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Previous Thread: >>3911737
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New season when?
Hopefully soon
>Ever since I met you... I haven't been able to take my eyes off you.
I miss Re:Stage, the one good idol anime.
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Devious dark clan members having a strategy meeting
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That's no squirrel.
If there is one silver lining to Ito's long illness. Its that she gets to watch MahoAko and realize she doesn't have to self censor anywhere near as much as she has.
My magic 8 ball just told me that Momo and Shamiko will get married.
To Liko and Mikan respectively.
As if those were news, we need to know when Ito is gonna be okay.
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Good news!!!
So, is a tentacle a form of a stick?
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New chapter when?
On the 28th!
She is alive and trying to get a chapter into the next issue on the 28th!
She posted on both accounts!
>long time no see! It's alive! However, I'm humbled because I haven't been able to find much time or energy to write manga!
>I want to be a Haishin Elf when the book is published! Watch over the elf who quickly runs out of breath.

Sounds like her state of health is not really changed. Even though we might get a chapter this month.
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Well enough to pretend she doesn't understand what "accept all cookies?" means.
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We are the mazoku who go moo
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Got to get that Mazoku Milk.
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Did someone try to spam this thread off the board?
Maybe. The bump saved it
The board has been under a continuous spam attack for several days, and the mods are doing jackshit about it.
We won't get a chapter this month. Ito is having computer problems. Her and her assistant -yes she HAS an assistant could not solve the problem and are afraid they might lose the entire manuscript. Which was going to be 13 pages and "very important" story-wise.
Tweet string begins here https://twitter.com/izumo_ito/status/1749397285958779282
She is openly asking on Twitter from people who have used Clip Studo 2.0 on PC for advice.
Ganbare shamiauthor, find the issue and deliver on that very important, 13-pages shamimomo tummy kissing
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Ito has resumed daily tweeting as Caraco.
Would this really be a good look for Momo? And really make Shamiko hot like this?
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Mazoku on top
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Rare pairs
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Are they pregnant?
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I'll cave.. When AI art first picked up I toggled the no AI filter on pixiv but these two pictures made me curious to go look and I was surprised to see that Shamiko has a shocking amount of AI art. As a hoarder of Shamiart I now feel compelled to at least save the AI pictures in a separate folder from the true Shamiart.
Stay in your containment thread, AI art scum.
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Shamiko's getting impatient!!
Ryoko will become a aunt when still in Jr High?
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It just occurred to me that if Sakura is a Meji-era Maho Shojo she might have come to realize that Japan and India being the last two polytheistic cultures left- and India at that time being a British colony- she was in danger of becoming a victim of the continually shifting definition of what a "mazoku" was. That started her looking to create a haven for Mazoku in Japan.
Ito didn't do anything for Valentines Day this year...
From C103
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Ito needs to find herself a good husband (female) to take care of her so she is just free to draw.
I wonder what Itou thinks of all the godtier ShamiMomo doujins there are.
Does she read them? All that down time she has when she cant sit to draw.
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Ito is alive and tweeting!
This means that the manuscript has been safely delivered for release next week!
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No chapter again this month in spite of Ito telling everyone on Twitter that she had 13 pages almost finished last month.
Yay! We got a chapter! Looks like 14 pages not the 13 she tweeted about last month.
Also a rare Hidamari Sketch chapter this month.
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But is she healthy enough to masturbate or does she have to get the nurse to finger her?
anri had 3 siblings and they were all culled by suika. She survived due to looking human but still has suitable suppressing her memories
Jesus christ
I did not expect this to get this dark. This is Gakko Gurashi level horror.
I guess this is what happens when the author has a near-death experience.
Does her sickness make her write things like this, or does writing this stuff aggraviates her sickness?
After this I am wondering what delays are health and what are fighting with the editors over how hard core Ito wants to be.
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IIRC the first nightmarish chapter of Suika happened around the time she was into streaming horror games, so it's not just her sickness that makes her write this.
TL has been uploaded to Mangadex.
TS has been uploaded to mangadex.
I counted two seats at the table that had food in front of them but no one sitting in the seats but there were three siblings in Anri's dream. Is one of them unaccounted for? Also did that cow sire Anri's whole family? If the Mazoku eats Anri, would it be cannibalism? Am I missing something, or was this chapter too deep for me?
Anri's little brother is only 3, so he was born since this happened. So three empty spaces turned into two?
Oh, that makes sense. Maybe that's why he keeps saying the word "two", too.
/a/ is convinced that there was a third child that was not one of Anri's siblings that died with them.
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People say there is a shorter ghost here on the cover in front of the ghost on the right, so under Anmitsu's butt.
Sometimes I honestly forget that /a/ exists.
So what is the fallout going to be from Shamiko hiding that Anri's three siblings were killed because of Momo delivering their address to Suika? Is the relationship hell going to be as bad as the physical horror in this chapter?
Depends if Anri can must er to feel anything for people whose existence she can't remember.
But she is ultimately going to help Anri get her memories back, right? Or is she going to attempt to repeat her feat of Ugallu and bring them back to life
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Ryo wearing the fluffy pajamas that Guison picked out in case she came to the sleepover at Anri's.
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Lick moozoku
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One week till we find out if we have a chapter coming. We should, because the computer incident should have left Ito one chapter ahead.

Watch it not get sent solely because she is in the hospital and she just can't send the file with the finished manuscript and her assistant doesn't have the password for her computer...
Wouldn't be so bad if we at least had the Sunshine Arrow translations for the last few chapters.
They still have not been translated?
Only /a/non scanslations
I wonder what's going on. I think some of the SA team were busy with their lives, but it's been a long time now.
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How many lives would have been saved?
Pussy is no substitute for massacres. They go in different stomachs.
"Tales of..." artist Inomata Musumi death was announced today. Thats the third one this month.

Three days until Ito has to turn in her manuscript. Usually she tweets that day or the next. Pray.
Surely, death's books must be balanced out now, right?
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Lol as if Momo is going to be topping.
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>the one good idol anime
That's PriPara though
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Does it count as cheating if it's with your mother-in-law?
No chapter again this month.
She should have been one chapter ahead after the computer incident. But apparently she got sick right after and hasn't worked in really two months.
Mazoku on top!
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Yes.. Place the mazoku on top, quickly now.
I just got to the chapter where Momo dreams of Shamiko about to eat a very wet peach. Mazoku on top indeed.
"Peel the peach and eat the peach. Peel the peach and eat the peach..."
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Mazoku dominance
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Learn how to defeat fearsome mazoku with this simple trick!
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Mazoku on top!!
This is a joyful and wondrous image. The only thing to improve is making the difference in bust size a bit more obvious to better express the shortstack/tallflat dynamic.
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Shamiko wearing Momo's neko matsuri t-shirt excites me
Why does Momo have panties but not Shamiko?
Mazokus get wet more easily.
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Ito tweeted! She is working on a chapter. But her lung disease has kept her from working the last couple months. Again.
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Ito tweeted again today on the Elf channel.
She cant draw 'at a professional level' right now because of muscle weakness. Sounds like the ataxia might have returned. She is trying to plant flowers in a 2m area in the back yard of the house she is at.
She wrote last year when she came back from the LONG hiatus that she had left the apartment in Greater Tokyo where her electrical bill kept raping her stimulus check to 'the town I grew up in'. Today she described where she is staying as 'our old rundown house' but it had a garden.
I am thinking that she has had to move back in with her parents. Maybe her imouto. But moved in with family.
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So, why has Ito NOT done a chapter about Momo and Shamiko getting the duty of taking Ryoko to shop for a bra shoved on them and the resulting outing crashed by Mikan and Shion?
Just think of what that ordeal would be for Momo, finding out how close Ryo's bra size is to hers and having to watch Shamiko, Mikan, and Shion try stuff on...
somewhere along Momo gets forced into a lift and separate that does give her projection but makes her look like she has banana's growing from her chest...
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Damn. First Masatsuka Chii tries to kill herself and now this. I just want my favorite mangaka to be happy and healthy.
>happy and healthy.
Incompatible with being a serialised mangaka.
Wow, this seems bad, but I don't know how to judge how bad,
Ito is taking commissions on skeb in order to "rehab" and get in practice drawing again. No Kirara titles though for legal reasons.
And then:
>I will be grateful to use the illustration fees to buy things like migraine medication (Mgarti Raybo) and pen refills, which are putting a strain on my household finances!

Sounds suspiciously like Hobunsha/Kirara are no longer paying her even if Machikado Mazoku has not technically been axed. Though legally they would have to pay her the copywrite fee for sales of the books and discs already printed. And Kirara Fantasia, that would have been another copywrite royalty check is now gone...
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Its not great for the manga (means its on hiatus for a bit), but it isn't bad for Ito. She'll atleast be around and drawing in the meantime and her editor was fine with it. My guess is the money might also be due to the weak yen. It's not great but also good that we're not in limbo weather she's alive or not.
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I wish there was more Seiko/Shamiko art.
Maybe her spouse got laid off or they separated, resulting in this financial burden?
I don't think Ito has a spouse. If she does they are really neglectful the last 5 years.
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I'd like to help her out but $150 USD is my gas and phone bill for the month. I wouldn't even know what to request anyway. I wonder if she's comfortable drawing porn.
Ito has already stopped taking comissions! Her que filled up that fast!
Gifs. Lots of Gifs.
I bet she would like Onee-sama and the Giant.
Joshua's voice actor died of penumonia...
This show is cursed.
Sisters, maybe Suika is real...
I wish, because then I could fix her.
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What the fuck. He was only 68 too. S3 won't be the same without his ganbare Shamikos.
Oh God. RIP shamidad.
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Mazoku on top
As she should be.
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someone please pay her (im broke)
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Ito should tweet again in 5 days if she was able to finish her comissions.
Wonder what happened to the comissions? Ito hasn't tweeted.
Ito retweeted a Tweet made on the 18th, so she’s still alive. My guess is they aren’t ready yet. She made the commission account on the 15th so and it may be more than a month for commissions. We’ll have to wait and see but there are at least signs of life.
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Wow it really has been 10 years.
10th anniversary!
And so muted because Ito can't draw for it.
So they're working adults now, right?
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No, less than six months has passed in the manga.
Ten years to draw six months.
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Oh Momo, you silly girl.

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