. Unprofessional or not
Money can fix it
Oh, it'll burn up fast for sure. I've been in relationships like that, and they never last long. Problem is both Asumi and Nanao lack key relationship experience to avoid a catastrophic crash. The latest chapter also showed that Mai's gonna be out of the picture for just a little bit longer as well, so they're going to be stuck in that pressure cooker of desire until either Asumi womans up and takes responsibility, thinking she's not gonna find Mai, or until their relationship is on its last legs as Asumi flipflops. There's gonna be a big blow-up on this one way or another, though hopefully it doesn't drag the pacing down with it. Not that Mia's much better, what with how she and Asumi haven't seen each other in like 8 years. We'll probably get at least one chapter with Asumi and Nanao reserving a prostitute together though, so who knows how this'll play out.
I thought Mai taking a side job was setting up for her meeting Asumi in person as early as next chapter, not that it was further writing her out of the story.
Is Asumi's goal to, date Mai or just find her and apologize to her? Its never made clear.
I don't think she knows for sure. She wants to apologize, and she wants to find out why Mai kissed her so she can sort out her own feelings.
Find Mai, test drive her fingers and tongue, catch up a little bit, then go home to Nanao and have lots of lovey cuddling sex.
Nah, she's going to a different branch in Tokyo since they're short-staffed. She agreed to help her get over the apparent news that Asumi has a GF now, since she's not shown up for two weeks. Maybe Asumi will run into her or something, and we might even get some of Mai's daily life too, but as it stands, it seems like she's being pushed out of Asumi's search yet again.
>started off from carrying herself into a flow and getting a prostitute once
>now all but melted off the brains of a woman who has been visiting brothels weekly
How fucking high is her power level, she might be the horniest one in story so far
Mai practically turned her lesbian after that one kiss during their childhood, and her first reaction to hearing that she's >>>probably<<< working in a lesbian brothel was reserve a girl. It's pretty clear, I think. She wants seconds and a full course meal to go with that kiss
Holy shit, new chapter!


This is the best one yet. Itsuki Kuro's a surprisingly good writer.
Nanao turned into a sex demon...
Nanao is more into quantity over quality; pumping as much sex out of Asumi while she's still kinda interested
I think Nanao is moatly pumping into Asumi here.
I'm kinda let down to be honest. The Nanao route quickly lost steam now there's only sex happening anymore
Come on asumi, you won't even top your gf once?

You were filtered. The sex is incredible, but Asumi and Nanao's relationship isn't going well. She's basically a prostitute herself now, but with only one client. Meanwhile, Mai, the girl she started all this over, who's still in love with her, has given up all hope on ever seeing her again because she hasn't visited in a fortnight, and is now leaving for another city.

Most likely, Asumi herself will find out, and start working at the brothel herself until she can head out to Tokyo and find Mai. This gives Itsuki Kuro years worth of fresh stories, if she wants to keep it going.

She did at the start of the first time they had sex, and never has since.
Oh no Asumi !
You turned Nanao from a pure maiden into a lusty succubi. You brought her to love hotel. You have to take your responsabilities in this situation and not whoring off with some prostitutes.
She's a full fledged bottom, not to mention some people just naturally get off being the top.
I really liked this series at first, but now I hate it because it makes sex seem fucking amazing when it actually feels like shit. I hate Asumi because I'm so envious of the magic sex good universe she lives in.
This is why you should never lose your virginity.
Im sorry you've not have good experiences with it so far anon. Im all seriousness have you talked to your doctor? Something sounds off.
The newest there ever was
To newfag is his real test
How would y'all feel about a harem ending?
true. but still, if you can't get your pussy licked clean, that's a you problem.
What, like with Mai, Nanao, and a few of Asumi's favorite girls? It's probably more likely than an Asumi/Mai/Nanao poly relationship where Mai and Nanao like each other, but the manga still needs to actually give Mai and Asumi some good chemistry.
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I predict that Asumi will start working at the brothel & become a prostitute. Asumi isn't the type of person who could be satisfied with having sex with one girl. I also that that Nanao will support her.
She'd have an easy in to the job because of her bestie
Nanao is just going to fully book her so she'll still end up having sex with only one girl.
Poly end, or at least open relationship end is best outcome.
>open relationship
Absolutely disgusting.
Started this last night, obviously very explicit but it's so heartfelt and the way Asumi approaches sex work is pretty innocent. I fucking love it and I'm kinda mad I didn't order more than one volume to read immediately.
In a normal world Asumi would have just asked the first prostitute she saw "I'm sorry to ask this right now but do you know of a girl whose real name is 'Mai' in the place you work at?"
still weird how bottoms became seen as losers in the bedroom
Eh, that'd set off alarm bells since they've had experience with obsessive and creepy customers. But yeah, by now she's built up enough trust to ask Sayaka or Serina.
I'm all for sex positivity but is the sunny disposition of all these prostitutes really that realistic
Considering that their clientele consists entirely of attractive college girls and Mai apparently gets enough legal lolis to keep her sane, I'd say yeah. Now, is THAT realistic? Who can say. I won't speak for Japan.
Feels like there's a tightrope of 'respect sex workers' and 'this is slightly dystopian and inhumane' on this topic in real life, but I'm glad this series is the former
If I was able to get paid to have casual lesbian sex with attractive gals like in the manga i'd be pretty fucking sunny if anything i'd be worried i'd end up being like "hey I got nobody after this for a while, wanna keep going and chill?" without taking anymore money.
I forget her name but the girl who said 'Let's pretend I'm your girlfriend' would have set me up for major whiplash when after time is up you are not snuggling her and just lying in bed. But she fulfilled Asumi in so many ways I guess it didn't matter.
Have you met an actual sex worker? Like, one from an established company, that isn't doing it against her will, and enjoys what she's doing? It's not all doom and gloom.
>It's not all doom and gloom.
Sure it is, it's a job
i don't get to cum all over someone's hand in my job
I can't get over how the first thing Asumi does with Sayaka is lie against her in the bath and they kinda' just talk while Sayaka embraces her from behind before going in to pleasure her a bit, it's fucking me up how cute it all was.
It really is cute how, even though they're being paid for lewd, they seem to take the client's mental health into account first and try to help when something is up
I almost could see them having a really nice, deep chat in the bath there if they weren't going to have sex. Kinda' feel like Sayaka is my favourite of the prostitutes we've seen, her 'bedside manner' was the cutest.
Isn't Sayaka implied to be the most popular one there?
I don't remember but I'm not surprised, like if that's true it's like saying 'most people want a good time, some girls can fulfil a niche like bdsm but what people really want is to feel needed/loved and seen to'
Ena deciding to sake Nanao's first kiss for Asumi was one of my favorite little moments.
There are people who hire escorts just for the company and not the sex, a good one has to be a mental health buddy
Wait, was Asumi a virgin before Sayaka shagged her?
Its heavily implied, unless her senpai was just teasing her, but she also said she had a girlfriend before?
Weird how the experience of seeing a prostitute was more impactful to her than losing her virginity if that makes any sense
I re-read Volume 1 again and I owe Ena an apology, the whole 'two bottoms' thing was actually done extremely well and overall it was probably a better sex scene than Sayaka's.
>sex worker
It's called prostitution.
They're also called street walkers, curb crawlers, hookers, call girls...I'll just use the term I want to use, cheers.
>You will never be sexually devoured and experience a level of erotica so thick you almost pass out from the shit that is being done to you like Asumi does
Which is a sex worker retard
It doesn't even make sense to just use 'prostitution' here anyway right? I mean, some of the stuff they do can also fall under 'escorting' right?
the oldest profession
The way Asumi has an orgasm when that Maid girl rubs her knee on her pussy and makes her just fucking SQUEEZES her from the ecstasy involuntarily almost had ME going too
I think hitting things with rocks and screeching is probably the oldest profession.
Remember, Mai is a pedo.
>Mai meets Asumi, and suddenly realizes that she's not attracted to adult woman Asumi
I'd laugh
The Mai plot feels so over man, unless Mai is the sistine chapel of pussy in that brothel it kinda feels Asumi has gone way beyond understanding what a kiss means. I would say Kuro might be writing herself into a corner but honestly she's still putting out a better manga than most rn
Nobody loses in that situation, Asumi still gets to apologize and they get to reconnect as friends.
Might be showing my inexperience here but the threesome with Suzune and Sayaka is one of, if not the hottest sex scene I've ever read.

>Sayaka making eye contact after eating out Suzune
>Asumi getting horny watching two people having sex in front of her
>Sayaka kissing while Suzune nibbles her ear(I might have got that he wrong way around)
>When both Sayaka and Suzune finger Asumi
>Sayaka the legend making both girls cum by herself
I didn't even think they'd beat Serina in that same volume but they absolutely did. Also Sayaka is a legend.
Not every sex worker's life is a dramatized horror story where the pimp puts out lit cigarettes on her skin and she was born in a wet cardboard box and raised by rats. Yeah, maybe it's a little unrealistic that these girls seem to never have bad experiences with clients, but it's not unrealistic that they're happy.
Hey I'm all for it, this manga feels like a breath of fresh air to me now
I do also feel this series has the hottest lesbian sex scenes, while also having some of the cutest and with Nanao and probably Mai later, maybe one of the most heartwarming too
How much media or fiction even portrays something like Asumi? A completely lesbian focused escort service with female employees and clients only? Does that even exist IRL?
All media portrayals of sex work is usually the worst possible showing of it and its what built all the stereotypes.
>maybe one of the most heartwarming too
I definitely think it's heartwarming to see how much Sayaka is fond of Asumi and even just her being happy that Asumi picked a spot she'd knew Sayaka and Ssuzune would like make my heart warm up desu
Suzune should marry Sayaka
It exists. Many parts of Japan define sex as penetration, so lesbian prostitution is tentatively legal. It's kinda niche but it exists.
I heard that too, and stupid question but do fingers and tongues count? Like how do you differentiate rubbing around the edge and going right in there?
>Your honor, on my life I swear I only sucked her clit raw and smashed her clam with mine until we were both black and blue between the legs.
hot, I am not upto date yet but has Asumi tried tribadism yet
I don't think the legal system even cares. Too busy collabing with organized crime.
Is there really ASMR audio of this???
Enjoy sis
Fucking HELL. It's a good job they didn't do the threesome or that would probably kill me. Seriosuly though, thanks, that was delightful and cute and hot and very good. I love this series.
The way the dialogue in the speech bubble just goes completely distorted and full of hearts as the characters hit ectstasy is underrated
You're welcome, you can also see the translated manga from it on dynasty and mangadex
I saw that too and yes, it was weird to see the regular Asumi-chan artwork suddenly look a bit tame in comparison, like Sayaka was actually rubbing Asumi's clit which we could see and seeing her tongue going right in there from an inside POV. I can see why it's not like that throughout the series, and honestly it's incredibly hot regardless as is, but still. I appreciated more of Sayaka finding Asumi adorable too, especially with Asumi just holding on to Sayaka really tight as she comes to orgasm, those two are way too cute to just be client and sex worker.
Would this series be as good if Asumi didn't manage to somehow retain wholesome virgin energy no matter how much intensesex she has.
Has anyone started editing together the manga pages to correspond to the audio?
Best prostititute in the series, hands down. No gimmicks, perfect mix of tenderness and lust and sexuality.
I'm giving it a try here but I quickly realized that the audio is much longer than the manga pages.
Does anyone have a translated script for the audio that I might try to use as subtitles?
If Asumi let the sluttiness consume her it would be a very different kind of series

Yes. Chapters 12 & 19.
Asumi getting saturated with Lube and Shampoo rubbed on her by another woman from every which angle making her smell fucking immaculate later when Nanano sees her was fucking hilarious
Nanao too right? It's interesting how the series doesn't treat virginity as a big thing so much as the sex itself being good and both parties being respectful and all that
How is Nanao's confession to Asumi one of the better confessions I've seen in Yuri for such a smutty series?
Because its lead up too and genuine, it isn't some big dramatic moment, at a new years festival or huge celebration event or under the moonlight at a fireworks show. Its just her being honest to Asumi
Is it fair to say her night with Ena gave her some of this courage?
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Kinda surprised that there's fanart.
Not enough of it if you ask me, its why im hoping for an anime adaptation, something I didnt think was possible until Gushing over magical girls among others got one.
How would an anime adaptation get away with even half as much as the manga?
Gushing over magical girls is a lot more lewd than Asumi-chan, especially when you take into account all the characters in Asumi are consenting adults and not magical girl teenagers
>all the characters in Asumi are consenting adults and not magical girl teenagers
which is why they won't make it into an anime
I bet you could take Asumi chan, add a little extra original content in between the prostitute visits, and it would make a really good funny romcom
>consenting adults
How boring
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I like Serina a lot, I love how she's so into Asumi she tells her she's free to fuck 'on the clock' rather than Asumi be the one making the reservation.
Would be nice to have Asumi introspect a little a bit and think back on how much the girls have done for her, her relationship with them and what they all mean to her
I'd be really really surprised if this isn't happening eventually because they've all helped her in some way or helped her open up
I think it's somehow really hot and cute that she is a shared experience they all have, like a small piece of her, even if just the memory is a part of them now.
Is Ena ever going to get to bottom as is her true nature? I respect her a lot for leading two inexperienced bottoms through the experience but I think someone really needs to take her and shag her brains out
a) the senpai will take care of her
b) Nanao and Asumi will show her their appreciation together
Prostitutes don't passionately kiss you on the lips
Asumi is just too cute to resist
I don't think this manga had any deeper intentions than "what if cute collage girl tries out yuri prostitutes on a weekly basis". this story wouldn't be a tenth as enjoyable if it had a random woe is me my life is a cheap sex toy hell story
They do?
Not with men, but it's different with women. Most prostitutes are dykes anyway.
It's OUT
Raws when
guess I'll wait till the TL comes out since no one seems to feel like sharing the raws
find for yourself
what a useless post, much like yourself anon
NTA but you're a mega ultra faggot if you cannot find the raws for yourself
The thread in which they can be found is literally two blocks down, buddy
>No I couldn't be bothered to lead with that info, and no I can't be bothered to share it in this related thread
so fucking useless
About time it finally got into bondage.
People say to lurk for two years, but a single visit to the catalog would lead you to the answer in two seconds if you had a couple working braincells.
try being less useless once in your life anon
About time it finally got into period sex.
What are your thoughts on the chapter? Did you like it?
They do.
Source: Visited multiple prostitutes
The ones who are good at their job do.
About time it finally got into inquisitor x indian roleplay
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Asumi-chan is interested in lesbian waffles.
Finally got around to picking this up and reading it, wish i done it before its a lot of fun and despite the lewd concept its incredibly heartwarming at times not to mention funny this deserves more recognition and an anime
It is extremely sexy and clearly done with female readers in mind, the plot is interesting enough to not make me skip to the next sex scene, and all the characters are very likeable.

The only problem is it makes me wish lesbian brothels were real.
They are real in Japan.
They 100% exist. Although the chances of all the gals working at them actually being full on lesbians is probably low.
Doesn't exist to me in Burgerland then.
It wouldn't matter to me if they weren't "full on" lesbians as long as the service provided was catered to women clients. Alas, as another anon pointed out, lesbian/bi women would rather just not have sex at all than pay for sex most of the time. Being wlw is suffering.
I dunno i'd pay for sex if it was a situation like the manga where they love it and are sweet and pretty
>"women loving women"
>immediately jumps to trannies
start charging rent, jesus
Literally a term invented to be inclusive to trans "women".
Its just shorter than writing lesbian/bisexual you fucking schizo
ew, a polfag
I'm dying waiting for the new chapter. I thought for sure we'd get it before April.
ugh I'm trying not to get my hopes up for Nanao being endgame but its so hard not to
Nanao is truly too pure for this earth
Oh hey, an anon of actual worth sharing updates with links in the thread. If only other anons here were of any value like yourself.
Have actually seen a lezbogirl in a sketcky lap dance bar paying for one of the girls.
It def is a thing but obviously males are more likely to need to pay for a female, women would be able to find someone a lot easier.
Motherfucker it only came out last night when the link was posted
Are you legitimately still salty two fucking whole weeks later about people telling you to not be stupid and look up things for yourself? My god dude, that's a level of petty I can only aspire to reach
They're real but the where you must suspend your disbelief in Asumi-chan is where all the brothel workers are happy and content in their job, are not doing prostitution as a last resort for money, and are all into Asumi enough to actually enjoy the sex with her.

Well, not that last part. No woman could resist a girl as pretty and submissive as Asumi. But the others are pretty true.
Anime when?
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After Murcielago
Still being useless I see, sad.
Will Kuroko-onee dominate Asumi-chan in the lesbian-sex crossover chapter?
Only if Asumi can pay for the privilege.
Any news on Vol 5? I'm about to crack and just read online
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It came out
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so in other words a few more months for us? Looks like I'm just going to catch up online and buy the volumes as they come out.
New chapter very shortly
Sales of Asumi-chan digital copies has reach 300K!
Does this mean we are getting an anime?
Raw are out
wait so did asumi and senpai fuck
No it was a fake out at the end I think to make it seem like they were but its was them actually booking another flight to visit more borthels, I'm hoping that next chapter has them participate together on the same girl and that's how we get them to finally fuck.
Nah, that will make more complicated the situation with Naonao and Mai since they are close and not casual
I think that was the cosplay prostitute? or maybe the photographer lady
it'll complicate the situation but who cares it'd be hot as fuck
I think it'd only complicate things if Nanao got insecure, Senpai doesn't seem like she'd get very possessive with Asumi. It'd more likely be the impetus for Nanao to consider if fwb is really what she wants.
I'd rather see a crossover with I wont Sleep with You For Free
They're both bottoms. That won't di.
nanao should make asumi reconsider instead
she just need to fuck asumi extra hard whenever she gets jealous
She already tried and Asumi is still into Brothel
probably because is polygamous so she need many girl at once
The SnM sex was fucking insane, she splooshed like a fire hydrant
Senpai sex next chapter?
Nearly legit came from reading the latest chapter
The ice on the clit part was hot.
Yeah that was pretty much the exact part, it's the way Asumi's temperature kept rising (saying you're 'feeling hot' during sex is just so sexy) and thinking of the heightened sensation she must have been getting from the experience, her facial expression looked like she forgot her own fucking name at that moment. This series is incredibly, incredibly hot and I love it a lot.
Given how this series foreshadows stuff, like Asumi noping out of watching the bdsm dvd and then fairly recently getting into it, I can't see this chapter with the 'some couples like to watch' as anything but a future sex hint.
Cuckold Asumi the dream
I still think the threesome is the best sex scene in the series but if there's one that can top it it's a threesome that involves Nanao being shagged in front of Asumi
POLY END for asumi chan or nothing
Nanao joining Asumi at the borthel is my personal hope for the series to go in, the idea of Nanao getting fucked and Asumi getting jealous is too good. That said I do hope next chapter has a senpai threesome, Asumi even wondering what shes like during it this chapter gives me hope its going that direction.
It was one of the 3 hottest by far
I need a crossover with nakano from "I won't sleep with you for free"
Senpai needs to teach her a lesson already
I've been waiting for them to fuck forever. It'll be so hot.
I can't imagine this arc ending any other way.
Some people enjoy being offended and actively seek out things that they claim to dislike.
Will Kuro-sensei ever up to one chapter a month? This is a brutal wait.
doubt it, she does a hentai doujin pretty much every in between month. I think the bi-monthly wait is awful but it has largely been quality over quantity.

that said, those couple chapters we've gotten where there's no sex scene is the most blueballing shit.
>New chapter is short and has no sex
wow, just like me!
https://x.com/kur0r0/status/1815745953426817070 Is she really just talking about eating pussy here?
Unless I'm missing some slang here, she is talking about touching a cat's belly
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She means cat huffing
very unfortunate google translation then
It's not really a chapter. Just a volume extra.
Guys...we might have to prepare ourselves for a sexless chapter every now and then
Such is the nature of machine translation.
Damn I was super impressed that Kuro was being open about her sex life
No, the real chapter is out, its in yuri hime, its just not translated yet
what's the hold up
How old is Kuro?
It's up. Pretty funny but it stopped right at the bit we all came for.
I can't believe sayaka is already huffing pussy in highschool...
[We'll never get Sempai sex at this rate!]

[Unless this is a fakeout. I hope it is, but Kuro's really teasing on this.]
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>It's up.
Why doesn't Asumi-chan just go to lesbian bars and get free girls?
Brothels like her pillow princess energy more?
because she's ostensibly doing this to track down whatshername.
Will Asumi ever be the domme?
That'll be her condition when doing it with Ouka.
Because bar, only had, ogre grls
Ah, thanks.
Yuri Hime raws with new Asumi chapter are out.
Only slightly disappointed they didn't fuck in the limo
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same, plus i'm really short so it actually makes me feel desirable even if it's just manga wish fulfillment ;u;
still no translation? has this been dropped?
The scanlators are pretty thorough when it comes to typesetting sound effects, so chapters with heavy amounts of smut usually take longer.
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Anon is thiiiis big.
i loved drunk sayaka
Poly is the only correct ending for every yuri
A week over two months, and Chapter 25's still not out!

What's the freakin' holdup?
You need to learn to count Nee-san, it's been 25 days.

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